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Past Players of Cloverfield Corpse Carriers
Team Page
11The Great ZombinoZombie62Regenerationd
4Ghastly GaryGhoul Runner50Dodge-st
13Jericho DrummGhoul Runner1030Dodge, Block, Sure Handsd
12WineZombie2012Regeneration, Guardm, d
11Ottokar, der Planer 2Zombie2310Regeneration, Blockm, m, d
5Passive AggressiveGhoul Runner2014Dodge, Guard-av, m, d
4LixiomaZombie378Regeneration, Blockd
13Brother VoodooGhoul Runner318Dodge, Guardm, m, n, -ag
10AldoZombie1412Regeneration, Blockm, d
5Spikes Rotten HarveyGhoul Runner1432Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Side Stepd
10PestilenceGhoul Runner40Dodged
5HerpesGhoul Runner12Dodge-av
4PercyGhoul Runner1719Dodge, Block, Guardm, -ma
13WildmanGhoul Runner166Dodge, +MAd
4Ice Cream SoldierGhoul Runner57Dodged
8DreddZombie4330Regeneration, +ST, +STm, d
6KagouraZombie105Regenerationm, -st
12Xavier BluetreeZombie3520Regeneration, Block, Tackled
3HulkWight Blitzer20Block, Regenerationd
14Lonic StonespinnerZombie85Regenerationn
14Fredrick DirtyspikeZombie10Regeneration 
3AngerWight Blitzer1312Block, Regeneration, Guardd
10Slick Ghoul Runner4772Dodge, Block, Tackle, Side Step, +AGm, d
7Big Sack Billy ReturnsGhoul Runner45Dodge-ag
7Rat XXVIIIZombie10Regeneration 
13NoahZombie2821Regeneration, Dirty Player, Guardm, m, d
13Caña Zombie10Regeneration 
8Gaston LerouxZombie2113Regeneration, +AV-ma
8OmnishamblesGhoul Runner20Dodged
7SpeedsieGhoul Runner1714Dodge, Blockd
3GrimjawWight Blitzer2218Block, Regeneration, Guard, Tackled
13Martin SilentstreamZombie30Regeneration 
10ScrewedZombie3214Regeneration, Blockm, d
3RiddlerGhoul Runner1624Dodge, +AG, Blockm, d
6Huffy PuffyZombie5833Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestlem, m, d
15Tristan StrongshieldSkeleton10Thick Skull, Regeneration 
8RazorfistGhoul Runner3131Dodge, Block, Tackle, Wrestlem, n
8ZaranGhoul Runner20Dodge-st
8Clive RestonGhoul Runner20Dodge-av
7Black Jack TarrWight Blitzer249Block, Regeneration, Guardm, d
4ThunderGhoul Runner78220Dodge, Block, +AG, Fend, Side Step, Sure Hands, Leap-ma, m, -ma
10LightningGhoul Runner60Dodge-ag
4EinsteinGhoul Runner10Dodge-ag
7RipperGhoul Runner72Dodgem, d
7MacbethGhoul Runner13Dodged
4QuicksilverGhoul Runner37Dodged
10Thunp XVIZombie120Regenerationd
10Unbeatable DicerZombie30Regenerationd
4LikitungGhoul Runner84Dodged
9Rob#8Zombie10389Regeneration, Block, Wrestle, +ST, Tackle, Guardm, m, m, m, -av, m, d
6BiotronGhoul Runner2313Dodge, Blockd
4Commander RannGhoul Runner318Dodge, Block, Catch-ma
6Elderado SuckovadoZombie10Regeneration 
4Skeletor the MightySkeleton60Thick Skull, Regenerationd
13Timmett son of TimmettZombie3014Regeneration, Guardm, -ag, m, d
9BugGhoul Runner1115Dodge, Blockm, d
3AcroyearGhoul Runner4858Dodge, Block, Catch, Fend, Sure Handsm, m, -ag
5GrubskinZombie131113Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, Dauntless, Kickm, m, m, m, m, d
14hureZombie1914Regeneration, +ST-av, d
13Boz 'Legendary Boot of Nagash'Zombie20Regeneration-ag
3Brazen Boris BigBallsGhoul Runner88Dodge, Blockd
4SoddenSkeleton115Thick Skull, Regeneration-av
4Flesh MuncherGhoul Runner10Dodged
7DestinyGhoul Runner4129Dodge, Block, Guardm, m, m, -av, m, d
7Speed FreakGhoul Runner410Dodge, Blockn
3PentagonGhoul Runner620Dodge, +AG, Blockm, d
5Pazifischer Ozean IIIZombie154Regeneration-av
6Guillotine Dan the SecondZombie2312Regeneration, Blockm, d
5Cadaver the secondZombie20Regenerationd
3Momo the 4thZombie30Regeneration-st
3Joop IIIZombie30Regenerationd
