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* * * Did you know? The most deaths in a single match is 8.
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Past Players of Cult of Shadows
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8Grim Reaper XXXIBeastman Runner20Hornsn
13Shadowfiend XVIBeastman Runner20Horns-ma
10Puma XXIIBeastman Runner40Hornsm, d
8Grim Reaper XXXBeastman Runner35Hornsd
1Rottweiler XIIBeastman Runner50Horns 
8Shadowfiend XVBeastman Runner20Hornsd
1Rottweiler XIIMinotaur90Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal-ag, d
12Ace XXVBeastman Runner80Horns-av
10Grim Reaper XXIXBeastman Runner170Hornsm, n
8Shadowfiend XIVBeastman Runner1421Horns, Block, Guard-ma, -ag
14Red Dragon XXIIBeastman Runner1110Horns, Blockm, d
12Ace XXIVBeastman Runner47Horns, Dodgen
13Puma XXIBeastman Runner2210Horns, Dirty Playerm, d
13Puma XXBeastman Runner10Horns-ma
13Puma XIXBeastman Runner20Hornsm, d
8Shadowfiend XIIIBeastman Runner70Hornsm, -ma
8Shadowfiend XIIBeastman Runner20Horns-ag
10Grim Reaper XXVIIIBeastman Runner1216Horns, Block, Guard-ag, -ma
1Rottweiler XIMinotaur1317Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guard, Clawd
8Shadowfiend XIBeastman Runner30Hornsd
13Puma XVIIIBeastman Runner32Hornsd
14Red Dragon XXIBeastman Runner120Hornsn
13Red Dragon XXBeastman Runner60Hornsm, n
2War XIIChosen Blocker2251Block, +AG, Guard, Tacklem, d
14Puma XVIIBeastman Runner103Hornsd
10Grim Reaper XXVIIBeastman Runner178Horns, Dodged
10Grim Reaper XXVIBeastman Runner20Hornsd
7Boar XBeastman Runner80Horns-ma
10Grim Reaper XXVBeastman Runner55Hornsm
9Other XIIIBeastman Runner150Hornsm, d
9Other XIIBeastman Runner60Hornsn
1Rottweiler XMinotaur2751Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Claw, Guard, Tentacles, Stand Firmm, m, m, d
10Grim Reaper XXIVBeastman Runner50Hornsm, d
9Other XIBeastman Runner10Horns-av
1Rottweiler IXMinotaur813Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guardd
7Boar IXBeastman Runner250Hornsm, m, n
6Lion XIBeastman Runner6862Horns, Block, +MA, Frenzy, Dodgem, m, m, -st
8Shadowfiend XBeastman Runner4920Horns, Dirty Player, Blockm, n
14Puma XVIBeastman Runner3730Horns, Dodge, Block, Grotty Weapon (Ball & Chain, No Hands, Secret Weapon), No Hands, Secret Weaponm, m, m, d
12Ace XXIIIBeastman Runner6319Horns, Dirty Player, Kick-av, m
12Ace XXIIBeastman Runner10Horns-ag
14Puma XVBeastman Runner54Horns-av
10Grim Reaper XXIIIBeastman Runner2635Horns, Block, Frenzy, +MAn
12Grizly Bear XIXBeastman Runner30Hornsd
16Ace XXIBeastman Runner46Horns, Diving Tacklen
9Other XBeastman Runner170Hornsm, m, m, -ag
10Grizly Bear XVIIIBeastman Runner60Hornsd
12Grim Reaper XXIIBeastman Runner75Hornsm, m, -st
6Grim Reaper XXIBeastman Runner10Hornsd
11Black Panther XXIIIBeastman Runner106130Horns, Wrestle, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +ST, +MAm, m, m, m, d
9Other IXBeastman Runner1824Horns, Block, Leaderd
11Black Panther XXIIBeastman Runner86Horns, Blockd
12Grim Reaper XXBeastman Runner105Hornsd
12Black Panther XXIBeastman Runner45Hornsd
6Grim Reaper XIXBeastman Runner58Horns, Blockn
