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Past Players of Legion of Longevity
Team Page
17George TruewingLineman10d
4Snake Hardstone PlisskenLineman810Wrestlem, d
2Wedge Hideousbrook AntillesLineman76Dodgem, n
17Xavier HotstreamLineman10d
15BatmanWardancer15Block, Dodge, Leapd
15Samurai JackWardancer510Block, Dodge, Leapd
18Zachary GrottybrookLineman10d
3Snake Weakeagle PlisskenLineman25d
7James Hideouseagle BondLineman1627Side Step, Wrestlem, -av
3Hercules GoldshieldLineman414Dirty Playerd
18Alexander FaststoneLineman10d
5Han "Why yes, I did score against Synn" Truehawk SoloLineman3029Dirty Player, Sneaky Git-ag, m, -av, d
4Wedge Stronghawk AntillesLineman118Kickd
15V for VendettaWardancer1029Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Wrestlen, -av
2Indiana Weakfield JonesLineman1519Dodge, Wrestled
18Cory HideousshieldLineman10d
3Edmund Whitehawk BlackadderLineman1210Dodgem, m, d
4Garrett PalehammerLineman910Dodged
3Jack Clumsyfire SparrowLineman23-st
1Gilgamesh ColdtreeLineman4442Wrestle, Fend, Kick-ma, m, m, n
16Robin HoodWardancer1225Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Wrestle-av
15V for VendettaWardancer1925Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Wrestlem, m, -ag
15WolverineWardancer20Block, Dodge, Leapd
2The TickLineman2320Guard, Dodged
16BatmanWardancer1323Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Wrestle-av, -av, d
8RasputinLineman1918Wrestle, Side Step-ag, m, d
7Wedge AntillesLineman76Dodge-ma, d
5AshLineman3850+AG, Leap, Guardm, -ma, -st, -st, -ma, m, d
4Indiana "Goldstone" JonesLineman2532Wrestle, Guardm, d
3Flash "Fasthawk" GordonLineman2948Wrestle, Guard, Dodgem, -ma, -ag
2James "Vilesnake" BondLineman1327Wrestle, Guardm, -ma, d
1Silver SurferLineman2629Wrestle, Guard-ma, m, -av
15The ShadowWardancer2042Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Wrestle, Mighty Blowm, d
1AshThrower310Pass, Sure Handsm, n
11Snake PlisskenCatcher4478Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Fend, Guardm, m, -ma, -av
7James BondLineman822Block, Tackled
11The CrowCatcher38Catch, Dodge, Blockm, m, n
4Austin "Danger" PowersLineman915Side Stepm, n
2Chakan "The Forever Man"Lineman106m, m, d
14Captain Jack SparrowWardancer2345Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Side Step, Tacklem, -ma, n, -ma
15LeonidasWardancer1315Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blowd
3The TickLineman149Side Stepm, n, m, m, n, m, n
11OreiusCatcher1016Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, n
6Green ArrowLineman4228Dirty Player, Sneaky Gitm, -st, n, d
5Indiana JonesLineman2456+AG, Leap, Dodgem, d
2AchillesLineman1531+AG, Leap, Dodged
12Kick-AssCatcher62163Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +AG, Block, Side Step, Leap, +ST-av, m, m, m, d
3Samurai JackLineman1310Kickm, m, n, d
13TerminatorTreeman4754Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Blockm, m, d
1Roga DanarLineman2945Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, n, m
14RorschachWardancer2046Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Balld
15BatmanWardancer2347Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Step, Tackled
7MacGyverLineman1612Dodgem, d
3Wedge AntillesLineman25d
4James Tiberius KirkLineman2239+ST, Block, Side Stepm, n
9TerminatorTreeman22Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firmm, n
11V for VendettaCatcher2037Catch, Dodge, Block, Dauntless, +MAm, n
14Flash GordonWardancer47Leap, Block, Dodge, Tacklem, n
16GhostriderThrower3349Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, Sure Handsm, m, m, n
12Aeon FluxCatcher1862Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, +MA, Block, +AGd
1Chakan "The Forever Man"Lineman1518Block, Dodgen, d
4Austin "Danger" PowersLineman64-av
14Zohan DvirWardancer613Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackled
14Phantom "The Ghost Who Walks"Wardancer110Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Balln
