| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
5 | Morgear the Insane III | Thrall | 1 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | |
15 | Dreamspawn the Evil VII | Thrall | 3 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | n |
9 | Luciano Noble | Crypt Ghoul | 2 | 0 | Dodge, Blood Lust, Regeneration, Right Stuff, Stunty | |
12 | Verelg the Odd III | Thrall | 6 | 5 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | n |
15 | Dreamspawn the Evil VI | Thrall | 3 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
15 | Dreamspawn the Evil IIIII | Thrall | 4 | 2 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, -st |
15 | Dreamspawn the Evil IIII | Thrall | 1 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, n |
12 | Verelg the Odd II | Thrall | 3 | 5 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
15 | Dreamspawn the Evil III | Thrall | 2 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
10 | Garerk the Sinister II | Thrall | 13 | 12 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Diving Tackle | -av |
5 | Morgear the Insane II | Thrall | 9 | 10 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Diving Tackle | d |
2 | Selene Beau Pre | Crypt Ghoul | 11 | 7 | Dodge, Blood Lust, Regeneration, Right Stuff, Stunty, Tackle | d |
14 | Dag the Reaper III | Thrall | 14 | 1 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | n |
15 | Dreamspawn the Evil II | Thrall | 6 | 3 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, n |
14 | Evilstench the Deadley | Thrall | 3 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
16 | Garerk the Sinister | Thrall | 8 | 6 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, +AG | m, -av |
9 | Technotek the Mad II | Thrall | 16 | 3 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, n |
11 | Dag the Reaper II | Thrall | 3 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | n |
4 | Night brood | Crypt Ghoul | 13 | 30 | Dodge, Blood Lust, Regeneration, Right Stuff, Stunty, Tackle, Block | d |
15 | Dreamspawn the Evil | Thrall | 3 | 9 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
14 | Garerk the Sinister | Thrall | 2 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
13 | Tarulg the Determined | Thrall | 14 | 19 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Block, Catch | n |
12 | Verelg the Odd | Thrall | 11 | 16 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, +ST, Side Step | n, m |
11 | Dag the Reaper | Thrall | 1 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | n |
10 | Zarurk the Dangerous | Thrall | 9 | 5 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, n |
9 | Technotek the Mad | Thrall | 2 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, n |
6 | Morgear the Insane | Thrall | 9 | 3 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, n |
3 | Marion Papillon | Crypt Ghoul | 8 | 17 | Dodge, Blood Lust, Regeneration, Right Stuff, Stunty, Block, Tackle | n, n |
2 | Selene Beau Pre | Crypt Ghoul | 7 | 0 | Dodge, Blood Lust, Regeneration, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, -av |