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Past Players of Don't get Mad - Get even
Team Page
11TulipLineman26Blockm, n
7The BugTreeman10Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firmm, n
13Funky MonkeyTreeman14Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firmm, n
7Ali bobaLineman514Blockd
7Killer clownCatcher18Catch, Dodged
13Marlon BrandoLineman21d
6VisineWardancer53Leap, Block, Dodged
14Bus #8Thrower1115Pass, Accuratem, n
2Romper StomperWardancer413Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blowd
11GuldklumpenLineman2640+MA, Tackle, Blockd
10GarfunkelLineman1616Guard, Blockm, n
7FatimaLineman1625Block, +AGm, n
9Idiot BenzinLineman3651Guard, Dodge, Block, Side Step 
5GeezeerLineman2432Block, Dodge, Diving Tackle-st, d
2Last man standingLineman723Block, Dodged
10Jolly JumperLineman10d
2MegamanLineman56+MAm, n
1TrooperLineman2447Block, Tackle, Dodgem, n
14muttiCatcher60Catch, Dodgem, n
14Mini YouLineman21d
13FandangoLineman2314Dirty Playerd
1ElasticoCatcher57Catch, Dodge, Dirty Playerd
10FiskLineman66Blockm, n
12Trut!Lineman189Dirty Playerd
5JokerWardancer1531Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ball, Mighty Blowm, n, n
8YamamotoLineman3050+MA, Tackle, Blockd
5HighlanderLineman111Dirty Playern
6Hong KongWardancer3361Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, +AG, Strip Ballm, n
7FarmandThrower2027Pass, Guard, Blockd
6CandyWardancer20Leap, Block, Dodged
6BullyWardancer36Leap, Block, Dodge, Tacklen
2MooseLineman2041Mighty Blow, +AG, Blockn, d
1Double-UpLineman1716Dirty Player, Block-av, -ma, m, n
14TubaCatcher2355Catch, Dodge, Guard, Block, +AG, Dauntlessm, n
6Monkey BoyLineman917Dirty Player, Blockn
13Bling BlingLineman2620Block, Dirty Playerm, n
12NookieLineman1733Mighty Blow, Block, Tacklen, m
8DiligencenWardancer1520Leap, Block, Dodge, +MA, Tackle-av, d
10AnchormanLineman2858Mighty Blow, Block, Tackle, Pron
7CookLineman116Blockm, n
6PrinceLineman816Dirty Player, Blockd
4Mort WalkerLineman4239+ST, Frenzy, Block-av, m, n
1CannonLineman1526Block, Tacklem, n
6PhantomLineman25m, -st
5NiglingWardancer2862Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Frenzy-ma, d
8Steaming WillyLineman1219Block, Dirty Playerm, n
5DinoLineman23m, -st
4Simon da ThumbLineman96Blockd
3Wesley SnipesTreeman7678Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Piling On, Block-ag, -av, m, n
10ElectroCatcher10Catch, Dodged
15BachelorCatcher2226Catch, Dodge, Dirty Player, Blockd
13BMFWardancer1732Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, +AG, Tacklen
12John TravoltaLineman2118Block, Tackled
10Moby DickLineman66Blockn
7FarmandLineman2252Mighty Blow, Tackle, Dauntless, Blockn
8UnicareLineman1529Block, Tackle-ma, d
4KommumanLineman1416Block, Tacklem, n
9MeatpieLineman69122+AG, Block, Tackle, Shadowing, Side Stepm, n
8Dr. RobotLineman40m, n
4NatasWardancer42Leap, Block, Dodged
15StarshipCatcher99Catch, Dodge, +AGd
11Rigtig JuiceLineman8042Dirty Player, Block, Kickd
10Dr. ÖetkerLineman1112+AGm, n
7MagicLineman1722Dirty Player, Blockm, n
14Supaa HoCatcher2852Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Tacklen
10Bitter PillCatcher33Catch, Dodged
9MongolianLineman1220Dirty Player, Blockd
5Cap. JackThrower3631Pass, Block, Tackle, +AGd
7Mango ManiacLineman618Block, Dodgem, n
6BanditWardancer4551Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Shadowing, Side Step, Sure Handsn, d
2Don JuanLineman6431Dirty Player, Block, Dodgem, n
12Bam BamThrower3157Pass, Accurate, Block, Tackle, +MAd
11Super TihlerLineman156Guardd
1Replacement KillerLineman5060+MA, Tackle, +ST, Blockn
9Le Big MacThrower1222Pass, Accurate, Nerves of Steeld
4PandaLineman2949Frenzy, Block, Tackled
7Berger BamLineman1220Block, Dodgem, n
13Heavy BomberLineman3036Tackle, +MA, Blockd
12Viggo VoldsbananThrower1531Pass, +MA, Accurate, Dodge-ag
11Tutti FruttiLineman87Blockd
8Prince HarmingWardancer41108Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Shadowing, Side Step, Pro-av, d
6Nuclear SubWardancer3279Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Pass Block, Mighty Blow, Jump Up, Shadowingn
5Golden BoyLineman3628Dirty Player, Blockn
4Sgt. BarnesLineman2034Tackle, Block, Strip Balln
1Lost Boy SquadLineman2747Mighty Blow, Block, Tacklem, n
11Nuked EggsLineman10m, n
10BongoLineman3849+ST, Block, Dodgen
9Nuttin No GoLineman2131Block, Dodge, +MAm, n
1AtillaLineman86Dirty Playerd
6Mikael ShoemakerLineman87Blockd
1GoofyLineman20m, n
6Citizen KajCatcher418Catch, Dodge, Pass Block, Blockn
15Menu ManThrower4182Pass, Accurate, Block, Dodge, Guard, +MAn, m, n
14Cha ChaLineman1418Block, Mighty Blowm, n
10TulipLineman1318Dirty Player, Blockm, -st
9Scary ToesLineman111d
6SukkerfarLineman66Dirty Playerd
8Bam!Wardancer2550Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, +AG, Side Stepd
7NegativeLineman4553Guard, Block, +ST, Mighty Blowm, n
4MuttiLineman2645Mighty Blow, Piling On, +STn, m, -av
2FletcherLineman6056Dirty Player, Kick, +ST, Block-ag, d
3Mr BigTreeman103102Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Piling On, Blockn, m, n
9Shhh!!Lineman616Frenzy, Blockd
13JuOnThrower2634Pass, Accurate, Block, Safe Throwd
8MulanWardancer1326Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepn, m
5AnimalLineman3740Block, Dodge, Tackled
3Bad boyWardancer17Leap, Block, Dodged
3FanfareLineman15m, -av
9John WayneLineman1111Blockm, -av
12Meat LoveWardancer52161Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Step, +MA, Diving Tackle, +MAn
11Family TripLineman3742Block, Dodge, Tackled
10Mr TLineman2145+AG, Leap, Pass Block-ma, m, n
9Topper HarleyLineman52d
8CompeteLineman65m, n
7IdentificationLineman2220Dirty Player, Kickm, n
6Van dammitLineman2529Guard, Blockm, n
5Steven SeagalLineman46Mighty Blowm, n
4CesaerLineman1718Tackle, Blockm, n
3Poke-my-MoonLineman614Blockm, -st
2LearnLineman2137Block, Tackle, Dodge-ag, m, n
1PochahontasLineman3939Block, Dodge, Tacklen