9Chakan "The Forever Man"Lineman313d
8Captain Jack SparrowLineman2127Dodge, Guardd
12V for VendettaCatcher23Catch, Dodged
15BatmanWardancer2029Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Stepn
10Ace RimmerLineman1012Dodged
7Arthur Philip DentLineman1719Kick, Dodged
6RasputinLineman4551Dodge, Block, Side Step, Tacklen
2Jason BourneLineman2824Dodge, Dirty Player-st, -ma, n, m, n
5Wile E. CoyoteLineman3136Dodge, Dirty Player, Blockn
1TickLineman1828Guard, Dodged
16ZorroThrower417Pass, Accurate, Sure Handsn
4Lord FlashheartLineman1812Blockn, d
3James BondLineman3444Dodge, Block, Side Step-ma, d
13JuggernautCatcher3368Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Dauntlessn
12Silver SurferCatcher1021Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
11Zohan DvirCatcher625Catch, Dodge, +ST, Blockd
2Chakan "The Forever Man"Lineman1317Guard, Dodged
10Dirty HarryCatcher28Catch, Dodge, Blockm, n
11V for VendettaCatcher33Catch, Dodged
12Aeon FluxCatcher422Catch, Dodge, +AG, Dauntlessn
11Aeon FluxCatcher26Catch, Dodge, Block-av, n
12KennyCatcher417Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepn
13Austin "Danger" PowersCatcher1139Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Dauntless-av, m, n
15ImhotepWardancer2124Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball-av, d
14HellboyWardancer3549Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Mighty Blow, Tackled
9Edmund BlackadderLineman3664Kick, +AG, Dodge, Block-ag, d
3James Tiberius KirkLineman2238Block, Tackle, Dodged
1Denton Van ZanLineman2514Block-ma, d
6AutolycusLineman2531Guard, Dodge, Side Step-ma, -ma, d
4WolverineLineman921Dodge, Blockm, n
2RamboLineman2031+AG, Guard, Leapn
1Captain Jack SparrowLineman69Dodgem, -st
1Captain Jack SparrowLineman10d
12V for VendettaCatcher1655Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +AG, Shadowingn
12The CrowCatcher10Catch, Dodgem, n
13Wile E. CoyoteCatcher1751Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +AG, Diving Tacklen
14Phantom "The Ghost Who Walks"Wardancer1021Leap, Block, Dodge, Guard, +AGd
13GilgameshCatcher514Catch, Dodge, Dirty Playern
12Van HelsingCatcher730Catch, Dodge, Block, +MAd
15ZorroWardancer2651Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle-ma, n
16TerminatorTreeman1216Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Block, Pron
11RasputinLineman1829+AG, Dodgem, n
10Edmund BlackadderLineman46Dodgem, n
8NeoLineman6641Dirty Player, Dodge, Blockd
5El CidLineman5564Dodge, Guard, Block, Tackle-av, d
1The CrowLineman96Dodgem, n
10James BondLineman410Dodgem, n
9Wedge AntillesLineman2517Dodged
6Indiana JonesLineman3042Dodge, Guard, Block-av, m, n
7AchillesLineman3179Dodge, Block, +AG, Leap, Strip Balln
5Green ArrowLineman927Dodge, Blockn
4WolverineLineman1436Dodge, Block, Leadern
2MacGyverLineman2235Block, Leap, Tackled
8MystiqueCatcher1211Catch, Dodge, Dauntlessn, m
8MystiqueCatcher10Catch, Dodgem, n
16TerminatorTreeman98Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guardd
13Aeon FluxCatcher829Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
15BatmanWardancer1329Leap, Block, Dodge, +MA, Strip Balld
16Incredible HulkTreeman42Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firmd
3SpartacusLineman5077Kick, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +AGn
1The TickLineman2019Dodge, Guardn, n, d
12V for VendettaCatcher1546Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Dauntlessd
13RamboCatcher913Catch, Dodge, Block-av, d
14Phantom "The Ghost Who Walks"Wardancer2252Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Step, Shadowingn
16Incredible HulkTreeman925Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, +MAd
12The TickLineman10n
11NeoLineman2424Dirty Player, Dodged
10KennyLineman2223Dodge, Blockd
9James KirkLineman2445Dodge, Block, +STd
7Chakan "The Forever Man"Lineman2314Block-ma, -ma, d
5James BondLineman811Guardn, d
2Captain Jack SparrowLineman2332Dauntless, Block, Tackled
1Indiana JonesLineman1121Dodge, Blockd