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Past Players of Adventures Of Elftor
Team Page
6Brent Hitler IVWood Elf Lineman00 
4Gandalf IIIWood Elf Lineman29+ST 
14George Lucas IIWood Elf Lineman36Dodge 
1Elftor IVWardancer39Leap, Block, Dodge, +AGd
6Gandalf IILineman627Dodge, Blockm, n
6GandalfLineman13m, n
2JesusLineman1122Dirty Player, Dodge 
10R2 IVWardancer924Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, +MAd
13New Elftor Cheerleader IVCatcher614Catch, Dodge, Dirty Playerd
5Canadian Zombie IVWood Elf Lineman2247Block, Dodge, Side Step 
2JesusLineman1137+MA, Dodge, Blockn, d
7Cheesetor VTreeman2724Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Break Tackle 
4Magic FrogCatcher1027Catch, Dodge, Block, Dauntlessm, n
2New Elftor Cheerleader IIICatcher516Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
14R2 IIIWardancer1532Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Step, Tacklem, n
11Rat and Snail IIICatcher1634Catch, Dodge, Block, Dirty Player, Side Stepn
2Cheesetor IVTreeman32Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firmm, n
2Cheesetor IIITreeman10Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firmd
1Elftor IIIWardancer3479Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Shadowing, Kickn
11Jesse Jackson IILineman76Dirty Playerd
13Canadian Zombie IIILineman1634+AG, Dodge, Blockd
14Brent Hitler IIILineman717Guard, Blockd
3Cheesetor IITreeman916Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Break Tackled
12George LucasLineman2242Block, Side Step, Tacklem, n
14Brent Hitler IILineman517Dirty Player, Dodged
16Cowboy Bill IIThrower43111Pass, Safe Throw, Accurate, Dodge, Block, Side Step 
6Brainy IIICatcher3757Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +AG, +ST-ma, n, m
16Brainy IILineman414Dodged
4New Elftor Cheerleader IICatcher2841Catch, Dodge, +AG, Dauntless, Block-av, n, m
1Elftor IIWardancer2044Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, +MA, Tackled
10Canadian Zombie IILineman1130+ST, Blockd
2R2 IIWardancer2334Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, +STn, m, n
5Rat and Snail IICatcher3442Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackled
2R2Wardancer46Leap, Block, Dodge, +MAm, n
4New Elftor CheerleaderCatcher1118Catch, Dodge, +MA, Block-ag, m, n
3CheesetorTreeman2624Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, +MAm, n
7Jesse JacksonLineman2830Dirty Player, Dodge-av, n, m
4Cute Little GirlWood Elf Lineman8290Guard, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle 
10Rat and SnailLineman1142+ST, Guard, Blockn
11BrainyLineman1231+MA, Tackle, Blockn
12Brent HitlerLineman250n
13Shaggy from Scooby-DooLineman3439Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
14Cowboy BillLineman2340Block, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, n
15RobotLineman7577Dodge, Guard, Block, Side Step, Kickm, n
16Canadian ZombieLineman1116Dodge, Blockd
1ElftorWardancer1924Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, Strip Balln