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10B'ray XVILineman27Blockd
2Chrakckiss VIIIStorm Vermin10Blockd
12N'cyb XVILineman40m, n
3Chrassr VStorm Vermin810Block, Mighty Blowd
10B'ray XVLineman50d
12N'cyb XVLineman22m, n
12N'cyb XIVLineman37Blockn
14Z'sam XIIILineman136Dirty Playerm, n
3Chrassr IVStorm Vermin616Block, Claw, Tackled
12N'cyb XIIILineman411Strip Balld
13L'tai XIILineman10d
15H'sam XIILineman40m, n
15H'sam XILineman10d
14Z'sam XIILineman71d
6Otemenorun Ikuta XGutter Runner614Dodge, Block-av, d
2Chrakckiss VIIStorm Vermin2312Block, Guardd
7Otemenorun Ikuta IXGutter Runner316Dodge, Dirty Player, Razor Sharp Clawsn
10L'tai XILineman128Blockm, n
6Takiyutsun Uteta XGutter Runner929Dodge, Dauntless, +AGm, n
11P'rill XIILineman10m, n
13R'ech XILineman105-ma, m, n
2Chrakckiss VIStorm Vermin67Block, Guardd
9Sianallorgue IXLineman1921Block, Dirty Player-ag, d
13R'ech XLineman30d
10L'tai XLineman90 
15H'sam XLineman1912Blockd
5Asahowo Waso IXGutter Runner2267Dodge, Block, Claw, Tackle, Razor Sharp Claws-ma, m, n
12B'ray XVLineman2215Blockd
14Z'sam XILineman1911Blockm, n
3Chrassr IIIStorm Vermin3148Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, n
7Otemenorun Ikuta VIIIGutter Runner1618Dodge, Dirty Player, Blockd
6Takiyutsun Uteta IXGutter Runner1519Dodge, Dauntless, Blockd
5Asahowo Waso VIIIGutter Runner1034Dodge, +ST, Block, Strip Ball-av, n, d
8Strainwenth-cha VILineman3118Guard, Blockd
12B'ray XIVLineman127Blockm, n
11P'rill XILineman186Blockm, n
9L'tai IXLineman166Blockm, n
10Z'sam XLineman118Blockd
12B'ray XIIILineman20d
14Sianallorgue VIIILineman50m, n
15H'sam IXLineman1416Block-ma, -av, d
5Takiyutsun Uteta VIIIGutter Runner56Dodge, Hornsd
11P'rill XLineman42d
6Asahowo Waso VIIGutter Runner36Dodged
12Z'sam IXLineman60m, n
5Takiyutsun Uteta VIIGutter Runner39Dodge, Dirty Playern, m, n
12Z'sam VIIILineman10d
15L'tai VIIILineman711Block-ag, m, n
13R'ech IXLineman2719Block, Strip Ballm, n
9Sianallorgue VIILineman86Blockd
10B'ray XIILineman106Blockd
15L'tai VIILineman20d
1Strainwenth-cha VRat Ogre80Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animald
14H'sam VIIILineman91-av, m, n
7Otemenorun Ikuta VIIGutter Runner2334Dodge, Block, Dirty Player, Side Stepd
5Takiyutsun Uteta VIGutter Runner829Dodge, Block, Dirty Playerd
15L'tai VILineman71m, n
5Takiyutsun Uteta VGutter Runner18Dodge, Blockn
9Sianallorgue VILineman1111Dirty Playerd
11P'rill IXLineman1718Block, Strip Ballm, n
2Chrakckiss VStorm Vermin4382Block, +AG, Horns, Frenzy, Tackle, Mighty Blown
16N'cyb XIILineman52102Block, Claw, Tackle, Pro, Razor Sharp Claws-ag, n, m, n
1Strainwenth-cha IVRat Ogre1310Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guardm, n
6Asahowo Waso VIGutter Runner2333Dodge, Block, +MA, +AGd
12Z'sam VIILineman2119Block, Tackled
9Sianallorgue VLineman911Blockd
11P'rill VIIILineman86Guardd
5Otemenorun Ikuta VIGutter Runner1252Dodge, +AG, Dirty Player, Very Long Legs, +MAd
4Ichinutamin Nori IVGutter Runner6360Dodge, Dirty Player, Block, +MA, Very Long Legsm, n
10B'ray XILineman2316Block, Strip Balld
5Otemenorun Ikuta VGutter Runner39Dodge, +MAd
6Asahowo Waso VGutter Runner612Dodge, Blockd
5Otemenorun Ikuta IVGutter Runner26Dodge, Blockd
16N'cyb XILineman1211Guardd
8Sianallorgue IVThrower52Pass, Sure Handsm, n
10B'ray XLineman711Blockm, n
10B'ray XILineman20m, n
7Takiyutsun Uteta IVGutter Runner2661Dodge, Block, Side Step, +ST, Strip Ballm, n
12Z'sam VILineman158Dirty Playerd
16N'cyb XLineman611Guardm, n
12B'ray XLineman12m, n
4Ichinutamin Nori IIIGutter Runner1644Dodge, Dirty Player, Block, Side Stepm, n
10Z'sam VLineman35d
