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Past Players of Ulthan Nobles
Team Page
9L.O. DegrionLineman13m, -av
9L.O. SnidjerLineman35d
2L.O.GudrovDragon Warrior59Block, +AGd
9L.O. DabolinLineman106Dirty Playerd
5L.O. HadjevLion Warrior2042Catch, Block, Dodge, Side Step-av, m, -ma
8L.O. WenwerLineman2638Block, Dodge, Tackle-av, d
14L. O. XertiesLineman3252Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepn, d
15L.O. BaillePhoenix Warrior820Pass, Accurate, Strong Armn
13L.O. GudrovLineman16Dirty Playern
13L.O. DabolinLineman821Block, Guardd
12L.O. XertiesLineman21d
8L.O BiloadLineman1618Block, Dirty Player-st, m, -ma
1L.O. TjofanovDragon Warrior4088Block, Tackle, Dodge, Strip Ball, +AG, Dauntless-ma, d
7W.O. LobrinovLion Warrior46130Catch, Block, Dodge, Tackle, +AG, Leap, Shadowingn
7W.O. Bobrisov IILion Warrior13Catchd
8W.O. XertiesLineman1211Dirty Playern
7W.O. BobrisovLion Warrior916Catch, Block, Side Stepn
6W.O. CertinasLion Warrior1943Catch, Block, Dodge, Tackled
2W.O. TjofanovDragon Warrior1525Block, Tackle, Strip Balld
9W.O. DegrionLineman4652Guard, Block, Dodge, +AGn
14W.O. XertiesLineman1926Guard, Blockm, n
13W.O NorethLineman227Blockd
12W.O BiloadLineman2224Block, Guardm, n
3W.O. WanisDragon Warrior6599Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Dauntless, Dodge, Diving Tacklem, n
5W.O. NermadinLion Warrior5374Catch, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Dauntless-ag, -av
14W.O DabolinLineman511Blockd
15W.O. BaillePhoenix Warrior47127Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Sure Feet, Block, Sprint-ag
4W.O. ChabronovLion Warrior47139Catch, Block, +MA, Dodge, Sprint, +AG, +MAn
1W.O. WelotinLion Warrior1557Catch, Block, Dauntless, Dodge, Tackled
16W.O. EnorPhoenix Warrior7796Pass, +ST, Block, Tackle, Dodge, +MAd
7WO. CertinasLion Warrior1437Catch, Block, Dodge, Side Stepn
6WO. LebotinLion Warrior1032Catch, Block, Dodge, +AG-av, n
3WO. GudrovDragon Warrior1634Block, +MA, Dodge, Tacklen
14N.B. StayalivegoddammitLineman812Dirty Playern, d
2N.B. TriouffDragon Warrior3146Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Dodge-av, m, n
9N.B. DegrionLineman810Blockd
11N.B. ChuckadinLineman111109Block, Dodge, Guard, Side Step, Diving Tackled
3N.B. Wanis IIDragon Warrior1736Block, Dodge, Guard, Tackled
5N.B Chabronov IILion Warrior3166Catch, Block, Dodge, Nerves Of Steel, Pass Block-ma, n
2N.B VillevanovDragon Warrior1324Block, Dauntless, Dodgen
5N.B. Nermadin IILion Warrior27Catch, Blockm, n
10N.B. Xerties IILineman2728Block, Tackled
9N.B Wenwer IILineman817Block, Tacklen, m, -ma
3N.B. Tjofanov IIDragon Warrior1436Block, Dodge, +MA, Strip Balld
7N.B Certinas IILion Warrior40130Catch, Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Diving Tackle, +MA, Sprintd
8N.B. EnorPhoenix Warrior49134Pass, Strong Arm, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Accurate, Nerves Of Steel, +STn
5N.B. NermadinLion Warrior1641Catch, Block, +ST, +MAd
3N.B TjofanovDragon Warrior1134Block, +AG, Strip Ball, Leapn, m, n
4N.B Welotin IILion Warrior58117Catch, Block, +ST, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackled
6N.B. TyrianLion Warrior41126Catch, +AG, +AG, Block, Pass Block, Dodge, Leapn, n
16N.B XertiesLineman1918Block, Guardn, m, n
7N.B. CertinasLion Warrior1637Catch, Block, Dodge, +MAn, d
7N.B. ChabronovLion Warrior214Catch, Blockm, n
4N.B. WelotinLion Warrior1229Catch, Block, Dodgen, m
3N.B. TjofanovDragon Warrior1538Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tacklen
6N.B. ChiritovLion Warrior923Catch, Block, Nerves Of Steeld
1N.B. Baille IIPhoenix Warrior72183Pass, Accurate, Strong Arm, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Dodge, Nerves Of Steel, Block-av, n
14N.B WenwerLineman3434Block, Dodge, Side Stepd
2N.B. VillevanovDragon Warrior42106Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +ST, Strip Balln, m, n
12N.B. BiloadLineman95102Block, Guard, Tackle, Dodge, +AGd
2N.B. RapolinDragon Warrior49Block, Dodgem, -ma
13N.B NorethLineman101132+ST, Block, +ST, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Diving Tackle-ag, n
4N.B. NermadinLion Warrior1873Catch, +AG, Block, Leap, Strip Balln, m, n
2N.B. WanisDragon Warrior76Block, +AGn, d
7N.B. FredulLion Warrior26103Catch, Block, Dodge, Pass Block, Side Step, Tackled
11N.B. DabolinLineman7652Block, Dirty Player, Guard, Dodged
12N.B. VanortinLineman20m, n
3Trebentus IVDragon Warrior2020Block, Dodge, Strip Ballm, -ag
16N.B. BalliePhoenix Warrior30100Pass, Accurate, Strong Arm, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, Blockn
14WaloowaLineman2832Block, Dodge, Side Stepd
3Trebentus IIIDragon Warrior511Block, Side Stepn
6Welotin IILion Warrior3698Catch, Block, Dodge, +ST, Strip Ball, Tackled
5CertinasLion Warrior63146Catch, Block, Dodge, Leap, Pass Block, Tackle, Strip Ball-ag, d
9WenwerLineman3738Guard, Block, Dodge-st, d
10Biload IILineman132m, n
7Nermadin IIILion Warrior2543Catch, Block, Dodge, Pass Blockn
7Nermadin IILion Warrior16Catchd
4Tyrian IILion Warrior32108Catch, Dodge, Leader, Block, Pass Block, Leapd
3Trebentus IIDragon Warrior1631Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ballm, n
16TerbiPhoenix Warrior3087Pass, +AG, Sure Hands, Accurate, Safe Throw, +MAd
14ViordinLineman288Blockm, n
7NermadinLion Warrior1026Catch, Dodge, Blockd
3TrebentusDragon Warrior98Block, Dodged
6WelotinLion Warrior2143Catch, +MA, Leader, Blockn, -ma, n
10BiloadLineman196Blockm, n
11XertiesLineman4047Block, Dodge, Tacklem, n
12SnidjerLineman2937Block, Kick, Tackled
5KoladerLion Warrior2686Catch, +MA, Block, Dodge, Sure Feet, Sprintn, d
4TyrianLion Warrior1957Catch, +AG, Block, Dodge, Leapd
13NorethLineman5552Dodge, Guard, Block, Side Stepd
15CertisLineman13365Block, Kick, Guard, +AGn, d
2WanisDragon Warrior5143Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Balln, m, n
1EnorPhoenix Warrior7488Pass, +ST, Strong Arm, Block, Tackle, Strip Ball-ag, m, n