45 coaches online • Server time: 19:01
Past Players of Close to Sanity
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
11 | Melissa 'Claustro' Cinninger | Catcher | 6 | 17 | Block, Catch, Dodge, Dirty Player | -av |
14 | Alen 'the Excorcist' Schinder | Blitzer | 3 | 5 | Block, Jump Up, Frenzy | -ag, m |
12 | Vanessa 'Ghost' Dassel | Catcher | 7 | 8 | Block, Catch, +AG | m, -st |
9 | Jonathan 'Spiderman' Talbot | Lineman | 14 | 27 | Block, Tackle, Pro | n, d |
6 | Simon 'the Sorcerer' Simmens | Lineman | 8 | 13 | Block, +MA | d |
4 | Chan 'the Individualist' | Lineman | 8 | 0 | Block | d |
16 | Jim 'the Paranoid' Raud | Blitzer | 11 | 49 | Block, Jump Up, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Pro | n |