50 coaches online • Server time: 18:06
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Did you know? Up until now, 1507717 players have died on the pitch.
Past Players of House Phalanx
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
2 | Dinluat Hailseeker | Lineman | 5 | 6 | | d |
2 | Rahain Earthfall | Lineman | 1 | 0 | | d |
1 | Iholold Grimfighter | Lineman | 10 | 16 | Block, +ST | n, d |
10 | Titipioh Bladeeye | Lion Warrior | 7 | 19 | Catch, Dodge, Block | d |
14 | Ariltotb Stormdancer | Phoenix Warrior | 2 | 3 | Pass | m, n |
13 | Lesudd Fareye | Phoenix Warrior | 5 | 11 | Pass, Dodge | m, n |
9 | Otinirr Sunvoyager | Lineman | 11 | 11 | Block | d |
14 | Itrieg Bloodfollower | Phoenix Warrior | 7 | 21 | Pass, +AG, Block | n |
15 | Tisabtalg Wolfdreamer | Dragon Warrior | 8 | 16 | Block, Tackle, Dodge | m, n |
8 | Lorascael Banebard | Lineman | 5 | 0 | | m, n |
7 | Adguih Shadowvoyager | Lineman | 6 | 1 | | d |
6 | Selneap Dawnhunt | Lineman | 2 | 7 | Block | n |
5 | Hilloll Cairndream | Lineman | 27 | 28 | +AG, Guard | -ag, d |
2 | Edliin Leafdragon | Lineman | 17 | 8 | Block | -av, d |
1 | Ataherosc Haredreamer | Lineman | 17 | 15 | Block | -av, -ma, d |