3Chrassr IIStorm Vermin61182Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard, Pro, Shadowing, Pass Blockm, n
12B'ray IXLineman40d
12Z'sam IVLineman15d
16N'cyb IXLineman52m, -st
6Asahowo Waso IVGutter Runner1626Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feetm, n
14L'tai VLineman359Guard-ma, n, m, n
16Z'sam IIILineman410Blockd
2Chrakckiss IVStorm Vermin3368Block, +MA, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guardd
5Otemenorun Ikuta IIIGutter Runner1741Dodge, +AG, Sure Hands, Leapm, n
15H'sam VIILineman4158Claw, Block, +AG, Tacklen
16L'tai VLineman40d
14N'cyb VIIILineman30d
15H'sam VILineman25m, n
8Sianallorgue IIIThrower73Pass, Sure Handsm, n
1Strainwenth-cha IIIRat Ogre1318Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Break Tacklem, n
1Straiwenth-cha IIRat Ogre20Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animald
11P'rill VIILineman3733Block, Guard, Tackle-ag, m, n
11P'rill VILineman10d
14N'cyb VIILineman97Guardd
15H'sam VLineman86d
13R'ech VIIILineman6156Block, Tackle, Kick, Strip Balld
10B'ray VIIILineman1631Block, Strip Ball, Tacklen, d
10B'ray VIILineman10m, n
13R'ech VIILineman35d
13R'ech VILineman10d
14N'cyb VILineman68Blockn
16L'tai IVLineman1718Block, Guardd
14N'cyb VLineman20d
13N'cyb IVLineman10m, n
15H'sam IVLineman86Block-ma, d
6Asahowo Waso IIIGutter Runner2051Dodge, Claw, Block, +ST, Tacklen, n
16L'tai IIILineman47d
4Ichinutamin Nori IIGutter Runner3246Dodge, Dirty Player, Block, Side Step-av, d
12Z'sam IILineman2923Block, +MAd
2Chrakckiss IIIStorm Vermin3065Block, Mighty Blow, Claw, +AG, Tacklen, m, n
14B'ray VILineman68Blockd
5Otemenorun Ikuta IIGutter Runner2776Dodge, +AG, +AG, Sure Hands, Big Hand, Leapn, n
14B'ray VLineman30m, n
15H'sam IIILineman1019+ST, Blockn, -ag, d
11P'rill VLineman188Blockm, n
14B'ray IVLineman23d
14B'ray IIILineman15m, n
15H'sam IILineman43m, n
11P'rill IVLineman30d
16L'tai IILineman157Block-ag, m, n
7Takiyutsun Uteta IIIGutter Runner51151Dodge, +ST, Block, Tackle, +ST, Side Step, Strip Balln, d
12R'ech VLineman1421Block, Dirty Playerm, n
2Chrakckiss IIStorm Vermin1536Block, +ST, Claw, Mighty Blowm, n
16P'rill IIILineman411Blockd
13N'cyb IIILineman2510Blockm, n
15B'ray IILineman112d
8Sianallorgue IIThrower4355Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Big Hand, Safe Throw, Nerves of Steel-av, d
15P'ril IILineman20d
7Takiyutsun Uteta IIGutter Runner731Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Strip Ball-ma, d
16R'ech IVLineman86Clawm, n
16R'ech IIILineman10d
16R'ech IILineman10d
4Asahowo Waso IIGutter Runner2753Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Strip Ball, Tacklem, n
7Takiyutsun UtetaGutter Runner96Dodge, Blockd
12N'cyb IILineman1511Block-ag, d
6Ichinutamin NoriGutter Runner3480Dodge, +ST, Block, Claw, +AG, +STn, m, n
5Otemenorun IkutaGutter Runner3570Dodge, Big Hand, Sure Hands, Leap, Blockd
4Asahowo WasoGutter Runner1429Dodge, Block, Dauntlessd
1Straiwenth-chaRat Ogre4050Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Break Tackle, Multiple Block-ma, m, n
3ChrassrStorm Vermin81162Block, +ST, +AG, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Pass Block, +AG-av, -ma, n, m, n
2ChrakckissStorm Vermin3053Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Clawd
8SianallorgueThrower2437Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Kick, Safe Throwm, -ag
10Z'samLineman4632Dirty Player, Kick, Blockn, d
11L'taiLineman3123Block, Tackle-av, m, n
12N'cybLineman20n, m, n
13B'rayLineman2216Block, Tackle-av, -ma, d
14H'samLineman3637Block, +MA, Shadowingm, n
15P'rilLineman2331Block, Strip Ball, Shadowingm, n
16R'echLineman1716Block, Strip Balld