Past Players of Da Flying Snotsman Big Uns
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
13 | Durgat Treebasher | Orc Lineman | 3 | 5 | Animosity, Wrestle | |
1 | Grazob Ogrebrook | Big Un Blocker | 2 | 4 | Animosity, Kick | -av |
9 | Oghash Ogrethar | Thrower | 4 | 0 | Sure Hands, Pass, Animosity | d |
10 | Gularzob Zombiehawk | Untrained Troll | 8 | 3 | Mighty Blow, Always Hungry, Loner, Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate | |
12 | Othmash Lizardbrook | Orc Lineman | 11 | 28 | Animosity, Fend, Dauntless, Block, Shadowing | |
12 | Mash Elfdevourer | Goblin | 8 | 13 | Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Sneaky Git, Safe Pair of Hands | d |
14 | Mor Lizardgor | Orc Lineman | 13 | 3 | Animosity, Fend | |
9 | Dushnamub Ghoulburner | Orc Lineman | 9 | 0 | Animosity | |
9 | Ghamonk Vampirehawk | Blitzer | 12 | 5 | Block, Animosity | n, m |
7 | Ghorbash Wolfbrother | Blitzer | 12 | 4 | Block, Animosity, Stand Firm | -ma |
5 | Kharag Trollchopper | Blitzer | 11 | 13 | Block, Animosity, Pro, Pile Driver, Juggernaut | m |
3 | Balagog Lizardseer | Big Un Blocker | 11 | 4 | Animosity | n, m, d |
1 | Ghorbash Skeletonchewer | Big Un Blocker | 8 | 2 | Animosity | -av |