9VolcanoZombie65Regeneration-ag, -ma
11Cosmic KingMummy181421Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Guard, Block, Dodge, Juggernaut, Break Tackle, Multiple Blockm, -ma, -av
4InfinityGhoul Runner1530Dodge, +MA, Blockn, m, m, -av
10ArgoGhoul Runner4053Dodge, Block, Fend, +MA, Tacklem, -ag, -av, d
13Steel HammerGhoul Runner83Dodgem, m, n
9Howard the GhoulGhoul Runner40Dodge-st
12Tristan TruefieldZombie121134Regeneration, Guard, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, Fendm, m, m, m, m, m, d
11Angarr the FirstMummy815Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Guardd
9Deaths HeadGhoul Runner10Dodge-ag
8PhantomWight Blitzer8480Block, Regeneration, Guard, Tackle, Strip Ball, Fend, Dodgem, n
11Timur LenkZombie10Regeneration 
11Asia ManZombie10Regeneration 
8HellWight Blitzer78Block, Regenerationd
3Lord Elwindas IVZombie2518Regeneration, Block, Tacklem, d
5Tombstoned TommyZombie305Regeneration-av
14Will 'Eye' GoeZombie10Regeneration 
4SplatterfiendGhoul Runner3753Dodge, Block, Fend, Tackle, Sure Handsd
13TumblerGhoul Runner2628Dodge, Block, Fendm, m, m, -ma, d
5Ilphrin de la maison HlateZombie95Regenerationn
5Osmond HardspikeZombie15Regenerationd
5Bloody Tooth TimGhoul Runner25Dodgen
2CrossbonesWight Blitzer199416Block, Regeneration, Guard, +AG, Dodge, +AG, Sure Hands, Fendm, m, -av, -av, m, m, -ag, m, n, m, m, m, -ag
6Elanesois StormtrackerZombie4916Regeneration, Guard, Block-ma, -ag, m, -st
11HotfootGhoul Runner1531Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Fendm, n, -av
10BladeGhoul Runner4486Dodge, Block, Guard, +MA, Fend, Tackle-ag, -av, n, m
4White RookGhoul Runner129Dodge, +MAd
12Cory HottreeZombie3931Regeneration, Block, +STd
6Blue Cup CliveZombie70Regenerationm, m, d
8ObliteratorWight Blitzer4455Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Dodge, Guard, Strip Balld
2ExtremisWight Blitzer1816Block, Regeneration, Tackled
9Krashak the ThirdMummy57108Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Guard, Juggernaut, Break Tackle, Juggernaut, Grabm, d
11CharSkeleton1812Thick Skull, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
2RazorfistWight Blitzer510Block, Regeneration, Guard-ag
18Alexander WhitetreeSkeleton10Thick Skull, Regenerationd
11Blake Griffin VIZombie107Regenerationd
8Shaka KharnWight Blitzer125Block, Regenerationm, d
6Ssssalomon IIZombie2212Regeneration, Block-av
11Tchanti IVZombie10Regeneration 
14PoisenZombie410Regenerationm, m, d
11Tifa IIZombie30Regenerationd
7Momo IIZombie10984Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, Dauntless, Kickm, m, -ma, m, -av, m
6John DoeZombie2811Regeneration, Blockd
2ThundercrackerWight Blitzer4055Block, Regeneration, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Juggernautn
7Wistar IIIZombie10Regeneration 
14Li HóngzhìZombie10Regeneration 
7Traeleth DirtyshieldZombie20Regeneration 
16SkullfistSkeleton87Thick Skull, Regeneration, Blockd
9Krashak the secondMummy51111Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Juggernaut, Block, Guard, Break Tackle, Grab-ag, n
12EanisZombie4237Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle-av
11Old Fogey JoeZombie1813Regeneration, Blockm, -ma
11Go faster StripesGhoul Runner10Dodged
4RookGhoul Runner73154Dodge, +MA, Block, Fend, Dump-Off, Side Stepm, m, d
5Bleeding gums AlbertGhoul Runner78170Dodge, +AG, Block, Pass, Sure Hands, Fendm, m, m, d
10Vomolk the DecrepidZombie7569Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, Guardd
