| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
12 | Belok the Blasphemous | Beastman Runner | 4 | 8 | Horns, Dodge | n |
15 | Burgosk Bloodmoon | Beastman Runner | 3 | 1 | Horns | d |
15 | Vurgak Vilebreath | Beastman Runner | 4 | 0 | Horns | d |
7 | Storg'uk Bone-caster | Beastman Runner | 8 | 0 | Horns | d |
8 | Telgr Stunted-horn | Beastman Runner | 13 | 6 | Horns, Wrestle | m, -ma, d |
15 | Belezok Ribbreaker | Beastman Runner | 4 | 0 | Horns | -av |
16 | Garg Goremane | Beastman Runner | 8 | 7 | Horns, +AG | n |
11 | Sterax Gnashtooth | Beastman Runner | 30 | 0 | Horns | m, m, n |
16 | Brket the Disembowler | Beastman Runner | 8 | 1 | Horns | -ag |
15 | Delgeth Deathgrip | Beastman Runner | 19 | 6 | Horns, Wrestle | d |
12 | Keltex Skullcleaver | Beastman Runner | 32 | 45 | Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow | d |
6 | Ghex Bonebreaker | Beastman Runner | 50 | 37 | Horns, Guard, Block, Stand Firm | m, -av, m, -av |
16 | Vorkarr the Violent | Beastman Runner | 27 | 20 | Horns, Block, Guard | d |
15 | Nodrox the Nighthunter | Beastman Runner | 25 | 5 | Horns | m, -ma, m, m |
12 | Loethek the Render | Beastman Runner | 10 | 2 | Horns | -ma |
6 | Stregos Painmonger | Beastman Runner | 16 | 11 | Horns, Block | d |
6 | Gravuul Gravefiller | Beastman Runner | 3 | 0 | Horns | -av |
7 | Devek Nosering | Beastman Runner | 61 | 21 | Horns, Guard, +AV | -ma, m, m, m, n |
15 | Burglegut Puss-claw | Beastman Runner | 4 | 3 | Horns | d |
28 | Harvestmouse | FUMBBL VIP | 1 | 0 | Shadowing, Tackle, Wrestle, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Sprint, Sure Feet, Guard, Thick Skull | d |
15 | Da Urgslar | Beastman Runner | 2 | 0 | Horns | d |
14 | Wyorg Bonestomper | Beastman Runner | 8 | 1 | Horns | m, n |
11 | Ghoth Gorehorn | Beastman Runner | 55 | 126 | Horns, Block, +AG, Dodge, Tackle, +AG | m, d |
3 | Fulgoth the Foetid | Chosen Blocker | 44 | 47 | Block, Guard, Dodge | -st |
2 | Gargh Blooddrinker | Chosen Blocker | 47 | 57 | Block, Guard, Tentacles, +AG | m, m, m, d |
12 | Ubog the Drooler | Beastman Runner | 16 | 18 | Horns, +ST, Juggernaut | -av, -ag |
3 | Phlemspew Flyhost | Chosen Blocker | 1 | 0 | | d |
11 | Fangthane Rorgox | Beastman Runner | 6 | 21 | Horns, Dodge, Block | d |
12 | Blazax Bonegrinder | Beastman Runner | 10 | 11 | Horns, Block | d |
15 | Keskur Doomhorn | Beastman Runner | 13 | 6 | Horns, Block | m, d |
12 | Brack the Beastly | Beastman Runner | 12 | 11 | Horns, Block | d |
8 | Hurgek the Hawk | Beastman Runner | 116 | 104 | Horns, Diving Tackle, +MA, Block, Stand Firm, Dodge | m, m, -av, d |
11 | Megur the Morbid | Beastman Runner | 34 | 39 | Horns, Block, Frenzy, Juggernaut | m, -av, d |
14 | Sturg Stinkfur | Beastman Runner | 47 | 24 | Horns, Dirty Player, Block | -av, -st |
8 | Bar'grek Ballbuster | Beastman | 17 | 3 | Horns | m, n |