6Black Panther XXBeastman Runner20Hornsd
7Lion XBeastman Runner3988Horns, +AG, Block, Dodge, Sure Hands, Guardm, m, -ma
1Rottweiler VIIIMinotaur3945Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guard, Tentacles, Break Tacklem, d
12Black Panther XIXBeastman Runner30Hornsd
15Unleashed Demon XXBeastman Runner10Hornsd
15Unleashed Demon XIXBeastman Runner40Hornsm, n
13Red Dragon XIXBeastman Runner9166Horns, Block, Guard, Tackle, Dodgem, m, m, d
9Other VIIIBeastman Runner20Hornsd
12Black Panther XVIIIBeastman Runner100Hornsm, n
16Ace XXBeastman Runner4237Horns, Block, Guard, +AG-ma, m, m, d
12Ace XIXBeastman Runner211Hornsd
15Unleashed Demon XVIIIBeastman Runner98Horns, +ST-av
15Unleashed Demon XVIIBeastman Runner10Hornsd
13Red Dragon XVIIIBeastman Runner1017Horns, Block, Guard-ma, d
10Grizly Bear XVIIBeastman Runner4682Horns, +MA, Wrestle, +MA, Tackle, Frenzym, m, -ag, d
16Black Panther XVIIBeastman Runner79Horns, Block-ag
13Red Dragon XVIIBeastman Runner40Hornsd
12Ace XVIIIBeastman Runner910Horns, Blockd
4Pestilence XVChosen Blocker3167Block, Guard, +MA, Extra Armsd
13Red Dragon XVIBeastman Runner50Horns-ag
16Black Panther XVIBeastman Runner100Horns-ma
15Unleashed Demon XVIBeastman Runner1633Horns, +MA, Block, Guardm, n
17 Osmond VilespikeBeastman Runner10Hornsd
10Unleashed Demon XVBeastman Runner10Horns-ag
4Pestilence XIVChosen Blocker1118Block, Guardd
9Ace XVIIBeastman Runner1634Horns, Dodge, Block, Guardd
7Grizly Bear XVIBeastman Runner1822Horns, Block, Guardm, d
1Rottweiler VIIMinotaur1317Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guard, +AVm, n
9Ace XVIBeastman Runner57Horns, Blockd
8Lion IXBeastman Runner4837Horns, Block, Dodge, Guardm, -av
6Boar VIIIBeastman Runner5040Horns, Wrestle, Strip Ball, Tacklem, m, -ag
3Famine XIIIChosen Blocker3458Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, m, d
15Ace XVBeastman Runner63Hornsn
8Ace XIVBeastman Runner21Hornsd
7Grizly Bear XVBeastman Runner1110Horns, Blockd
10Ace XIIIBeastman Runner20Hornsd
11Grim Reaper XVIIIBeastman Runner6357Horns, Block, Tackle, Frenzy, Juggernautm, -av, m, d
7Ace XIIBeastman Runner49Horns, Jump Upd
1Rottweiler VIMinotaur1617Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guard, Break Tackled
14Puma XIVBeastman Runner9623Horns, Dirty Player, Blockm, m, m, -ma, d
16Black Panther XVBeastman Runner3058Horns, +AG, Dodge, +MA, Sure Handsm, d
14Black Panther XIVBeastman Runner20Horns-ma
14Black Panther XIIIBeastman Runner28Hornsd
7Ace XIBeastman Runner22Hornsd
2War XIChosen Blocker148210Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Claw, Grabm, m, m, -av, m, m, m, -st
17Fredrick WhiteeagleBeastman Runner13Hornsd
9Ace XBeastman Runner10Horns-ma
10Grizly Bear XIVBeastman Runner108Horns, Blockm, d
16Puma XIIIBeastman Runner90Hornsm, n
7Puma XIIBeastman Runner12Hornsd
11Grim Reaper XVIIBeastman Runner1520Horns, Block, Guardd
15Lion XVBeastman Runner1711Horns, Blockm, m, d
5Death XXChosen Blocker96211Block, +AG, Dodge, Guard, +AG, Sure Handsm, -st, -ma
5Death XIXChosen Blocker13d
15Grim Reaper XVIBeastman Runner26Hornsd
