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Past Players of Something is Rotting
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2Trey GrottyorcRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
8Graham DirtyorcRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
8I'm not a mindreader you know VIIRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
6Catfight VIRotter40Decay, Nurgle's Rotm, m
6Hugh MasonRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
2Sveín HalgrimssonRotter135Decay, Nurgle's Rotm
9Kindness VIRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
5Mercy VRotter20Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
9Frederik ZilmerRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
9Bert BlackclawRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
5Dinomight!Rotter30Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
1The BardRotspawn74Mighty Blow, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles, Loner, Nurgle's Rot, Really Stupid, Regenerationd
10Julius StrongshieldRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
5Anteb HopespellRotter40Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
5DaCoachRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
3Patience IIRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
6For Your DelightPestigor1722Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Wrestle, Tackle-av
12Nicholas WeakrockRotter20Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
7Robert HideoussnakeRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
10VoilaRotter30Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
7VouchsafingRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
6Our True IntentPestigor55Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration-ma
3Kindness IVRotter100Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
9BottomRotter165Decay, Nurgle's Rotm
6Foul PestilencePestigor49Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Blockd
8RottencranzRotter3228Decay, Nurgle's Rot, +AV, +STm, m, m, m
7Monty The PythonRotter38Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Wrestlem, -av
8Stonetroll IIRotter20Decay, Nurgle's Rotd
3You Egg!Pestigor913Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Sure Hands-ag
15FoulstaffBloater4340Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Guard, Mighty Blowm, d
9BottomRotter55Decay, Nurgle's Rotd
10Your True DelightRotter40Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
14No Rest for RichardBloater1414Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Blockd
7Lord RaptorRotter110Decay, Nurgle's Rotm, -ma
3Cry HavocPestigor1019Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Tackle-st
4 Legfracturer IIRotter5146Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Dirty Player, Wrestle, Tacklem, d
1The BardRotspawn3832Mighty Blow, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles, Loner, Nurgle's Rot, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Stand Firm, Guard, Break Tackle-ag, -ma
10Hradag Snake-FangRotter912Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Kickd
4SamRotter70Decay, Nurgle's Rotm, d
9Beastly MonstrosityRotter107Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Kick-ag
15Richard III RediscoveredBloater1521Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Guardm, d
10Nurse SawRotter40Decay, Nurgle's Rotn
9raidenRotter45Decay, Nurgle's Rotn, -st
5Outrageous FortunePestigor5172Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Frenzy, Block, Juggernaut, Mighty Blowm, d
3Dagger of the MindPestigor2116Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Prehensile Tailn
3Pestilence of VapoursPestigor34Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regenerationd
9Martin VilewingRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
7Damn SpottyRotter233Decay, Nurgle's Rot-av
4ItRotter1815Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Kickd
4Andreas HøgfeldtRotter70Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
11Dirty FrankRotter208Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Kickn, -av
8Violet-Hued Malt-WormRotter4621Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Wrestle, Fendm, -ag, d
9Damneder SpotRotter70Decay, Nurgle's Rotm, n
12Fouler FiendRotter163Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
7Speedwit The StealthyRotter200Decay, Nurgle's Rot 
11Purple Hued Malt-Worm IXRotter98Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Wrestlem, d
6Have at YouPestigor63113Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Fendm, -ma
10Viler ViperRotter2222Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Kick, Wrestlem, d
17Harold VilerockRotter10Decay, Nurgle's Rotd
14Falstaff FFBBloater5251Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Guard, Tentacles, Stand Firmm, d
5Wherefore Art ThouPestigor3250Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Frenzy, +AG, Blockm, d
3Is This A Dagger?Pestigor2942Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Claw, Mighty Blowd
2To Be Or Not To BePestigor96241Horns, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, +AG, Block, Sure Hands, Dodge, Fend, Two Headsm, -ma, -ma
15Richard the RotterBloater4329Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Guardm, d
3Viper Vile IXBeastman90Hornsm, n, d
9Purple Hued Malt-Worm VIIIRotter1410Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Dodgem, m, n
5The Second PorterBeastman1423Horns, +AG, Blockm, m, n, d
4Foul Fiend IVRotter2618Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Block, Guardm, d
