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Past Players of Aesthetic Umbrae
Team Page
8RethaliatorirLineman616Block, +AGd
9EuphoniusThrower59Pass, Dodged
8VinthictirLineman43-ma, n, m
5LithalLineman1911Blockn, -ma, d
11HermioneWitch Elf1016Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Stepn
8BaelphulLineman171m, n
5PernithiusLineman1820Guard, Block-av, m, n
15ThemoniacBlitzer2342Block, Tackle, Side Step, Dodge-av, m, n
4LicentiusLineman10m, -ma
11LunaWitch Elf1929Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Mighty Blowm, n
1DefamathorirLineman3521Guard, Dodgem, n
6KalumniusLineman2121Guard, Dodged
8ScanthalusLineman1019Block, Side Stepd
7VienthirLineman1532Dodge, Dirty Player, Blockn
4ImmoraalLineman108Blockn, m, -ma
1ThrenshanthLineman129Dodgem, -st
1TarthLineman10m, -av
15SathisthirBlitzer1717Block, Tackle, Side Step-ma, m, n
10GlindaWitch Elf1333Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Blockn
12SavacheBlitzer3461Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Step, Tacklem, n
15ElphabaWitch Elf914Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Blockd
11BarbarusBlitzer1016Block, Dodge, Strip Ballm, n
10HathulBlitzer616Block, Guardd
11AcethikBlitzer30Blockm, n
5DepraalLineman388Kick-ag, d
7DetoriorathLineman2735Block, Side Step, Guardn
1CorrothLineman1931Block, Kick, Side Stepm, -av
3OxidithLineman1620Guard, Mighty Blowm, n
2IrascibilLineman4355Block, +AG, Dodge, +AGn, d
6VinegarirLineman4348Block, Tackle, Side Stepd
6BithirLineman10m, n
11AstringenthBlitzer1521Block, Dodge, Strip Ballm, -ag
9HarmoniusThrower3955Pass, Accurate, Dodge, +MA, Sure Handsd
3PevethLineman1113Blockm, n
4VilainusLineman4122Block, Dirty Playerm, n
13VichethBlitzer4164Block, Dodge, Guard, Side Step, Tackled
13TormenthBlitzer11Blockm, n
10DoloresWitch Elf2540Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Tackled
15BellatrixWitch Elf2141Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, +AG, Side Stepm, n
8VecsirLineman5626Block, Guardn, d
4GallingirLineman1729Block, Dodge-ma, m, n
12AbracirBlitzer3931Block, Tackle, Dodge, Strip Balln
7MordanthLineman3236Guard, Block, Side Stepd
1CaustikLineman2940+AG, Dodge, +AGn, m, n
5AcerbirLineman306Block-ma, d
11AkrimoniusBlitzer2840Block, Dirty Player, Dodge, Side Stepd
15MaeganWitch Elf927Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, +AG, Block-av, m, n
2SardonithLineman4141+AG, Dodge, +MAd
11KeenBlitzer822Block, Dodge, +STd
14ThrenodyBlitzer70129Block, +MA, Guard, Mighty Blow, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklen
5KnellallLineman1116Block, Side Stepm, n
9EleghyLineman3125Block, Kick-av, d
12ExigenthBlitzer2136Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Stepm, n
4DirgilithLineman2346Block, Guard, Dodged
6GatheousLineman4878Block, Dodge, +AG, Side Step, Diving Tackle-ma, n
6EthereanLineman30m, n
1VaporusLineman3247+AG, Block, Dirty Player-ag, m, n
16SabineWitch Elf4779Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Pass Blockm, n
4DampheLineman1517+MA, Blockm, n
1ChyerlethLineman15m, n
15BiancaWitch Elf2460Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Tackled
13AgonnisBlitzer63130Block, Tackle, +AG, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Sure Handsm, n
12AphlictiirBlitzer2654Block, +MA, Tackle, Dodge, Side Stepm, -st
10DithmalBlitzer3015Block, Tacklem, -st
14MagikaWitch Elf1834Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklen
12KaarkoolBlitzer46Block, Tackled
3AeleganthThrower80147Pass, +MA, +MA, Block, Accurate, +AG, Dodge-av, d
15KeziahWitch Elf1715Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Mighty Blown, d
15CruellaWitch Elf10Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzyd
14HepzibahWitch Elf1021Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Diving Tackle-av, d
5OvirkasthLineman4454Block, Pass Block, Dirty Player, Dodgem, n
10NigrescentBlitzer1748Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Balld
11MellanoirBlitzer6082Block, Guard, Dodge, Side Step, +ST, Tacklen, m, n
4OnligthadLineman1926Block, Side Step-ma, d
6ThenebrusLineman1538+MA, +ST, Blockn, d
7SonlethLineman81161+AG, Block, Dodge, Sure Hands, +AG, Side Stepd
8StygianLineman7492Block, Kick, Side Step, Dodge, +MAd
13EbonBlitzer3295Block, +MA, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Shadowingn, d
14TingelingWitch Elf1131Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Block, Diving Tacklen, m, n
1AerthistirThrower2028Pass, +AG, Blockn, m, n
14CharybdisWitch Elf38Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Mighty Blowd
5SootiLineman2453+MA, Block, Side Step, Dodge-av, n, d
8ZombirLineman1421Block, Kickd
2ShadidLineman7745Block, Diving Tackle, Side Step-ag, d
11ShadowBlitzer32100Block, +AG, Leap, Guard, Dodge, Side Stepn, d
7RailessLineman1915Blockn, m, n
7OpaakLineman10m, -av
8NebulusLineman1320Guard, Blockn, m, n
11SableBlitzer1130Block, Tackle, Dodged
12RavenBlitzer66126Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Dauntless, Mighty Blow, Jump Up-st, -ma, n
11OnyxBlitzer614Block, Dodged
8MurcirLineman1123+MA, Guardd
12ObsidianBlitzer625Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, d
7MisthirLineman2110Blockn, m, -av
6LurithLineman4144Block, Side Step, Dodgen, -ma, m, n
4InventhivirThrower4577Pass, Strong Arm, Accurate, Safe Throw, Catch, Dodgen
3AesthaethirThrower4250Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, Dodgem, n
15ScyllaWitch Elf71160Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, +MA, +ST, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +MA-ma, -av, d
15MedusaWitch Elf30Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzyd
14BelladonnaWitch Elf51129Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, +ST, Block, Side Step, Tackle, Guardn, n
13NightBlitzer6456Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Dodge, Side Step-ma, n, d
12JetBlitzer2245Block, Dodge, +MA, Side Stepn, m, n
11ShadeBlitzer3152Block, +MA, Tackle, Guard, Dodgen, d
10UmbraBlitzer76177Block, +MA, Dodge, Guard, Side Step, +MA, Diving Tackle, Tackle-av, n
9InciLineman135142Block, Dirty Player, Side Step, Dodge, Diving Tackle, Tacklem, -av
8FaenthLineman2321Block, Guardn, m, n
6DraabLineman1916Kick, Blockn, d
5KrepuskulirLineman5655Block, Guard, +AG, Kick-ma, m, n
4KluuduLineman1817Guard, Blockn, d
3KaliginusLineman141n, -av
2AtramantusLineman259Blockn, d
1AphotirLineman4749Block, Kick, Side Stepd