14Black Panther XIIBeastman Runner1223Horns, Block, Guardd
15Grim Reaper XVBeastman Runner20Horns-av
16Lion XIVBeastman Runner68Horns, Block-ma
13Unleashed Demon XIVBeastman Runner4437Horns, Leader, Block, Guardm, m, m, m, d
11Black Panther XIBeastman Runner56Horns, Block-ag
7Grim Reaper XIVBeastman Runner79Horns, Blockd
9Unleashed Demon XIIIBeastman Runner50Horns-ma
16Lion XIIIBeastman Runner815Horns, Blockm, d
7Grim Reaper XIIIBeastman Runner46Horns, Block-av
6Red Dragon XVBeastman Runner4270Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Frenzym, -ma
15Black Panther XBeastman Runner911Horns, Jump Upn
16Red Dragon XIVBeastman Runner30Hornsd
7Red Dragon XIIIBeastman35Hornsd
4Pestilence XIIIChosen Blocker65111Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Clawm, m, m, m, d
11Red Dragon XIIBeastman43Hornsd
13Grim Reaper XIIBeastman1012Horns, Clawm, n
9Lion XIIBeastman Runner181Hornsm, d
8Puma XIBeastman Runner4445Horns, Block, Guard, Tacklem, m, m, m, m, -av
12Boar VIIBeastman Runner8248Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guardm, m, d
10Grizly Bear XIIIBeastman Runner5557Horns, Block, Frenzy, Guard, Mighty Blowm, m, m, m, d
6Ace IXBeastman Runner3838Horns, Block, Tackle, Guardm, d
10Ace VIIIBeastman37Hornsd
16Unleashed Demon XIIBeastman3958Horns, Block, +AG, Tackle, Sure Handsm, n
11Grim Reaper XIBeastman2836Horns, +AG, Block, Tacklem, n, m
11Grim Reaper XBeastman31Hornsm, -ma
10Unleashed Demon XIBeastman517Horns, Block, Tacklen
7Red Dragon XIBeastman3638Horns, Block, Guard, Clawm, m, m, n
11Grim Reaper IXBeastman25Hornsm, -av
9Lion XIBeastman2931Horns, Block, Guard, Tacklem, m, n
6Grizly Bear XIIBeastman1317Horns, Block, Tackled
4Pestilence XIIChaos Warrior3952Claw, Block, Guard, Mighty Blown, n
3Famine XIIChosen Blocker94146Block, Claw, +AG, Guard, Mighty Blowm, m, m, m, m, -av, -av
1Rottweiler VMinotaur6553Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Guard, Break Tackle, Claw, Juggernautm, m, -av, m, -ag, -ma
3Famine XIChaos Warrior310Blockm, -st
5Death XVIIIChosen Blocker7479Claw, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, m, m, -ma, m, n
12Boar VIBeastman2734Horns, Claw, +AG, Blockm, -ma, m, n
10Unleashed Demon XBeastman1825Horns, +AG, +AGm, d
14Black Panther IXBeastman Runner6532Horns, Dirty Player, +MA, +STm, m, -ag, m, -ma, d
9Grizly Bear XIBeastman1117Horns, +STm, d
6Pestilence XIChaos Warrior1011Blockm, m, m, n
5Death XVIIChaos Warrior1111Blockm, n
4Lion XBeastman1619Horns, Block, +AGd
2War XChosen Blocker96152Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Clawm, m, m, m, m, m, m, -av, n
16Grim Reaper VIIIBeastman2648Horns, Block, +AG, Tacklem, d
8Puma XBeastman5051Horns, Frenzy, Block, Tackle, Guardd
6Grizly Bear XBeastman71Hornsm, -ma, d
3Famine XChaos Warrior2467Block, Claw, Claw, Tentaclesm, n
9Lion IXBeastman66Hornsd
6Grizly Bear IXBeastman46Hornsd
2War IXChaos Warrior88Clawd
4Pestilence XChaos Warrior1123Block, Clawm, d
15Other VIIBeastman78119Horns, Block, +AG, Sure Hands, Tackle, Guardm, m, m, n
12Grizly Bear VIIIBeastman67Horns, Dirty Playerm, n, d
16Grim Reaper VIIBeastman1916Horns, Block, +AGm, n