11DromioRotter2015Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Kickm, n, m, -ma
9The PorterBeastman63Hornsd
13Cartoon drawings of a prophetRotter50Regenerate, Foul Appearanced
2Moon Calf VBeastman2126Horns, Block, Tackled
14Falstaff TurboRotter2533Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Claw, Block, Mighty Blowd
5Purple Hued Malt-Worm VIIBeastman108Horns, +AGm, n, d
15Richard of Gloucester IVRotter1926Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Claw, Clawm, -ag, m, m, -av, d
2Purple Hued Malt-Worm VIBeastman30Hornsm, -st
14Falstaff UltraRotter50Regenerate, Foul Appearancem, n
10'Son Mandrake IIIBeastman2630Horns, Block, Tacklem, d
9Malignant Thing IVBeastman30Hornsm, n, m
7Damned Spot IVRotter3426Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Frenzy, Blockm, n
4Viper Vile VIIBeastman1711Horns, Blockd
3Viper Vile VIIBeastman2333Horns, Block, Guard, Dirty Playerm, m, m, n, n
4Viper Vile VIBeastman33Hornsd
14Falstaff VIRotter30Regenerate, Foul Appearancem, n
2Moon Calf IVBeastman96Horns, Blockn, d
5Purple Hued Malt-Worm VBeastman1321Horns, Frenzy, Blockm, n
6Horned Man IIIRotter4442Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Dirty Player, Block, Foul Appearancen
4Viper Vile VBeastman511Horns, Blockn
10Horned Man IIBeastman20Horns-ag, d
2Moon Calf IIIBeastman812Horns, +AGd
15Richard IIIRotter2011Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Blockd
14Moon Calf IIBeastman65Horns 
13Caliban PrimeRotter3539Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard, Mighty Blowd
4Malignant Thing IIIBeastman1419Horns, Kick, Frenzym, n
7Damned Spot IIIBeastman2224Horns, Block, Tacklem, n
4Son Mandrake IIBeastman516Horns, Block, Clawd
11Grisly Beast IVBeastman2928Horns, Block, Guardd
5Purple Hued Malt-Worm IVBeastman2322Horns, Dirty Player, Foul Appearancem, n
10Horned ManBeastman1718Horns, Block, Tacklen
10Viper Vile IVBeastman25Hornsm, n
5Purple-Hued Malt-Worm IIIBeastman525Horns, Block, Tacklen
9Foul Fiend IIIBeastman3426Horns, Block, Frenzy-ma, d
12Falstaff VRotter3234Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Claw, Claw-av, d
8Monstrous Beast IIIRotter7454Decay, Nurgle's Rot, Dirty Player, Foul Appearance, Block, Guardm, m, m, n, m, -ma
7Thing of no Bowels IIIBeastman1622Horns, Block, Frenzyd
6Filthy Rogue IVBeastman3341Horns, +ST, Block, +STd
16Iago IIBloater112150Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Nurgle's Rot, Regeneration, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Tacklen, m, -av, m, -av
3Thing of no Bowels IIIBeastman4154Horns, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guardm, n
13Falstaff IVRotter22Regenerate, Foul Appearancem, n
3Foul Indigested Lump IIIBeastman35Hornsm, n
13Falstaff IIIRotter10Regenerate, Foul Appearancem, n
1The BardRotspawn142159Mighty Blow, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Tentacles, Loner, Nurgle's Rot, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Guard, Block, +ST, +ST, Grabn, d
9Thing of no Bowels IIBeastman61Hornsd
6Viper Vile IIIBeastman60Hornsm, n
5Purple-Hued Malt-Worm IIBeastman2549Horns, +ST, Block, Mighty Blow-ma, d
9Thing of no BowelsBeastman25Hornsd
2Moon-CalfBeastman4442Horns, Kick, Dirty Player, Blockd
1The BardBeast125Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Really Stupid, Big Guy, Tentacles, Infectm, n
10Monstrous Apparition IIBeastman3263Horns, +AG, Block, Leap, Very Long Legsn, d
3Foul Indigested Lump IIBeastman916Horns, Dirty Player, Frenzyn
3Grisly Beast IIIBeastman20Hornsd
15Richard of Gloucester IIRotter5639Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow-st
14Caliban IIRotter5078Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Tackle-av, n
9Monstrous Beast IIBeastman103Horns-ma, d
8Malignant Thing IIBeastman2918Horns, Dirty Player, Blockd
2Viper Vile IIIBeastman1113Horns, Foul Appearanced
1The BardBeast1212Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Really Stupid, Big Guy, Tentacles, Infect, Blockd
6Purple-Hued Malt-WormBeastman1839Horns, Frenzy, Stand Firm, Blockd
5Filthy Rogue IIBeastman1825Horns, Big Hand, Blockm, n
16IagoRotter3828Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guardm, n
1The BardBeast50Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Really Stupid, Big Guy, Tentacles, Infectd
3Grisly Beast IIBeastman1418Horns, Blockd
13Falstaff IIRotter3443Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow-ma, m, n
11Foul Fiend IIBeastman5479Horns, Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Piling Onn, m, -ma
15Richard of GloucesterRotter2913Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Blockd
11Filthy Rogue IIBeastman78Horns, Tackled
2Viper Vile IIBeastman2524Horns, Kick, Blockm, n
4Damned Spot IIBeastman7247Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Tackled
14CalibanRotter3118Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guardn
13FalstaffRotter174Regenerate, Foul Appearancem, n
7Wide-Chapp'd RascalBeastman5997Horns, +AG, Very Long Legs, +MA, Dodge, Leap-av, n, m
11Viper VileBeastman10Hornsd
10Malignant ThingBeastman3520Horns, Block, Tackled
9Monstrous BeastBeastman2318Horns, Tackle, Blockd
8Foul Indigested LumpBeastman3036Horns, Dirty Player, Kick, Frenzyn, d
7Damned SpotBeastman10Hornsd
6Son MandrakeBeastman2516Horns, Strip Ball, Blockd
5Monstrous ApparitionBeastman2327Horns, Block, Tacklem, n
4Filthy RogueBeastman89Horns, Blockd
3Grisly BeastBeastman2336Horns, Claw, Block, Tackled
2Foul FiendBeastman914Horns, Tackled
1The BardBeast2219Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Really Stupid, Big Guy, Tentacles, Infect, Guard, Break Tacklem, n