3 | Plaguehammer the Fell | Chosen Blocker | 53 | 64 | Block, Guard, +ST, Dodge | m, d |
12 | Xurk'or Crushskull | Beastman | 13 | 1 | Horns | m, n |
3 | Sluubo the Slug | Chaos Warrior | 2 | 0 | | m, n |
11 | Akkrek the Bastard | Beastman | 23 | 8 | Horns, Guard | n |
9 | Vox Scarbeast | Beastman Runner | 47 | 72 | Horns, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Claw | m, n, n, d |
8 | Corgore the Crazed | Beastman | 15 | 20 | Horns, Block, Claw | d |
3 | The Plaguemaster | Chaos Warrior | 8 | 2 | | -av |
4 | Splittongue the Insatiable | Chaos Warrior | 14 | 17 | Block, Guard | m, n |
14 | The Howlmonger | Beastman | 4 | 0 | Horns | m, n |
13 | Gleksor Goreflinger | Beastman Runner | 59 | 60 | Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Kick, Disturbing Presence | m, d |
12 | Borgot Bilegut | Beastman | 21 | 51 | Horns, +MA, Sure Hands, Block, Dodge | n |
1 | Grek the Gruesome | Minotaur | 68 | 77 | Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Block, Dodge, Guard, Tentacles, Claw | d |
11 | Gargrok Deathhowl | Beastman | 21 | 23 | Horns, Block, Guard | d |
6 | Dorgoth the Despised | Beastman Runner | 103 | 210 | Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Claw, Juggernaut, Tackle | m, -ag, m, -av, m, d |
11 | Gelthor Thickneck | Beastman | 1 | 0 | Horns | d |
4 | Sitheren the Seductor | Chaos Warrior | 13 | 19 | Block, Guard | -ma, n |
11 | Yreck Moonhowler | Beastman | 1 | 0 | Horns | m, n |
3 | Slimetrail Clubfoot | Chaos Warrior | 26 | 38 | Block, +AG, Sure Hands | n |
12 | Ironclaw of Khorne | Beastman | 6 | 0 | Horns | m, n |
10 | Grallx the Tainted | Beastman | 7 | 0 | Horns | m, n |
1 | Kreshnak Skullspitter | Minotaur | 19 | 32 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, +MA, Guard, Break Tackle | d |
9 | Krex Bloodspray | Beastman | 40 | 28 | Horns, Dirty Player, Kick | n |
8 | Strax Steelhorn | Beastman | 36 | 44 | Horns, Claw, Block, Tackle | n |
13 | Bigstaff the Virile | Beastman | 35 | 53 | Horns, Sure Hands, Block, +ST, Tackle | n, m |
12 | Korvil the Carver | Beastman | 14 | 16 | Horns, Block, Tackle | d |
11 | Foulstench the Flatulent | Beastman | 20 | 24 | Horns, Guard, Block | d |
10 | Deathcrest Dullwit | Beastman | 3 | 4 | Horns | d |
9 | Bilespew of Nurgle | Beastman | 1 | 0 | Horns | d |
8 | Sharptooth the Unruly | Beastman | 1 | 0 | Horns | d |
7 | Cleftchin Foulblood | Beastman Runner | 129 | 201 | Horns, +ST, Tackle, Block, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, Claw | -ma, -ma, d |
6 | Gorestomp Halfbreed | Beastman | 24 | 33 | Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle | -ma, d |
4 | Painlove Sweetgrip | Chaos Warrior | 20 | 19 | Block, Guard | m, n |
3 | Bilerot Hugegut | Chaos Warrior | 15 | 17 | Block, Guard | d |
2 | Bloodspill Khorneson | Chosen Blocker | 111 | 117 | Block, +ST, +AG, Guard, Tentacles | m, n, m, m, -av |