8RamjetWight Blitzer52115Block, Regeneration, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Sure Handsm, d
2DirgeWight Blitzer2125Block, Regeneration, Guard, Tacklem, n
8ThrustWight Blitzer20Block, Regeneration-av
6Zachary PaleorcZombie277Regeneration, Guard-av, d
68ightball CharlieWight Blitzer30Block, Regenerationd
8Zachary ClumsystoneZombie50Regeneration 
5Bernard Rotten ToothGhoul Runner1519Dodge, Block, Sure Handsd
2Clive LurgingtonGhoul Runner75Dodged
16GoldboneSkeleton1912Thick Skull, Regeneration, Mighty Blowm, d
3Dorf OlaZombie12388Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, Dauntless, Strip Ball-st
2A LOS to farZombie30Regenerationd
5ChubbChubbGhoul Runner124Dodged
14Stout HeartZombie10Regeneration 
5BarracudaGhoul Runner46Dodge, Blockd
13NiðhöggrZombie4756Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, Guardm, m, n, -ma
12Agrios IIZombie2529Regeneration, Block, Tacklem, m, -st
11DecayWight Blitzer3130Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Guardd
5GhoulyGhoul Runner68Dodge, Blockn
15Albert HotboneZombie1629Regeneration, Block, Tacklen
12Frank IVZombie35Regenerationm, d
8SootSkeleton235Thick Skull, Regenerationm, -st
11Albert DeepfieldZombie112Regeneration 
4BishopGhoul Runner56162Dodge, Block, Fend, +AG, Sure Hands, Jump Upm, -ma, d
2Ogrim "Holyhammer" XII.Zombie2211Regeneration, Blockm, -st
16HarmonicaGhoul Runner2838Dodge, Block, Fend, Sure Handsd
13Itzaloq of the Macu PeaksZombie10Regeneration 
7Sally SwanZombie7640Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestlem, m, -ma
4ShardGhoul Runner146Dodge, Block-st
6Skull the SlayerWight Blitzer5860Block, Regeneration, Dodge, +AV, Guard, Tacklem, -ma, m, d
5Nurgle's Burger BurglarZombie3431Regeneration, Block, Tackled
2Nach Dem Spiel Ist Vor Der HalbzeitZombie80Regenerationm
11GhastlyGhoul Runner1922Dodge, Block, Pass-av, m, -st
11Goblin GuideZombie10Regeneration 
13DeathbringerWight Blitzer1214Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
8CarpeZombie4019Regeneration, Guard, Blockn, m, m, -st
16My wifeZombie10Regeneration 
15ForgeZombie5115Regeneration, +AV-ag, d
14WitherWight Blitzer68156Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Dodge, Sure Hands, Mighty Blow, Guardm, m, m, m, -st
13MumratatGhoul Runner1925Dodge, Block, Sure Handsd
11MayanWight Blitzer2017Block, Regeneration, +AG, Dodgem, d
2Tzaboq slayerZombie4314Regeneration, Blockd
15FettWight Blitzer1622Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Sure Handsm, d
11Pëtr Alekseevi? KropotkinZombie100Regenerationd
10Black Panther IXZombie11591Regeneration, +AV, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, +ST-av, m, d
10AgronWight Blitzer20Block, Regenerationd
3Old Leaf IIIZombie11075Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle, Dauntlessd
11Warlord NelsonZombie10Regeneration 
6DubaiZombie6039Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Wrestle-ag, d
3Crick the secondWight Blitzer45Block, Regeneration-ag
16Charles Tingwell Zombie10Regeneration 
14Ed ReedZombie2820Regeneration, Block, Tackle-ma
7AshenSkeleton66124Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Kick, Dauntless-ma, m, n, d
10Faster than DeathGhoul Runner178Dodge, Blockd
3Genital Warts the IIIZombie90Regeneration-av
9Krashak the FirstMummy158386Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Block, Guard, Juggernaut, Dodge, Tackle, +MAm, m, -ma, m, m, d
7Purple FlowerZombie70Regenerationd
6Rippy TonneGhoul Runner1715Dodge, Blockn, m
2GroulyZombie4014Regeneration, Blockm, d
