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Past Players of Slug Thugs
Team Page
9Slug in MetropolisBeastman20Hornsd
3Slug of ShadowsBeastman42Hornsm, n
9Slugger in MetropolisBeastman413Horns, Blockm, n
8Tunnel SlugBeastman48Horns, Clawd
5Ammonoidea, Jurassic MolluscBeastman116Horns, Blockm, -ag
14Legend SlugRotter415Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Blockd
6Clogged Up SlugBeastman1931Horns, Block, Guardd
8Skelo SlugBeastman56Horns, Blockd
3Slug the SlayerBeastman2034Horns, Claw, Block, Tackled
5Lime Green SlugBeastman816Horns, Block, Guardm, n
2Marches On StomachBeastman1122Horns, Block, Clawd
6Son of SlimyBeastman81Hornsd
11Twisted SlugBeastman1614Horns, Dirty Playerm, n
8Slimemantle the LesserBeastman66Horns, Extra Armsn
9Gastronome GastropodBeastman1912Horns, Blockm, -av
3Leafclimber AphideaterBeastman2023Horns, Block, Mighty Blowd
2Slimy (the Sequel)Beastman2219Horns, Block, Tacklem, n
10Fairweather SlugBeastman3849Horns, Dirty Player, Foul Appearance, Stand Firmm, n
9Inching DoomBeastman110Hornsm, n
14Slug of the ApocalypseRotter4031Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard, Mighty Blown
6Aphid TerrorBeastman2951Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Pron
13Wiggles Towards BethlehemRotter3417Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Mighty Blowm, n
8Antennae of Ill OmenBeastman2747Horns, Sure Hands, Block, Tacklem, -av
5MucoushornBeastman3233Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guardd
7Slowwiggle SlimetrailBeastman4544Horns, Block, Kick, Tackled
2Slimy ShellstealerBeastman150Horns-ma
3Wishful SlugBeastman2049Horns, Block, Claw, Guardd
16Bendy SlugRotter3018Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Clawm, n
15Slimemantle the GloriousRotter5562Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tacklem, n
6Hammered SlugsBeastman1322Horns, Block, Guardd
5SquishyBeastman911Horns, Sure Handsd
13SluggoRotter85Regenerate, Foul Appearanced
14Micromela UndataRotter1425Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guardd
7GastropodaBeastman512Horns, Clawd
2EudoridoideaBeastman76Horns, Sure Handsn
15HypselodorisRotter68Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Blockd
6Slaughter SlugBeastman121Hornsm, n
12ShrivelledBeastman1313Horns, Sure Handsd
11Misty SlugBeastman5347Horns, Block, Guard, Tacklem, n
3Drug SlugBeastman213Horns-ma, m, -st
16Hargrim GroinstompRotter2312Regenerate, Foul Appearance, +STn
6Broken ShellBeastman714Horns, Sure Handsm, -ag
7Spitting SnailBeastman1214Horns, Guardd
4Synnful SnailBeastman72119Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, +ST, Tackled
9Fluky SnailBeastman1716Horns, Dirty Player, Sure Handsn
6Dragon SnailBeastman46Horns, Dirty Playerd
6Softshell the MightyBeastman10Hornsd
2Shell-stealer SnailBeastman1817Horns, Block, Guardd
3Giant African Land SnailBeastman816Horns, Block, Guard-av, m, n
2Achatina FulicaBeastman10Horns-ma
7One Hundred Baby SnailsBeastman911Horns, Clawm, n
12Cool MoistnessBeastman1126Horns, Sure Hands, Blockm, n
10Vast Pallid SlugRotter2653Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Claw, Razor Sharp Claws, Block, Guardd
8Baby SlugBeastman3756Horns, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Kickd
6PlanktotrophicBeastman108Horns, Blockm, n
4PoecilogonousBeastman1312Horns, Blockd
1Ariolimax ColumbianusBeast103122Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Really Stupid, Big Guy, Tentacles, Infect, Block, +ST, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tacklem, n
2NotaspideaBeastman1622Horns, Block, Mighty Blowm, n
14AnadoridoidRotter3423Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard-av, m, -ma
12Quaking MantleBeastman126Horns, Blockd
3Salt-terrorBeastman2054Horns, Block, +AG, Dodge, Sure Handsn
11PolyceroidBeastman189Horns, Clawm, n
2MetarminoidBeastman40Hornsm, n
10Translucent SlugBeastman170Hornsm, -av
