25 coaches online • Server time: 01:20
Past Players of Balmoral
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
2 | Lord MacRevorm | Lineman | 9 | 12 | +AG | -st, d |
8 | Page Mesilion Wooss | Lineman | 3 | 1 | | m, n |
4 | Viscount Strulibard Gufflaigson of Bardleidhur | Phoenix Warrior | 16 | 36 | Pass, +MA, Accurate, Sure Feet | d |
15 | Kaiser Breldirinojd of Groinscratch | Dragon Warrior | 10 | 27 | Block, Dodge, Tackle | d |
4 | Marquis Knyggle of Boikershant | Lineman | 5 | 2 | | d |
14 | Princess Dygdia of Crabsbush | Lion Warrior | 35 | 91 | Catch, Block, +AG, Dump Off, Dodge, Leap | d |
13 | Dutchess Veneria of Blygderheim | Lion Warrior | 30 | 40 | Catch, +MA, Frenzy, Block | -ag, d |
8 | Prince Ulargh of Meilderion | Lineman | 15 | 11 | Block | n |
7 | Duke Hairing of Albershire | Lineman | 11 | 12 | Block | n, m, -ag |
5 | Lord Chiaenig of Milsivei | Lineman | 26 | 15 | Block | -av, d |
4 | King Braediach of Navarro | Lineman | 4 | 2 | | d |
3 | Prince Moriadaëch of Molnoïe | Lineman | 26 | 30 | Block, Dodge | d |
2 | Lord Aiglaerk of Sungerlang | Lineman | 22 | 19 | Block, Dodge | -ag, d |