| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
1 | No Age Rulez | Bull Centaur | 9 | 18 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Sure Hands | m, n |
1 | Ageing Rulez arez Stupidz | Bull Centaur | 8 | 17 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Step | -ag |
1 | Age Rule Cost Me Bullz | Bull Centaur | 17 | 33 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow | -ma, n |
3 | Rötez Leifez | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 37 | 23 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, +ST, Guard | d |
11 | Aggein Rulez Blowz | Bull Centaur | 19 | 81 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Sure Hands, +AG, +MA, Tackle | n |
8 | McItHurts | Hobgoblin | 5 | 5 | | m, n |
1 | Aginz Zuchz | Bull Centaur | 6 | 31 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, +AG, Sure Hands | n |
13 | Fætter | Hobgoblin | 23 | 14 | Block | m, n |
9 | Ester | Hobgoblin | 39 | 43 | Block, Kick, Guard | m, n |
10 | Bubaz Kuzz | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 35 | 38 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow, Pro | d |
7 | Arni | Hobgoblin | 6 | 0 | | m, n |
12 | T'is Zuckz | Bull Centaur | 11 | 35 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Sure Hands, Dodge | n |
10 | H'rak Ruzter | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 6 | 0 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle | d |
5 | Ankel Hurtz | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 22 | 36 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow, Pro | n |
10 | Charakz Sprintz | Bull Centaur | 7 | 10 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Stand Firm | d |
1 | Michael Stinkovich | Bull Centaur | 22 | 82 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Stand Firm, Block, Sure Hands, Mighty Blow, Tackle | n |
10 | Zraktookz Splitz | Bull Centaur | 2 | 0 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet | m, n |
14 | Rodragaz Raztata | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 31 | 14 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard | m, n |
12 | Zaragon Blowz | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 18 | 22 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm | d |
11 | Guildz Rozenkranz | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 28 | 19 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm | -av, n |
13 | Banjo the Clown | Hobgoblin | 30 | 9 | Kick | n |
9 | Smirnoof | Hobgoblin | 21 | 5 | | n, m, -ag |
8 | Bubka | Hobgoblin | 38 | 40 | Block, +ST, Tackle | d |
7 | Arni Bob | Hobgoblin | 7 | 8 | Kick | n, d |
6 | The Flass | Hobgoblin | 29 | 31 | +AG, Block, +AG | n |
5 | Draganz Spurtz | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 18 | 12 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Stand Firm | d |
4 | Bobbi Fetz | Hobgoblin | 30 | 28 | Block, Dodge | d |
3 | Ruzzak Bojst | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 40 | 52 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow, Pro, Stand Firm | n |
2 | Arzenik Brazzikz | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 31 | 24 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, +ST, Guard | n |
1 | Zhirut | Bull Centaur | 9 | 31 | Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, +AG, Sure Hands | n, m, -st |