| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
1 | Zal'darn the Cruel | Blitzer | 9 | 19 | Block, Tackle, Dauntless | -st |
1 | Zanthar the Magnificent | Blitzer | 2 | 7 | Block, +MA | d |
12 | Moldarson the Executioner | Lineman | 9 | 3 | | -av, m, n |
13 | Jurius the Destroyer | Lineman | 8 | 9 | Dirty Player | n, m, n |
11 | Moldar the Executioner | Lineman | 4 | 5 | | d |
12 | Erimus the Envious | Lineman | 8 | 7 | Block | d |
1 | Zuldan the Glorious | Blitzer | 16 | 52 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Catch | -st |
4 | Gundar the Gruesome | Blitzer | 28 | 71 | Block, Dodge, +AG, Nerves of Steel, Pass Block | n, d |
11 | Saurid'n the Zealous | Lineman | 17 | 17 | Block, Diving Tackle | n |
13 | Haridan the Unjust | Lineman | 25 | 28 | +AG, Nerves of Steel | -ma, m, n |
12 | Mo'rathson the Executioner | Lineman | 12 | 5 | | -av, m, n |
4 | Zun'dan the Mighty | Blitzer | 15 | 37 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, Guard | d |
6 | Le'lith the Cruel | Witch Elf | 45 | 79 | Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Tackle, Leap | d |
2 | Gul'darn the Grim | Blitzer | 23 | 49 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step | n, m, n |
4 | Xa'vien the Zealous | Blitzer | 7 | 23 | Block, Dodge, Tackle | d |
5 | Katarina the Callous | Witch Elf | 65 | 95 | Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Dauntless, Block, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tackle | n, m, n |
7 | Serileus the Enslaver | Thrower | 77 | 167 | Pass, Strong Arm, Safe Throw, Accurate, Catch, Dodge, +AG | -av |
3 | Artemius the Arrogant | Blitzer | 45 | 85 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, Guard, Side Step, Diving Tackle | -ag, n, m, n |
2 | Maligar the Malignant | Blitzer | 15 | 35 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, Guard | n, m |
7 | Kel'thar the Recantor | Lineman | 4 | 6 | Block | m, n |
8 | Vlad the Impaler | Lineman | 24 | 16 | Block, Tackle | -ma, -av, m, n |
10 | Zun'tar the Merciless | Lineman | 71 | 110 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Guard | d |
11 | Es'traiker the Malcontent | Lineman | 22 | 16 | Dodge, Kick | -av, m, n |
12 | Ur'noth the Cruel | Lineman | 14 | 24 | Block, Dodge | d |
13 | Mo'rath the Executioner | Lineman | 26 | 42 | Block, Guard, Dodge | d |
14 | Kel'darn the Immoral | Lineman | 64 | 97 | Block, +AG, Dodge, Nerves of Steel, Pass Block | n |
15 | Zanthar the Nefarious | Lineman | 30 | 24 | Guard, Block | n, m, n |
16 | Uranor the Ugly | Lineman | 10 | 7 | Block | m, n |
1 | Zoltar the Magnificent | Blitzer | 44 | 98 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, Leap, +ST, Jump Up | n, d |