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Past Players of Chaos Inquisition Revival Tour
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18Fredrick DeepwingBeastman Runner10Hornsd
6Brother QuBitusBeastman Runner1327Horns, Block, Mighty Blowd
13Adeptus SinnionChosen Blocker1213Block-av
6Brother QuBitusBeastman10Hornsd
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur1213Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, +MAm, n
4Brother RijonBeastman1233Horns, Block, Clawd
4Brother RijonBeastman45Hornsm, n
4Brother RijonBeastman23Hornsd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior88m, m, d
8Brother JanusBeastman Runner3051Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Juggernautm, -ma, m, d
6Brother QuBitusBeastman1510Horns, Dirty Playerd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior10d
2Brother TopperianBeastman Runner2938Horns, Block, Kick, Mighty Blowm, m, m, n, d
2Brother TopperianBeastman10Hornsm, n
10Brother TrogitonBeastman10Hornsm, -st
5Brother AsciaHomicidiumBeastman1616Horns, Dirty Player, Blockm, m, m, d
10Brother TrogitonBeastman51Hornsd
9Brother OdiumBeastman2727Horns, Claw, +AGm, m, m, -ag
6Brother QuBitusBeastman106Horns, Dirty Playerd
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior1116Block-ma, d
7Brother PeikanBeastman3345Horns, Block, Tackle, Guardm, m, m, m, -st
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior5034Block, Mighty Blow, +STm, m, d
4Brother RijonBeastman3128Horns, Block, Guardm, n, m
2Brother TopperianBeastman238Horns, Dirty Playerm, d
3Brother MeziriusBeastman Runner5865Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, m, m, -ma, m, d
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior40m, n
2Brother TopperianBeastman76Horns, Blockm, n
4Brother RijonBeastman26Horns, +AGn
3Brother MeziriusBeastman66Hornsd
2Brother TopperianBeastman30Hornsd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior4151Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, m, n
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior2222Block, Guardm, n
11Brother GorritanosBeastman20Hornsm, n
12Brother BendragonBeastman106Horns, Blockm, -ag
9Brother OdiumBeastman154Hornsm, n
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior73126+AG, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +AGm, m, d
8Brother JanusBeastman4944Horns, +MA, Block, Tacklem, m, -ma, m, n
6Brother QuBitusBeastman3346Horns, Block, +MA, Clawm, d
7Brother PeikanBeastman1421Horns, Block, Guard-av, -av, m
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior2025Block, Guardm, n
6Brother QuBitusBeastman56Horns, Blockd
3Brother MeziriusBeastman1612Horns, Dirty Playerm, -st
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior2032Block, Mighty Blow, Guard-ag, n
2Brother TopperianBeastman2220Horns, Block, Guardm, n
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur80129Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Juggernaut, Claw, Blockm, -ag, m, n, m, -ma
3Brother MeziriusBeastman511Horns, Blockd
8Brother JanusBeastman51Hornsd
5Brother AsciaHomicidiumBeastman5663Horns, Block, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blowm, n, m, n
3Brother MeziriusBeastman43Hornsd
4Brother ChristeronBeastman1910Horns, Clawd
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur10Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animalm, n
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior2251Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardm, n, n
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior3369Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle-ma, m, -ma
9Brother OdiumBeastman3259Horns, +AG, Block, Tackle, Guardm, n
4Brother ChristeronBeastman88Horns, Blockd
6Brother QuBitusBeastman2758Horns, +ST, Block, Claw, Clawn, d
3Brother MeziriusBeastman146Horns, Blockd
4Brother ChristeronBeastman54Hornsd
3Brother MeziriusBeastman40Hornsd
12Brother BendragonBeastman610Horns, Blockd
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur1811Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guardn
7Brother PeikanBeastman3432Horns, Dirty Player, Claw, Blockn, m
10Brother TrogitonBeastman1510Horns, Clawm, n
8Brother JanusBeastman2348Horns, Block, Tackle, Clawm, n
7Brother PeikanBeastman20Hornsd
9Brother OdiumBeastman919Horns, Claw, Block-ma, m, n
11Brother GorritanosBeastman1015Horns, Clawd
11Brother GorritanosBeastman15Hornsd
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior2651Block, Claw, Claw, Juggernautn, n, d
2Brother TopperianBeastman4051Horns, Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blowd
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior23d
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur1740Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Guard, Break Tacklen, m, -av
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior5788+AG, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklen
11Brother GorritanosBeastman1116Horns, Block, Tacklen, m
9Brother OdiumBeastman56Horns, Blockm, n
7Brother PeikanBeastman86Horns, Blockd
6Brother QuBitusBeastman1115Horns, Clawd
7Brother PeikanBeastman56Hornsd
12Brother BendragonBeastman3033Horns, Block, +ST, Guardd
10Brother TrogitonBeastman2836Horns, Block, Tackle, Guardd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior5892Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ballm, n
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior2120Block, Clawm, n
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior4123Block, +MAm, -st
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur2833Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Guard, Break Tackle-av, d
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior2643Block, Guard, Clawm, n
12Brother BendragonBeastman1618Horns, Block, Guardm, n
11Brother GorritanosBeastman2510Horns, Blockd
10Brother TrogitonBeastman100Horns-av, d
