| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
15 | Dalmi Treestrider | Lineman | 11 | 32 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block | n |
13 | Gandal Fastfoot | Catcher | 7 | 17 | Catch, Dodge, +ST | d |
10 | Hadlis Fastfoot | Wardancer | 22 | 41 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Tackle, Diving Tackle | d |
8 | Ah Why The Heck Not | Lineman | 12 | 17 | Guard | -ma, d |
7 | Baldor Smartstep | Wardancer | 1 | 6 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Guard | n |
2 | Smash Talloak | Treeman | 15 | 28 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Block, Dodge | d |
2 | Why The Heck Not | Lineman | 2 | 19 | Block, Catch | n |
1 | Lentra Miststep | Lineman | 37 | 77 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Tackle, Leap | n |
1 | Vargus Fasthop | Wardancer | 3 | 19 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Pass Block | d |
15 | Sharma Quickrunner | Lineman | 11 | 30 | Block, Dodge | d |
12 | Corbal Nibblefoot | Wardancer | 9 | 19 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Tackle | d |
16 | Dalmar Softfoot | Lineman | 27 | 56 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Catch | n |
12 | Grif Treestride | Wardancer | 5 | 18 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Dirty Player | n |
15 | Magi Tallfoot | Lineman | 24 | 50 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block | d |
14 | Caldor Freestep | Catcher | 78 | 180 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Dump Off, Sure Feet, Block, Pass Block, Leap, Side Step | -av, -st, n |
5 | Gawan Truestride | Lineman | 46 | 39 | Block, Dodge, Guard | n, m, -ma |
10 | Margas Leafstepper | Lineman | 36 | 66 | Block, +ST, Dodge, Guard | -av, d |
9 | Tolis Smartleap | Wardancer | 48 | 94 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Side Step, Tackle, +ST, Guard | n, n |
12 | Goril Fasthop | Wardancer | 31 | 75 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Guard, Side Step, +MA | -ag, m, n |
3 | Rain Shadowstep | Catcher | 11 | 26 | Catch, Dodge, Dirty Player, Sprint | d |
13 | Toral Fasthand | Thrower | 72 | 155 | Pass, Dodge, Block, +ST, Dump Off, Nerves of Steel, Tackle | -av, d |
12 | Balia Lighthop | Wardancer | 5 | 6 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step | d |
11 | Phoenix Lifebringer | Lineman | 75 | 60 | Block, Dodge, Guard, Pass Block | d |
5 | Toole Mistwalker | Lineman | 26 | 42 | Guard, Block, Dodge | -av, d |
4 | Taggert Quickdancer | Catcher | 67 | 241 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Sure Feet, Dirty Player, Block, Side Step, Pass Block | -av, n |
11 | Man I Really Hate This Game | Lineman | 1 | 13 | Block | m, n |
10 | Durell Quickstep | Wardancer | 19 | 40 | Leap, Block, Dodge, +MA, +AG, Pass Block | m, n |
1 | Ax Talloak | Treeman | 74 | 78 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Block, Guard, Pro, Dodge, Sprint | n, n |
9 | Wow I Might Make It | Lineman | 21 | 31 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block | d |
2 | Well Here Goes Nothing | Lineman | 84 | 208 | Block, +AG, Dodge, Pass Block, +AG, Leap, Tackle | n |
3 | Someday I Won't Niggle | Catcher | 17 | 36 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Accurate, Block | -av, d |
2 | Ah Why Not | Lineman | 2 | 16 | Block, Dodge | n |
7 | Here We Go Again | Lineman | 89 | 144 | +AG, Block, Dodge, +ST, Leap, Pass Block | n, m |
2 | Ah Why Not | Lineman | 2 | 25 | Block, Guard | n |
6 | Never Give Up | Lineman | 56 | 89 | Block, Dodge, +MA, Pass Block, +MA | d |
4 | Valen Fasthop | Wardancer | 14 | 52 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Strip Ball, Tackle, Diving Tackle | n |
3 | Will It Ever Stop | Lineman | 6 | 33 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block | n |
2 | I Hate This Game | Lineman | 4 | 32 | Block, Guard, Dodge | n |
5 | Duress Quickdancer | Catcher | 17 | 79 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Pass Block, Dump Off | n, -st |
3 | Boreli Farstep | Lineman | 2 | 17 | Block, +AG | n |
1 | Mari Lightwalker | Lineman | 16 | 51 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Catch | -av, n |
10 | Valen Quickdancer | Catcher | 6 | 76 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Pass Block, Dump Off, Block | n |
9 | Ax Talloak | Treeman | 13 | 17 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Block, Tackle | n |
6 | Taris Speedstep | Lineman | 12 | 36 | +ST, Block, Dodge | n |
3 | Quill Nimblefoot | Lineman | 12 | 31 | Guard, Block, Dodge | n |
2 | Avate Mistwalker | Lineman | 17 | 54 | Block, +AG, Dodge, Pass Block | n |
1 | Shafal Fasthop | Wardancer | 16 | 54 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Pass Block, Guard | n |
2 | Hal Ripenpart | Wardancer | 2 | 11 | Leap, Block, Dodge | d |
8 | Mali 'Ironman' Daybringer | Lineman | 115 | 130 | Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Tackle, Leap, Guard | n, -ag |
5 | Taal Lightstep | Lineman | 27 | 51 | Block, Dodge, Tackle, +MA | n |
3 | Tollis Mistwalker | Lineman | 7 | 8 | Guard | -av, d |
10 | Trull Fastfoot | Catcher | 22 | 105 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +AG, Sure Feet, Block, Dirty Player | n, n |
15 | Trull Fastfoot | Catcher | 1 | 0 | Catch, Dodge | d |
14 | Galen Quickdancer | Catcher | 37 | 127 | Catch, Dodge, +AG, Dump Off, Sprint, Sure Feet, Nerves of Steel | n, n, d |
13 | Davi Starfoot | Wardancer | 58 | 80 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, Diving Tackle, Pass Block | n |
12 | Valen Fasthop | Wardancer | 33 | 98 | Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Side Step, Tackle, Sure Hands | n, d |
11 | Maynar Sunbringer | Star Player | 38 | 50 | Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Throw Team Mate, Star, Block, Dodge, Tackle | d |
10 | Tayla Nightrunner | Chainsaw | 18 | 24 | Dodge, Frenzy, Right Stuff, Chainsaw, Star, Block, Dodge | d |
9 | Shaan Speedlight | Star Player | 32 | 25 | Block, Mighty Blow, Dirty Player, Leader, Star, Guard, Block | m, -st |
8 | Quill Nimblefoot | Fanatic | 25 | 26 | Ball & Chain, Star, Block, Dodge | -ma, n, d |
6 | Trill Surestep | Lineman | 39 | 46 | Block, Dodge, Guard | n, d |
2 | Darius Hotfoot | Vampire Lord | 34 | 20 | Block, Dodge, Regenerate, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dauntless, Block | n, m, n |
1 | W'hoody | Rotspawn | 41 | 34 | Mighty Blow, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles, Loner, Nurgle's Rot, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Block, +MA, Pro | n, d |