5Hoist The MainsailZombie9142Regeneration, Block, Guard, Tacklem, m, n, m, d
16Shambler the FourthMummy56Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Blockd
14Calico BobZombie10Regeneration 
5Bottle O RumZombie100Regeneration 
15RiveryZombie5551Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Guard, Wrestlem, -ma, d
13Finally!Wight Blitzer68229Block, Regeneration, +AG, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +ST, Guard, Sure Handsm, d
16Jacob "Pansy" CollaartZombie175Regenerationn
16Crazy PeteGhoul Runner20Dodged
10Richard WeakrockZombie457Regeneration, Blockn, m
9CliftZombie4434Regeneration, Block, Tackle, +MA-st
7Oggy FlatfootZombie404Regenerationd
6Wilhelm WienZombie267Regeneration, Blockn
4Bror JonasZombie144146Regeneration, Block, Guard, +AV, Dodge, Juggernautd
12Bark Gritroot Zombie161143Regeneration, Block, Guard, Tackle, Strip Ball, Wrestlem, -st
13Pfc. Andy KaganZombie3112Regeneration, Blockd
12R.I.PGhoul Runner32Dodged
10Nothing Else MattersZombie237Regeneration, Guardd
9Shambler the thirdMummy1516Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Guard, +AG-st, -av
4November RainZombie110Regeneration-ma
3Valahuir WhiirockZombie7950Regeneration, +AG, Block, Tackled
11CrickWight Blitzer112238Block, Regeneration, Dodge, Sure Hands, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Juggernautm, -av, m, m, m, d
8NightmareZombie16381Regeneration, +MA, Guard, Block, Tackle, Wrestlem, -ma, n, m, -st
4RygelZombie2216Regeneration, Block, Dirty Player-ma
16ScalpelSkeleton6742Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Dirty Player, Tackled
8GornGhoul65Dodgem, n
7SkeleSkeleton5351Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Dodgem, m, -ma, d
2A Wight PainZombie10987Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Wrestle, Kickd
8Big RogGhoul89Dodge, Blockd
4SquelchyGhoul1418Dodge, Block, Sure Handsm, n
16SootSkeleton115Regeneratem, d
14HolmesZombie10067Regeneration, Block, +AG, Tackle, Strip Ballm, m, -ma, m
7CharnelSkeleton115Regeneratem, -av, m
3GloomWight Blitzer4938Block, Regeneration, Dodge, Sure Hands, Tacklem, -ma, d
11CrixusWight2630Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, Tacklem, m, n
15Tar-SurionZombie102100Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Shadowing, Kick, +AVm, m, m, -st
10WatsonZombie6946Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Shadowingm, n, d
4Tonk the SecondGhoul1739Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, +MAm, m, d
7FlashmanWight1737Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Sure Hands, Shadowingd
2Mightypeon must DIEZombie2614Regenerate, Blockm, n
16kronosSkeleton2110Regenerate, Blockm, d
13CementZombie7222Regeneration, Guard, Blockm, -av, m, m, d
11SparticusWight1516Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, +MAm, d
5Silene|strahlt|hellZombie12763Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Dirty Playerm, n, -ag, d
16TonkGhoul611Dodge, +AGd
16Savage Ghoul35Dodged
2JaegerWight1314Block, Regenerate, Sure Handsm, d
12Clement the UnwashedZombie6663Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Shadowing, Strip Balld
10Beatstick BorisZombie2210Regenerate, Blockm, d
10Badleg BillZombie15Regeneratem
5ScalperWight1524Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, Tacklem, n
16Gonzo the Great IIIZombie124Regeneratem, -ma
10WreckerWight55Block, Regeneratem, n
3ImmortalSkeleton4540Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Shadowing-ag, m, d
16Hannibal BarcaSkeleton15Regenerated