8Puma IXBeastman181Hornsd
7Red Dragon XBeastman4822Horns, Dirty Player, Dodgem, m, -av, m, n
4Pestilence IXChaos Warrior1225Block, Guardm, -av, m, n
5Death XVIChaos Warrior3236Block, Guard, Mighty Blowm, n
13Unleashed Demon IXBeastman2218Horns, Block, Guardm, m, m, n
11Ace VIIBeastman4880Horns, Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +STm, n
2War VIIIChaos Warrior2234Tentacles, Block, Guardn
7Puma VIIIBeastman90Hornsm, n
6Black Panther VIIIBeastman2419Horns, Dirty Player, Dodgem, m, n
6Black Panther VIIBeastman10Hornsm, n
11Ace VIBeastman65Hornsm, m, -st
2War VIIChaos Warrior611Blockm, d
9Lion VIIIBeastman3276Horns, +AG, +MA, Sure Hands, Dodge, Blockn
12Red Dragon IXBeastman2119Horns, Dirty Player, +MAm, d
4Death XVChaos Warrior1919Block, Tentaclesm, d
11Puma VIIBeastman116Horns, Blockm, n
14Ace VBeastman146Horns, Blockd
4Death XIVChaos Warrior921Block, Guardn
2War VIChaos Warrior1918Block, Guardd
11Ace IVBeastman85Hornsm, n
8Grizly Bear VIIBeastman3831Horns, Block, Guard, Tacklem, d
3Famine IXChaos Warrior5849Block, Guard, Tacklem, -ma, d
5Pestilence VIIIChaos Warrior3746Tentacles, Block, Guardd
11Grizzly Bear VIBeastman10Hornsm, n
9Lion VIIBeastman2332Horns, Block, Guard, +MA-ma, m, n
13Unleashed Demon VIIIBeastman3428Horns, Dirty Player, Blockm, d
8Unleashed Demon VIIBeastman20Hornsm, n
12Red Dragon VIIIBeastman3518Horns, Block, Guardd
9Lion VIBeastman111Hornsd
16Boar VBeastman5650Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guardm, n
13Red Dragon VIIBeastman66Horns, Blockd
12Red Dragon VIBeastman10Hornsd
4Death XIIIChaos Warrior3351Block, Guard, +AG, Mighty Blown
7Puma VIBeastman3736Horns, Block, Tackle, Guardm, n
6Black Panther VIBeastman5647Horns, Block, Guard, Tacklem, d
10Other VIBeastman77123Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +MA-av, -ma, m, m, d
16Lion VBeastman142Hornsd
4Death XIIChaos Warrior616Block, Guardd
4Death XIChaos Warrior23d
14Ace IIIBeastman3435Horns, Block, Guard, Tacklen
4Death XChaos Warrior35m, -ma
5Pestilence VIIChaos Warrior3927Block, Guardm, n
2War VChaos Warrior4956Claw, Block, Guard, Claw-ma, -av, d
1Rottweiler IVTroll12878Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, +ST, Block, Break Tackle, +MA-av, m, d
15Grim Reaper VIBeastman80187Horns, Claw, Block, Claw, Tackle, Dauntless, Multiple Block, Guard-ma, -ma, m, m, -ma, m, n, m, -ma, d
7Puma VBeastman2116Horns, Block, +STm, n, n
13Other VBeastman10Hornsm, n
11Grizzly Bear VBeastman4339Horns, Block, Guardd
3Famine VIIIChaos Warrior5185+ST, Block, Guard, Tentacles, Tacklem, n
1Rottweiler IIITroll108Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guardm, n
9Boar IVBeastman3823Horns, Dirty Player, Block-ag, m, n
7Grim Reaper VBeastman921Horns, Block, Guardd
3Famine VIIChaos Warrior45d
5Pestilence VIChaos Warrior1731Block, Guard, Mighty Blown
15Puma IVBeastman173Hornsm, n
9Boar IIIBeastman1012Horns, Blockm, -st
11Grizzly Bear IVBeastman187Horns, Blockm, -st
9Grizzly Bear IIIBeastman35Hornsm, n
4Death IXChaos Warrior3351+AG, Block, Dodge, Guardn
7Grim Reaper IVBeastman2219Horns, Block, Clawm, n
14Boar IIBeastman122Hornsd
