Past Players of Norsca Nova
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
13 | Elreken the Great | Catcher | 1 | 0 | Block, Catch | m, n |
15 | Zara the Slayer | Star Player | 0 | 0 | Block, Dodge, Jump Up, Dauntless, Star, Stakes | |
7 | Naal Liscarl | Lineman | 7 | 5 | Block | m, n |
14 | Ubenor | Lineman | 17 | 9 | Block, Dirty Player | d |
5 | Angry Jeff | Lineman | 1 | 0 | Block | d |
13 | Regnak the Determined | Catcher | 18 | 46 | Block, Catch, Dodge, Side Step, Sure Feet | m, n |
11 | Orgl' Redhat | Ogre | 26 | 33 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Guard, Multiple Block | d |
11 | Markus | Lineman | 4 | 0 | Block | m |
9 | Andre | Lineman | 10 | 3 | Block | |
7 | Jesper | Lineman | 16 | 17 | Block, Tackle, Dirty Player | n |
6 | Anders | Lineman | 31 | 29 | Block, Dirty Player, Dodge | d |
5 | Lars Sureshot | Thrower | 13 | 34 | Block, Pass, +AG, Accurate, Safe Throw | d |
3 | Henrik Heiderson | Blitzer | 18 | 36 | Block, Jump Up, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard | d |
1 | Ulrik Thundercharge | Blitzer | 7 | 13 | Block, Jump Up, Frenzy, +AG | d |