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Past Players of LoA
Team Page
14Prickly PrinzHobgoblin90m, n
2Mongloidian MeechChaos Dwarf Blocker1112Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guardd
7Fael "Fate" ScumChaos Dwarf Blocker1015Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Dauntlessm, n
2Pound em Blue PurpleGlueChaos Dwarf Blocker55Block, Thick Skull, Tackle-av
6Nyberg the NihilistChaos Dwarf Blocker20Block, Thick Skull, Tackled
14GurplePooChaos Dwarf Blocker90Block, Thick Skull, Tacklem, -ma
11Sleek ShadowHobgoblin95m, n
1Most Amorous ManBooshHobgoblin175m, n
15Kill-Kill-KittenHobgoblin2222Dodge, Dirty Playerd
6Plump, Pudgy, PaulyChaos Dwarf Blocker1024Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, +MA, Guardn
10Merrilicious ZeeeChaos Dwarf Blocker99Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guardm, -av
1Meech AroundHobgoblin1013Dirty Playerm, n
9Rowdy RopetusChaos Dwarf Blocker12Block, Thick Skull, Tacklem, n
6FamayaChaos Dwarf Blocker80Block, Thick Skull, Tackled
1Mezzy MezirChaos Dwarf Blocker30Block, Thick Skull, Tackled
11Rank RoChaos Dwarf Blocker921Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blown
5Kn00b Kn0bbyChaos Dwarf Blocker10Block, Thick Skull, Tacklem, n
15Mr. Fouly teh FairyHobgoblin108Dirty Playerm, n
10Master MorehouseHobgoblin40d
4Twisted TorsoHobgoblin56Dirty Playerd
7Slippery SneakyFoxChaos Dwarf Blocker5143Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Dauntless, Mighty Blow, Guard-av
2Lethal LabanChaos Dwarf Blocker4465Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Kick, Diving Tackle-av, m, n
4Dreadclaw the PluckyHobgoblin41m, n
8Multiplier MurphyChaos Dwarf Blocker5457Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow, Pro, Kickn
9Jayden JuiceHobgoblin1914Dodged
3Rondo the Rough RiderBull Centaur1431Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Break Tackle, Guardn
14Melmoth the MasochistChaos Dwarf Blocker3220Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow-ag, -st
15Nilist NybergChaos Dwarf Blocker1611Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guardd
3Stuper ShadowBull Centaur714Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Blockn
13Meech MutilationHobgoblin4577+MA, +AG, Sure Hands, Block, Tackle 
15Jesperius In JestTroll40Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guyd
16Torn TorsoHobgoblin45m, n
14Pac ManHobgoblin2723Dirty Player, Diving Tackle-ma, m, n
6Qaz QaoticHobgoblin4634Dirty Player, Block, +AGn, n
9Rondo ReaverChaos Dwarf Blocker3131Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow, Prod
13The Shadow ShowsTroll1415Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guardd
6J0de T. DuckyHobgoblin50 
15Cris CillsChaos Dwarf Blocker30Block, Thick Skull, Tacklem, -st
12Frenzied FreppaBull Centaur69105Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Break Tackle, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blowm
16Rollin With RoHobgoblin52m, n
11The Stabby BardHobgoblin4251Dirty Player, +ST, Block, Tacklen
10P. EkeHobgoblin1520+MA, Dirty Player-ma, m, n
9Dreaded ClawHobgoblin80 
8Man Eating BushHobgoblin4533Kick, Diving Tackle, Tackle-ag, m, n
7Plush PrinzChaos Dwarf Blocker5195Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, +MA, Guard, Mighty Blow, Pro, Shadowing 
6Rizzle SizzleChaos Dwarf Blocker70Block, Thick Skull, Tackled
5Bloody BorgenChaos Dwarf Blocker4446Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Pro-ag, m, n
4Mysertious MurphyChaos Dwarf Blocker4169Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Dauntless, Mighty Blow, Guard, Prod
3Perfect PizzaBull Centaur3482Thick Skull, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Break Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklen
2Nasty Nasty NaamaChaos Dwarf Blocker5065Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard, Mighty Blow, Pro, Juggernautd
1Torrid TexynnChaos Dwarf Blocker7093Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Dauntless, Guard, Pro, Kickd