10Ace IIBeastman3325Horns, Block, Guardm, n
4Death VIIIChaos Warrior99Blockd
14Grim Reaper IIIBeastman56Horns, Blockd
1Rottweiler IITroll3117Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Block, Guardd
6Black Panther VBeastman5970Horns, +MA, Block, Big Hand, +MAm, n
16Lion IVBeastman5656Horns, Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, n
12Red Dragon VBeastman5957Horns, Block, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blowm, n
13Other IVBeastman4346Horns, Block, Claw, Tackled
15Grizzly Bear IIBeastman2521Horns, Block, Guardm, n
16Red Dragon IVBeastman80Hornsm, n
12Grizzly BearBeastman410Horns, Blockm, n
11BoarBeastman2535Horns, Claw, Clawd
16Red Dragon IIIBeastman46Horns, Blockd
9Puma IIIBeastman1425Horns, Big Hand, Blockd
8Unleashed Demon VIBeastman9676Horns, Block, Dirty Player, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blown
7Black Panther IVBeastman1518Horns, Dirty Player, Blockn
6Lion IIIBeastman1514Horns, Dirty Playerm, n
4Death VIIChaos Warrior2324Block, Guardm, n
2War IVChaos Warrior6357Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle-ma, n
2War IIIChaos Warrior20m, n
3Famine VIChaos Warrior5173Claw, +AG, Block, +AG 
8Black Panther IIIBeastman714Horns, Blockm, n
7Lion IIBeastman920Horns, +MA, Blockm, n
9Other IIIBeastman10Hornsd
15Unleashed Demon VBeastman76Horns, Blockd
14Grim Reaper IIBeastman3656Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle, Guard-av, d
3Famine VChaos Warrior916Block, +AGn
14Other IIBeastman611Horns, Dirty Playerd
15Unleashed Demon IVBeastman115Hornsd
10AceBeastman5897Horns, Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Kick-ag, d
11Puma IIBeastman2847Horns, Block, Claw, Tackled
15Unleashed Demon IIIBeastman98Hornsd
13Red Dragon IIBeastman297Horns, Dirty Playerd
8Grim ReaperBeastman2224Horns, Block, Sure Handsm, n
9OtherBeastman1617Horns, Dirty Player, Diving Tackle-ma, d
5Pestilence VChaos Warrior83108Claw, Block, +ST, Guard, Tackle 
16Dream DestroyerBeastman3522Horns, Dirty Player, Block-ma, m, -av
1RottweilerTroll6447Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Break Tackle, Blockd
11PumaBeastman1416Horns, Block, Clawm, n
12LionBeastman3741Horns, Claw, Block, Guardd
14Black Panther IIBeastman2650Horns, Block, Tackle, +AGd
10Unleashed Demon IIBeastman1716Horns, Dirty Player, Blockm, n
11Black PantherBeastman55Hornsd
13Red DragonBeastman1920Horns, Block, Sure Handsd
15DragonkinBeastman2014Horns, Dirty Playerd
3Famine IVChaos Warrior4457+ST, Block, Guard, Tacklen, m
13FarseerBeastman81Hornsm, -st
1Black NightTroll2220Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, +ST, Guardd
4Death VIChaos Warrior6476Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Multiple Blockn
7GrimBeastman3251Horns, Block, Claw, +AG, Tackled
6GratchBeastman6295Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle, Claw, Dauntless-st, d
9DragonfuryBeastman1626Horns, Dirty Player, Blockd
12Unleashed DemonBeastman2132Horns, Block, Frenzy, Clawd
12Natural CausesBeastman20Hornsm, -ag
8Unleashed OneBeastman46Hornsd
10PestbringerBeastman111Hornsm, -ag