2KrullGhoul1527Dodge, Block, Sure Handsm, m, d
4DecapWight1740Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, Tackle, Shadowingm, n
1TakuMummy66106Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Dodge, Block, Guard, +AG, Tacklem, -ag, d
3Humpty BleedalotGhoul1626Dodge, Block, Sure Handsm, n
10LaraleroZombie2315Regenerate, Blockd
11BreakerWight2529Block, Regenerate, Mighty Blow, Tackled
4AllenZombie202Regeneratem, n
13ClayZombie5526Regenerate, Dirty Player, Blockm, n
10RIPGhoul611Dodge, Blockd
12Beatstick BoriceZombie4421Regenerate, Block, Guardm, n
3SnakeskinZombie2010Regenerate, Guardd
12All to mortalGhoul20Dodged
9ShamblerMummy128175Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Block, +MA, Guard, +MA, Tackle, +AGm, n, -ma, m, m, m, m, -ma, d
14LuiZombie7533Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Strip Ballm, n, d
4GladiatorWight2028Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Sure Handsd
10Unholy NightmareZombie1816Regenerate, Blockd
5CastielWight4069Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, Tackle, Strip Ball, Shadowingm, n
8HellionZombie10277Regenerate, +ST, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Dodgen, m, n, m, m, d
15MartiniZombie8548Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Strip Ballm, -av, m, d
5El CapitanoWight616Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, Tackled
2NerdanelZombie5363Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Shadowingd
16SkullySkeleton6260Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Pass Block, Mighty Blowd
5Big Sack bouncerGhoul43Dodge-ma, m, n
2HardpintWight61Block, Regenerated
7Tony WoodcockZombie9547Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Guardm, m, d
9Lord Ash Mummy2427Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Guard-st, m, n
3franz ferdinandZombie3620Regenerate, Block, Tacklem, n
4Maraetek AmigakZombie235Regeneraten
15LionelZombie175Regeneratem, -st
2Emergency CorpseZombie90Regenerate 
3EmberSkeleton75Regeneratem, n
13SkeggsSkeleton3948Regenerate, Block, Mighty Blow, Tacklen, d
5Leviathan JoeyZombie180Regenerate 
4Wicked WalterGhoul61Dodged
10CarrionWight3156Block, Regenerate, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ball, +MA-ma, -av, n, m, n
12BelaZombie3227Regenerate, Block, Tacklen, d
4Killer KlegZombie80Regeneratem, -ag
9ConstrictorWight2130Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Sure Handsn, d
7Cadaver the secondZombie265Regenerated
9Skippy the Rabid dogGhoul52Dodgem, n
5Killer PlankGhoul1623Dodge, Block, Sure Hands-ma, d
9Fan Factor increase :)Zombie30Regeneratem
15Crater CannibalZombie217Regenerate, +MAd
4FlayerWight137Block, Regenerate, Tacklen, m, n
13Big Bad BorisGhoul2350Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Sprintn, d
3CharSkeleton3122Regenerate, Block, Tackled
4BetrayerWight76Block, Regenerate, +MAd
14EsauZombie5538Regenerate, +AG, Block, Sure Handsn, m, n
3CinderSkeleton46Regenerate, Blockd
12Dirty MZombie215Regeneratem, n
2Ramses The FourthMummy4480Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Guard, Break Tackle, Tackle, +MAn, m, n
5Jetpack JamesGhoul1913Dodge, Block-av, m, n
5Kriketot SkullmangerGhoul20Dodgem, n
7DeaconWight3452Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Sure Hands, Pro-st
15Hog-roast muncherGhoul1127Dodge, Block, Sure Handsd
11Trollork "The stained"Zombie10845Regenerate, Block, +AG, Tackled
9SpleenyZombie3210Regenerate, Blockd
8gyvenimas grazus!Zombie8130Regenerate, Block, +STd
5Slimey Joe ApplegateGhoul135Dodgem, n
