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Past Players of Vorsicht Bissig
Team Page
9Willy WüstlingVampire11Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undeadm, n
13Sandro SaugstarkVampire1231Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, +AG, +AGd
8Anfred AlleskönnerThrall66Blockm, -st
12Siegfried SelbstbewusstThrall73n
11Gerrit GroßzügigThrall2335+AG, Dodge, Blockd
2Herbert HoffnungThrall1013+MAm, n
6Richard RuhigehandThrall2512Kick-ma, d
2Ingo ImmerbesserThrall20m, n
2Neuer NeunerThrall10m, -ag
2Norbert NeustartThrall10d
12Herkules HeldentodThrall25d
8Trojan TapferThrall93m, n
1Heini HirnverbranntThrall162m, n
9Maco MachtprobeThrall2431Block, Tackle, Strip Ball-av, d
6Thorsten TerrorThrall69Blockn, d
3Freddy NightmareVampire1637Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block, Guardn
8Donatello DreadfulVampire1018Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Stand Firm, Jump Upd
4Bofort BärenruheThrall227Guardm, n
1Heimo HeimspielThrall1422Block, Strip Ballm, n
1Vladrel FledermausVampire10Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undeadm, n
9Marvin MetallhelmThrall1620+AG, Catchn
15Benny BissfestVampire2643Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block, Guardd
14Gerrit GroßesspielVampire85Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undeadm, -ma
10Frankie FlugscheinThrall78Blockm, n
13Nico NeustartVampire118Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodgem, n
12Thorsten TreffsicherThrall2538Block, Strip Ball, +MAn
5Antje AlleskönnerThrall159Blockm, -ma
10Karsten KraftaktThrall53m, n
9Martin MumbblerThrall108Blockm, -st
6Sandra SingsangThrall2515Blockn
8Fred FurchtsamThrall2130+MA, +MAn, d
4Toby TopfitThrall2117Dirty Player, Blockd
3Hans ImglückThrall3020Kick, Leadern
2Maik MutzurlückeThrall3841Block, Guard, Tackled
1Harvey HaseThrall2123Block, Tackle-av, d
12Morten MuffigThrall20m, -av
12Cuno CräftigThrall10d
6Achim AlabasterThrall96Dodgem, n
12Friedhelm FunkeltThrall30m, n
1Dietmar DreizahnVampire621Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, +MA, Dodgem, -ag
13Ferdy FuchteligThrall60d
12Thorsten TraurigThrall73d
15Richard RunderneuertThrall137Dirty Playerm, n
14Kuno KnallhartThrall161m, n
12Micha MutmacherThrall48Blockd
11Barney BärenruheThrall6332Guard, Block, Kick-ma, d
10Peter PannenshowThrall2616Blockd
9Nick NeulingThrall3031Block, Strip Ball, Tacklen
9Otto MotorThrall10d
8Tony TopplayerThrall2738Block, Tackle, Shadowingd
8Hartmut HelmaufThrall10m, n
4Toby TollkühnThrall2713Kickd
6Lukas LustmolchVampire2448Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block, Guardm, n
5Walter WutentbranntVampire3866Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block, Guard, Mighty Blowd
1Merko MittigVampire2339Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block, Guardm, n
10Bernd BissfestVampire311Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodged
10Werner WillensstarkVampire15Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undeadd
7Zorro ZielgenauThrall1811Block-ma, m, n
5Heino HaltdraufThrall1212Blockd
1Stefan StarkarmThrall106Dirty Player-st, d
15Werner WillenskraftThrall1914Blockd
14Holger HatsdraufThrall1825Block, Tackled
13Meiko MachtmutThrall3421Dirty Player, Blockn, m, -av
12Siggi SangesfrohThrall1912Blockd
7Martin MuskelkraftThrall1131Block, +ST, Tackled
5Thorsten TrottelThrall113m, n
3Rudolf RumfassThrall5452+MA, +ST, Block, Tacklen, m, n
13Billy RegalThrall23d
6Heiko HollahopThrall2618Guard, Blockm, n
5Michael MutmacherThrall33m, n
10Vramel WutgebrüllVampire1331Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block, +STn
7Vulkan HeißblutVampire716Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodged
6Herbert HarteiThrall77Blockd
2Vladrel VogelfreiVampire67106Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block, Guard, Stand Firm, Mighty Blown, d
5Siggi SorglosThrall73n, m
4Toni TurbulentThrall3819Block, +MAm, n
1Voltan UnterstromVampire2039Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, +ST, Block, Dodgen, n
3Güni GutzuFussThrall1719Block, Tacklem, n
13Stefan StreberThrall63d
13Heinz HeiterThrall10d
9Freddy FurchtlosThrall4645Block, Kick, Shadowingm, n
2Martin MuskelspielVampire1120Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Blockd
4Morten MundgeruchVampire1320Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Block-av, m
1Zonga ZahnsteinVampire1426Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Blockm, -st
12Michael MöchtegernThrall3037+ST, Block, Tackle-ag, m, -av
7Theo TunichgutThrall159Blockd
9Thorsten TorgewaltThrall74m, -st
8Thomas TollkühnThrall5876Block, Strip Ball, Sure Hands, Tackle, Pro-ma, n, m
11Werner WurfgewaltThrall4747Block, Tackle, Strip Balln
10Herbert HurtigThrall2316Block, Kickn, m
9Jürgen JungspundThrall41d
8Hartmut hats draufThrall48d
7Peter PeinlichThrall66Blockd
6Michael MutigThrall2421Block, Shadowingm, n
5Timo TollThrall2433Block, Sure Hands, Pron, n
4Freddy FledermausVampire99Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodgem, n
3Günther GruftigVampire2128Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, +MA, Dodged
2Bertram BissigVampire1511Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodged
1VladimirVampire1023Regenerate, Off For a Bite, Hypnotic Gaze, Undead, Dodge, Blockm, n