Past Players of Old Man and the Sea
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
16 | bicolor dottyback | Halfling | 5 | 0 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | -av, d |
15 | Bennet's butterfly | Halfling | 8 | 1 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | d |
16 | Barbour's seahorse | Halfling | 6 | 0 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | n, -av, d |
15 | bar goby | Halfling | 2 | 0 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | n, d |
14 | banner wrasse | Halfling | 10 | 4 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | d |
10 | banded butterfly | Halfling | 16 | 0 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | d |
6 | antenna lion | Halfling | 15 | 5 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | d |
5 | Allard's clownfish | Halfling | 3 | 6 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff | d |
4 | algae blennie | Halfling | 8 | 8 | Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, +MA | n, d |