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* * * Did you know? The player with the strongest arm is Cherrystone Hotpack with 5758 yards passed.
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Past Players of Lust for Battle
Team Page
1Jonny the KidCatcher90Block, Catch-ma, -st
15Fjoigr IronfistCatcher712Block, Catch, Sure Handsd
12RavageChaos Beastman216Horns, Blockd
3Icepelt JaegerbombCatcher10Block, Catchm, n
12SorrowChaos Beastman45Hornsm, -ag
5RipperChaos Marauder241Block-st
16ThrogChaos Marauder147Block, Pron
9UhgarChaos Marauder111Blockd
8ThorChaos Marauder1210Block, Kickm, n
8ThurgarChaos Marauder20Blockd
2Ook MudfistChaos Marauder2423Block, Guard, Tackled
15AdgarChaos Beastman148Horns, Block-av, d
13TusngvenChaos Marauder40Blockm, -st
5VeingChaos Marauder1210Block, Guardd
14Trouble BubbleGoblin4441Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Block, Sure Feet, Jump Upn, d
13DariosChaos Marauder45Blockd
12BzrkChaos Beastman178Horns, Block-av, d
11El HubertoChaos Marauder42Blockm, n
3Fran TarkentonThrower2638Block, Pass, Sure Hands, +MA, Nerves of Steelm, n
14Farby SkullkrakerChaos Marauder40Blockd
13DiarmuidChaos Marauder38Block, Guardm, n
12pixyledChaos Marauder40Blockd
10Mongoose SnivlespitStorm Vermin4365Block, Guard, Tackle, Shadowing, +MAm, n
4Gorger BloodhoofMinotaur4468Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Guard, Tentacles, Break Tackle-av, m, n
9VkarhChaos Beastman2135Horns, +ST, Block, Tackled
1Blagar BonechewerBlack Orc Blocker4480Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Piling Onn
2ShamblesChaos Marauder2314Block, Tackle-ma, d
8WarbladeChaos Marauder2620Block, Tackle, Guard-ma, d
7WuhanChaos Marauder20Blockd
5Khane The CruelChaos Warrior2319Block, Guard-ma, m, n
10Porgy GriblegoopGoblin20Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffm, n
2EvoChaos Marauder86Block, +MAd
11Airborne RudyGoblin2550Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Sure Feet, +MA, Catchd
10IzzyChaos Marauder42Blockm
9SlashChaos Marauder97Block, Dirty Player 
8AxelChaos Marauder95Blockm, -ag
9LarsChaos Marauder20Blockd
7DorfChaos Marauder1412Block, Dirty Playerd
8SvenChaos Marauder47Block, +MAm, n
3IvanChaos Marauder3530Block, Guard, Dirty Playerd
8OrthonChaos Marauder10Blockm, n
3StarjaxChaos Marauder20Blockd
15Gorger RazorhoofChaos Beastman1828Horns, Block, +AGm, n
8BoraxChaos Marauder45Blockd
10ThorjaxChaos Marauder72Blockd
9MetaxasChaos Marauder60Blockd
1Phearless FerretGutter Runner3698Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Horns, Foul Appearance, Tackled
8TrajanChaos Marauder65Blockm, n
7YakthorChaos Marauder150Blockm, n
4BodaciousMinotaur4449Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Tackle, Guardm, n
3JaraxChaos Marauder1417Block, Frenzy, +AGm, -av
16Toady DriblesnotGoblin3546Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Diving Tackle, +ST, Side Stepd
15Bloodgore RazorhoofMinotaur62Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animaln
11TorgChaos Beastman2020Horns, Dauntless, Blockd
6Tubby SmithOgre3123Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Block, Guardm, n
14Ogie OglethorpeThrower5057Block, Pass, Strong Arm, Sure Hands, Accurate, Safe Throw 
13Orc JacksonBlitzer5167Block, Guard, +AG, Pass Block, Stand Firm 
12Gork FungusfootTroll4338Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Block, Guard, Multiple Blockd
11ArbenikChaos Marauder30Blockn
10CthalaxChaos Marauder1618Block, Tackle, Dirty Playern, m, n
9GrixsChaos Marauder2112Block, Tacklem, -av
8HaxonChaos Marauder159Block, Kickd
7ChimeraChaos Marauder1616Block, Tackle, Pass Blockn, m
6IvakChaos Marauder40Blockn, m, n
5WuhanChaos Marauder4546Block, Strip Ball, Tackle, Dirty Player-ma
4BaxusChaos Marauder1612Block, Dirty Playern, d
3GogonChaos Marauder140Blockm
2Goraxas the CruelChaos Warrior4789Block, Mighty Blow, +ST, +ST, Spikesd
1Slakvek SnivelstreakGutter Runner2052Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Side Step, +MAn