3Brother MeziriusBeastman5168Horns, Block, +ST, Mighty Blow, +AGd
7Brother PeikanBeastman1112Horns, Blockm, n
6Brother QuBitusBeastman1517Horns, Block, Tackled
5Sister AngelikaBeastman71Horns-st, m, n
2Brother TopperianBeastman3486Horns, Block, Claw, Claw, Tackle, Guard-ag, n, d
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior14m, n
2Brother TopperianBeastman316Horns, Blockd
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior86Blockd
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur917Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Juggernautm, n
8Brother JanusBeastman6362Horns, Dirty Player, Block, +AG, Guardd
7Brother PeikanBeastman1411Horns, Blockm, n
4Brother ChristeronBeastman4050Horns, Block, Guard, Tacklem, n
5Sister AngelikaBeastman72Hornsd
4Brother ChristeronBeastman20Hornsd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior57Claw-ma, m, n
2Brother TopperianBeastman1824Horns, +ST, Blockn, d
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior2731Block, Guard, +STn, m
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior2716Block, Clawn, m
11Brother GorritanosBeastman3313Horns, Blockn, -ag, m
10Brother TrogitonBeastman139Horns, Blockd
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior916Block, Guard-ma, m, n
10Brother TrogitonBeastman1116Horns, Block, Guardm, n
2Brother TopperianBeastman2222Horns, Block, Guardd
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior98Blockd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior2319Block, Guardd
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior58Blockn
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior4072Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Guardn, d
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior2837+AG, Block, Tackled
9Brother OdiumBeastman8985Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guard, +AG, Tacklem, n
3Brother MeziriusBeastman6371Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard-av, -ag, d
2Brother TopperianBeastman1533Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Clawd
6Brother QuBitusBeastman62118Horns, Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Foul Appearance, Tacklem, n
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior1026Block, Mighty Blow-av, m, n
4Brother ChristeronBeastman4431Horns, Dirty Player, +ST, Blockd
10Brother TrogitonBeastman20Hornsd
9Brother OdiumBeastman59Horns, Clawm, -st
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur5568Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Juggernaut, Break Tackle, Multiple Blockm, n
7Brother PeikanBeastman4840Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardd
5Sister AngelikaBeastman4543Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle-av, -av, d
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior2944Block, Mighty Blow, Guard-ag, -ma, d
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior136Blockd
9Brother OdiumBeastman65Hornsm, -ag
7Brother PeikanBeastman311Horns, Blockm, n
6Brother QuBitusBeastman149Horns, Block-av, n, m, n
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior3035Block, Mighty Blow, Guardn, m
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior519Claw, Blockd
7Brother PeikanBeastman20Hornsm, n
4Brother ChristeronBeastman2736Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardd
1Inquisitor Candliorum Minotaur2559Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Juggernaut, Multiple Block, Break Tacklen, m, n
9Brother OdiumBeastman20Hornsm, n
5Sister AngelikaBeastman3149Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blowm, -st
4Brother ChristeronBeastman128Hornsd
12Brother Bendragon Beastman1311Horns, Dirty Playerd
9Brother OdiumBeastman126Horns, Blockm, n
8Brother JanusBeastman85100Horns, +ST, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard-av, -ag, m, n
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior3151Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tacklen
7Brother PeikanBeastman2016Horns, Block, +AG-av, m, n
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior73145Block, Mighty Blow, +ST, Guard, Claw, Juggernaut-ag, n, -av, d
3Brother MeziriusBeastman6888Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackled
16Adepta VeronikaChaos Warrior3863Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Clawn, d
2Brother TopperianBeastman6863Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardd
2Brother TopperianBeastman15Hornsd
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior910Blockd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior5460Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Clawn, d
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior2233Claw, Block, Mighty Blown, d
13Adeptus SinnerionChaos Warrior31m, n
15Adeptus CopynorChaos Warrior311+AGd
14Adeptus TorusChaos Warrior916Block, Guardd
13Adeptus SinnionChaos Warrior86Blockd
12Brother BendragonBeastman169Horns, Blockm, -st
12Brother BendragonBeastman10Hornsm, n
11Brother GorritanosBeastman4857Horns, Block, Guard, +AG, Mighty Blown, m
9Brother OdiumBeastman2016Horns, Block, Guardn, m
9Brother OdiumBeastman10Hornsd
11Brother GorritanosBeastman15Hornsd
10Brother TrogitonBeastman72111Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle-ag, -ag, -ma, n, d
9Brother OdiumBeastman10Hornsd
8Brother JanusBeastman2021Horns, Block, Dirty Playerm, n
7Brother PeikanBeastman3150Horns, Claw, Block, Mighty Blown, d
6Brother QuBitusBeastman69126Horns, Claw, +AG, Block, Claw, Guard, Tacklen, n
5Sister AngelikaBeastman5234Horns, Block, Guard, Tackled
4Brother ChristeronBeastman4569Horns, Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Guardd
3Brother MeziriusBeastman221Hornsn, d
2Brother TopperianBeastman2227Horns, Block, Tacklem, n
1Inquisitor CandliorumMinotaur5794Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Multiple Block, Juggernaut, Break Tackle, Clawn, d