Past Players of Best of MTV
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
2 | Daniel Bedingfield | Blitzer | 7 | 16 | Block, +AG, +MA | d |
5 | Ozzy Osbourne | Blitzer | 20 | 9 | Block, Guard | d |
15 | Gwen Stefani | Catcher | 25 | 60 | Catch, Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle, +AG, Side Step | |
7 | Nicky Byrne | Thrower | 27 | 58 | Pass, Sure Hands, +AG, +MA, Accurate, Safe Throw | d |
4 | Bon Jovi | Blitzer | 23 | 28 | Block, Frenzy, Guard | m, n |
13 | Daniel Bedingfield | Lineman | 18 | 0 | | d |
9 | Amy Lee | Catcher | 17 | 40 | Catch, Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle, Side Step | d |
8 | Dido | Catcher | 11 | 17 | Catch, Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle | m, n |
3 | Tim Christiensen | Blitzer | 4 | 2 | Block | m, -av |
2 | Robbie Williams | Blitzer | 20 | 21 | Block, Guard, Tackle | d |
1 | Brian Adams | Ogre | 4 | 4 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy | m, n |