9Cabbage ChewerBeastman2641Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blowm, n
15RingiculidaeRotter2426Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Mighty Blow, Blockm, n
12California SidegillBeastman89Horns, Multiple Blockm, n
10Three Striped PhyllidiaBeastman15Hornsm, n
11Cuthona BehrensiRotter55Regenerate, Foul Appearancem, n
6AriolimaxBeastman1717Horns, Claw, +AGm, n
13Smoky TaildropperRotter6352Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Prod
10Limax MaximusBeastman618Horns, +AG, Blockn
7Garden SlugBeastman3720Horns, Dirty Player, Blockd
6Greater Green-brownBeastman410Horns, Clawd
3Albino SlugBeastman2031Horns, Block, Tackle, Shadowingn
7Questing AntennaeBeastman13Hornsm, n
16Large Black SlugRotter4751Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firmn
7Trail of SlimeBeastman10Hornsd
3Mucous OozerBeastman50Hornsm, n
6Hydatina PhysisBeastman50Hornsd
2OpisthobranchBeastman2753Horns, +ST, Block, Claw, Tacklen, d
1Tropical LeatherleafBeast4155Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Really Stupid, Big Guy, Tentacles, Infect, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Piling Onm, n
13Valaria IIRotter1016Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guardm, n
8Common SlugBeastman4476Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Kick-ma, n
7AeolidBeastman70Hornsm, n
14ChromodoridRotter3996Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Claw, Razor Sharp Claws, +ST, Multiple Blockm, n
4GeomalacusBeastman4859Horns, Sure Hands, Block, Strip Ball, Guardm, n
3DyakioideaBeastman1116Horns, Block, +AGd
15DolichophallusRotter2226Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Razor Sharp Claws, Blockd
6Ghost SlugBeastman1134Horns, Claw, Razor Sharp Claws, Blockn
11Keel SlugBeastman1312Horns, Blockd
16Great NorthernRotter1941Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Claw, Block, Guardd
7Tawny Garden SlugBeastman97Horns, Guardm, n
6Pancake SlugBeastman49Horns, Blockd
8Small Black SlugBeastman65Hornsd
9Northwestern BananaBeastman3735Horns, Block, Guard, Tackled
8RhytidoideaRotter35Regenerate, Foul Appearancem, n
3DendronotoideaBeastman1312Horns, Frenzy-av, d
4Arion rufus LinnaeusBeastman1716Horns, Block, Guardd
3AriolimaxBeastman18Horns, Blockn
2ShelllessBeastman2553Horns, Block, +AG, Tackle, Sure Handsd
6Field SlugBeastman1117Horns, Block, Guardd
3Black SlugBeastman45Hornsd
4Great Grey SlugBeastman31Hornsd
10Cannibal SlugBeastman32105Horns, Claw, Razor Sharp Claws, Block, +ST, Tacklen
3Leopard SluggieBeastman64Hornsm, n
9Keel SlugBeastman1511Horns, Sure Handsm, -st
6Lettuce-eaterBeastman710Horns, Clawm, n
5SlimyBeastman11377Horns, Dirty Player, Kick, Foul Appearance, Block, Pron
14Big-SpotRotter1614Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Clawm, n
4Mucus TrailBeastman811Horns, Tackle 
15SnickersRotter3325Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Mighty Blow, Blockd
16TwixRotter3439Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Razor Sharp Claws, Block, Mighty Blowd
13LimacidaeRotter4452Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Break Tacklen, m, n
12UnshelledBeastman1014Horns, Sure Handsm, n
11AnthobranchiaBeastman2711Horns, Blockd
10DoridoxoideaBeastman1032Horns, Block, +ST, Mighty Blown, n
9MolluscBeastman98Horns, Mighty Blown
8GastropodBeastman1922Horns, Kick, Guard-ma
7PulmonataBeastman3454Horns, Block, Guard, +AG, Tacklen
6HygroscopicBeastman118Horns, Guardm, n
5Mucus OozerBeastman919Horns, Guard, Blockn
4Banana SlugBeastman613Horns, Mighty Blowm, n
3Leopard SlugBeastman178Horns, Dirty Playerm, n
2Garden SlugBeastman2460Horns, Sure Hands, Block, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, n
1NudibranchiaBeast5185Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Foul Appearance, Really Stupid, Big Guy, Tentacles, Infect, +ST, Multiple Block, Block, Guard, Break Tacklen