10Perry CoxZombie5232Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Shadowingd
5Gobber Ghoul33Dodgem, -av
16MaskeZombie8129Regenerate, Block, Guardn, -av, d
2Rameses the ThirdMummy2952Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Dodge, Break Tackle, Guardd
11Death to cribbleZombie2326Regenerate, +AG, Blockd
9Sleazy GeezerGhoul179Dodge, Guardm, n
12Kenneth "Ryu" JohnsonZombie3623Regenerate, Block, Tackled
4Bad leg BillZombie2112Regenerate, +AGm, -av
1Shalkoran the FourthMummy148265Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Guard, Dodge, Tackle, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Strip Balln, n, d
3CrasherWight5079Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, Tackle, Shadowing, Kick, Strip Ball 
2Rameses the SecondMummy1517Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Dodge, Blockm, n
15Cannibal SmithGhoul4043Dodge, Block, Catch, Sure Handsm, -st
13Jam FistZombie6120Regenerate, Guard, +AG-ma, d
7ReaverWight4764Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Sure Hands, Shadowing, Mighty Blown, d
15Big YouthZombie70Regenerated
16Corpse SmokerZombie3612Regenerate, Blockd
3Arclight the SecondWight78Block, Regenerate, Sure Handsd
9Banana Hammock the SecondGhoul2219Dodge, Block, Catchn
4El DiabloGhoul2132Dodge, Sure Hands, Block, Catch-ma, -ag, d
8Vicious RonZombie5327Regenerate, +MA, Blockd
4Massive Sack ManimalGhoul69Dodge, Blockd
7William TruefireZombie297Regenerated
16The LandlordZombie2516Regenerate, Mighty Blow, Blockm, n
11Sotek the SecondSkeleton5021Regenerate, Block, +AG-av, d
7Massive Sack MattGhoul25Dodged
11Big Sack Billy the ThirdGhoul10Dodged
5PunchyZombie7231Regenerate, Block, Dirty Player, Tackle-av, m, -st
6Guillotine DanZombie311167Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Shadowing, Strip Ball, Pro, Kickn, n, n, n, n, d
9Banana HammockGhoul3242Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Prod
11Big Sack Billy the secondGhoul910Dodged
8Vicious RonZombie3322Regenerate, Block, Tacklen
4Kebab KidGhoul711Dodge, Blockd
11Cannibal LectorGhoul86Dodge, Blockd
13JumboZombie5648Regenerate, Block, Tackle, +MA-ag, d
5Big Sack BillyGhoul612Dodge, Blockd
5WellingtonGhoul20Dodgem, n
11Cannibal JonesGhoul55Dodged
12LickerZombie7829Regenerate, Block, Tackle-ag, m, n
8TumorZombie207Regenerate, Blockm, n
6MortSkeleton2615Regenerate, Blockd
9Cauldron ManiacGhoul2318Dodge, +ST, Blockn, d
1Shalkoran the thirdMummy85135Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Sure Hands, Guard, Dodge, +MA, Tacklen, d
1Shalkoran the secondMummy10Mighty Blow, Regenerated
16Boris NazhentskyZombie3928Regenerate, Block, Tackled
15CainWight7151Block, Regenerate, Sure Hands, Tackle, Dauntless, Strip Ball-st, n
14AshSkeleton141150Regenerate, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Pro, Shadowing, Sure Handsn, -st, d
13Jean d'OrcZombie2631Regenerate, Block, Dodged
10CadaverZombie10514Regenerate, Block-av, -ma, d
9SpikeZombie129Regenerate, +STd
8SlabZombie130Regeneratem, n
7SotekSkeleton4822Regenerate, Dirty Player, Blockd
6Rumble BellyGhoul122Dodgen, m, n
5NapoleonGhoul2443Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Jump Upd
4Soup FiendGhoul2718Dodge, Block, Mighty Blown, m, n
3ArclightWight7252Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Shadowing, Sure Hands, Dodgen
2RamesesMummy87175Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Guard, Tackle, Break Tackle, +ST, +MA-ma, d
1ShalkoranMummy98Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Blockn