5Pestilence IVChaos Warrior4160+AG, Block, Guard, +AGn
9DroughtBeastman1117Horns, +AG, Blockn
8UnleashedBeastman80Hornsm, n
11AnderBeastman1611Horns, Blockd
14ShadowknightBeastman3746Horns, Block, Tackle, Guardd
4Death VChaos Warrior2234Block, Guard, Mighty Blowd
15DragonbaneBeastman3445Horns, Block, Tackle, Guardd
16Dire HoundBeastman4842Horns, Block, Claw, Tackled
3Famine IIIChaos Warrior2630Block, Guardd
1WargTroll2834Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Break Tackle, Multiple Blockn
2War IIChaos Warrior87120Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Claw, Tackled
16DreamstealerBeastman35Hornsm, n
5Pestilence IIIChaos Warrior1831Block, Guard, Mighty Blown
1Dooms DayTroll50Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guyd
11VenomBeastman616Horns, Blockd
16Soul like a luciferBeastman910Horns, Blockm, n
1Darkest NightTroll218Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Blockm, n
10HexorBeastman4756Horns, Block, Claw, +AG, Guard-st
12WonderBeastman5431Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Guardm, n
9GrimshakBeastman3144Horns, +ST, Block, Guardm, n
7MiracleBeastman4051Horns, Block, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blown
8DevilfishBeastman5352Horns, Block, Guard, +MA, Mighty Blow-av, n
2Famine IIChaos Warrior5169Block, Claw, Guard, Tacklem, n
16DestroyerBeastman4238Horns, Block, +AG, Guard-ag, d
4Death IVChaos Warrior5282Block, Guard, +AG, Sure Hands, Tacklen
9ReaperBeastman1513Horns, Block-ma, m, -ma
11StriderBeastman3132Horns, Block, Guard, Kickn
4DeathChaos Warrior311Blockd
1Dark NightTroll3125Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Break Tackled
10ViciousBeastman710Horns, Blockd
15UnslaughtBeastman6077Horns, Block, Guard, Dirty Player, Claw, Tackle-ag, -ag, -ag, n
15Scaly ScorpionBeastman10Hornsm, -st
4DeathChaos Warrior69Blockd
10Grim RageBeastman50Hornsd
5PestilenceChaos Warrior6394Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, +MA, Clawd
14Black HeartBeastman77127Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +ST, Guardn
4DeathChaos Warrior47Blockm, n
3WarChaos Warrior75111Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Kick-av, d
8Lord of WarBeastman2729Horns, Block, Guardm, n
2FamineChaos Warrior2536Block, Guard, Clawn
9Shadowfiend IXBeastman1616Horns, Block, Frenzyd
12Shadowfiend VIIIBeastman4789Horns, +MA, +AG, Block, +AG, Sure Handsn, m, n
13Shadowfiend VIIBeastman114114Horns, Dirty Player, Dodge, Block, +AG, Big Hand 
16Shadowfiend VIBeastman2035Horns, +ST, Blockd
2PestilenceChaos Warrior411+STd
11RagnarikBeastman2735Horns, Claw, Block, Tackled
1NightOgre2122Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Guard, Break Tacklem, n
7Rowling TigerBeastman179Horns, Dirty Playerm, n
8Big BeastBeastman50Hornsd
9FarlordBeastman15Hornsm, -st
10The HordeBeastman1532Horns, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blowd
12Shadowfiend IVBeastman60Hornsd
13Shadowfiend IIIBeastman418Horns, +AG, Blockn
14Shadowfiend IIBeastman1519Horns, Block, Guardd
15Shadowfiend VBeastman1840Horns, Guard, Block, Kick-ma, -ma
16Horned RaiderBeastman33Hornsd