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* * * Did you know? The fouliest player is Bruce Wayne XVII with 2010 fouls.
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Past Players of Bunny's Group
Team Page
4Help on its wayLineman22m, n
6Jane DoeLineman34d
7John DoeLineman26d
9JoeLineman41-av, d
9Drowning RatLineman22d
12Rats go SplatLineman1211Blockd
14What a WimpGutter Runner1433Dodge, Horns, +AG, +STn, d
13Whats the pointGutter Runner4070Dodge, Horns, Block, Side Step, +AGn, m, n
13Return Of ME!!!!!!!Gutter Runner10Dodged
16Time To DieGutter Runner4588Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Pass Block, Tacklen, -av, m, n
13Road RunnerGutter Runner313Dodge, Blockd
7Fcuked off with deathLineman4842Block, Guard, Tacklen, d
11Death is watching!Lineman4444Block, Tackle, Claw-ma, -ag, d
14Left behindGutter Runner2966Dodge, Side Step, Block, +MA, Sure Hands-ag, d
10Deader than DeadLineman1416Block, Tacklem, n
9Forever DyingLineman97Blockm, n
1Why Not!Rat Ogre10Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animald
11As Dead as a Dead Thing!!Gutter Runner622Dodge, Side Step, Guardm, n
16HIT ME!!! U FOOLLineman10m, n
15Another LifeLineman76Block 
15Good Rat, Dead Rat!Lineman10m, n
6OUCH!!!!Lineman5552Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Prod
9POW!! Dead.Lineman1411Blockd
10Leave Me ALONE!!!!Lineman1810Blockd
9Life BeginsLineman53m, n
13An even newer runner!!Gutter Runner35106Dodge, Side Step, Block, Leap, Shadowing, Pass Blockd
3Deaths DoorStorm Vermin93120Block, Tackle, Horns, Guard, +MA, Dodge-ma, n, -av, m, -av
11Flush me!Gutter Runner1949Dodge, Side Step, Block, Leapn, d
6Are you REAL?Lineman1119Block, Tackled
12as fast as...a Fast Thing!Gutter Runner49130Dodge, Side Step, Block, Dauntless, Leap, +MA, +MAn, m, n
3GolgomothStorm Vermin63Blockd
14Last ChanceGutter Runner3276Dodge, Block, Side Step, Leap, Pass Blockn, d
10You're Jokin' Right?Lineman1312Blockm, n
9I'm Invincible!Lineman50d
6Is That Your Best Shot?Lineman60m, n
5Oh my God!Lineman3632Foul Appearance, Block, Tackled
13A New RunnerGutter Runner1649Dodge, +MA, Side Step, Blockn
4No Block Can HurtsLineman97106Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, +MA, Kick-av, d
7Getting thereLineman4839Block, Tackle, Kickn, d
10A slow climbLineman66Blockm, n
1AG 2 sucksRat Ogre415Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard 
6Emu is over for nowLineman66Blockm, -st
3GolgomothStorm Vermin1719Block, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, n
13Fresh startGutter Runner41Dodged
12Nuffle is my BitchGutter Runner2181Dodge, Block, Catch, Pass Block, Dauntlessd
15sick of losingLineman30 
3GolgomothStorm Vermin711Block, Tackled
4OUCHGutter Runner16Dodge, +AGm, n
14AV7 FragileLineman811Block-ag, m, n
13An elf will no skill can hurt as much as RSCLineman10d
12PaulhicksGutter Runner1247Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Strip Ballm, n
8Life SucksLineman7460Block, Tackle, +MA, Guard-ma, -ma, d
7UnluckyLineman2131Block, Guardd
7Why BotherLineman12m, n
6recoveryLineman1825Block, +AGm, n
11Short LivedGutter Runner2160Dodge, Block, Catch, Pass Block, Shadowing-av, m, n
13An Elf Dp hurts too!!!Lineman56Blockm, n
9DropdeadfredLineman2328Block, Kickm, n
6Random My A$$Lineman72m, n
41's and skullsGutter Runner2451Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Horns, Tacklen
13PainfulGutter Runner612Dodge, Blockd
11DropDeadFredGutter Runner624Dodge, +MA, Blockm, n
4Death's DoorstepLineman50m
3GolgomothStorm Vermin3447Block, +MA, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, n
11Random my A$$Lineman26d
1CalonJrnRat Ogre44100Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Tackle, Multiple Block, Razor Sharp Claws, Guardn
10inquisitorpustusGutter Runner4981Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Pass Blockn, d
13DropDeadFredGutter Runner1788Dodge, +AG, Block, Leap, Nerves of Steel, Pass Block 
12LopGutter Runner1555Dodge, +AG, Block, Leap, Sprintn
11AloneAndBurnedGutter Runner1427Dodge, Block, Dauntless-ag
10inquisitorpustusGutter Runner732Dodge, Block, Shadowing, Pass Blockn
9raztaLineman2817Guard, Claw-av, m
8DocnessunoLineman3680Claw, Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Razor Sharp Claws-ma
7ClaesLineman3959Block, Tackle, Kick, Strip Balln, d
6LtMonkeyLineman2927Block, Dirty Playern
5CronosLineman4843Block, Tackle, +MAm, n
4DropDeadFredThrower44Pass, Sure Hands 
3GolgomothStorm Vermin1718Block, Tackle, Mighty Blowd
2BunnypuncherStorm Vermin1310Block, Tacklem, n
1CalonRat Ogre1319Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Tackled