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Past Players of Chaos Waste Crushers
Team Page
12Belok the BlasphemousBeastman Runner48Horns, Dodgen
15Burgosk BloodmoonBeastman Runner31Hornsd
15Vurgak VilebreathBeastman Runner40Hornsd
7Storg'uk Bone-casterBeastman Runner80Hornsd
8Telgr Stunted-hornBeastman Runner136Horns, Wrestlem, -ma, d
15Belezok RibbreakerBeastman Runner40Horns-av
16Garg GoremaneBeastman Runner87Horns, +AGn
11Sterax GnashtoothBeastman Runner300Hornsm, m, n
16Brket the DisembowlerBeastman Runner81Horns-ag
15Delgeth DeathgripBeastman Runner196Horns, Wrestled
12Keltex SkullcleaverBeastman Runner3245Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blowd
6Ghex BonebreakerBeastman Runner5037Horns, Guard, Block, Stand Firmm, -av, m, -av
16Vorkarr the ViolentBeastman Runner2720Horns, Block, Guardd
15Nodrox the NighthunterBeastman Runner255Hornsm, -ma, m, m
12Loethek the RenderBeastman Runner102Horns-ma
6Stregos PainmongerBeastman Runner1611Horns, Blockd
6Gravuul GravefillerBeastman Runner30Horns-av
7Devek NoseringBeastman Runner6121Horns, Guard, +AV-ma, m, m, m, n
15Burglegut Puss-clawBeastman Runner43Hornsd
28HarvestmouseFUMBBL VIP10Shadowing, Tackle, Wrestle, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Jump Up, Side Step, Sprint, Sure Feet, Guard, Thick Skulld
15Da Urgslar Beastman Runner20Hornsd
14Wyorg BonestomperBeastman Runner81Hornsm, n
11Ghoth GorehornBeastman Runner55126Horns, Block, +AG, Dodge, Tackle, +AGm, d
3Fulgoth the FoetidChosen Blocker4447Block, Guard, Dodge-st
2Gargh BlooddrinkerChosen Blocker4757Block, Guard, Tentacles, +AGm, m, m, d
12Ubog the DroolerBeastman Runner1618Horns, +ST, Juggernaut-av, -ag
3Phlemspew FlyhostChosen Blocker10d
11Fangthane RorgoxBeastman Runner621Horns, Dodge, Blockd
12Blazax BonegrinderBeastman Runner1011Horns, Blockd
15Keskur DoomhornBeastman Runner136Horns, Blockm, d
12Brack the BeastlyBeastman Runner1211Horns, Blockd
8Hurgek the HawkBeastman Runner116104Horns, Diving Tackle, +MA, Block, Stand Firm, Dodgem, m, -av, d
11Megur the MorbidBeastman Runner3439Horns, Block, Frenzy, Juggernautm, -av, d
14Sturg StinkfurBeastman Runner4724Horns, Dirty Player, Block-av, -st
8Bar'grek BallbusterBeastman173Hornsm, n
3Plaguehammer the FellChosen Blocker5364Block, Guard, +ST, Dodgem, d
12Xurk'or CrushskullBeastman131Hornsm, n
3Sluubo the SlugChaos Warrior20m, n
11Akkrek the BastardBeastman238Horns, Guardn
9Vox ScarbeastBeastman Runner4772Horns, Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Clawm, n, n, d
8Corgore the CrazedBeastman1520Horns, Block, Clawd
3The PlaguemasterChaos Warrior82-av
4Splittongue the InsatiableChaos Warrior1417Block, Guardm, n
14The HowlmongerBeastman40Hornsm, n
13Gleksor GoreflingerBeastman Runner5960Horns, Dirty Player, Block, Kick, Disturbing Presencem, d
12Borgot BilegutBeastman2151Horns, +MA, Sure Hands, Block, Dodgen
1Grek the GruesomeMinotaur6877Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Horns, Loner, Wild Animal, Block, Dodge, Guard, Tentacles, Clawd
11Gargrok DeathhowlBeastman2123Horns, Block, Guardd
6Dorgoth the DespisedBeastman Runner103210Horns, Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Claw, Juggernaut, Tacklem, -ag, m, -av, m, d
11Gelthor ThickneckBeastman10Hornsd
4Sitheren the SeductorChaos Warrior1319Block, Guard-ma, n
11Yreck MoonhowlerBeastman10Hornsm, n
3Slimetrail ClubfootChaos Warrior2638Block, +AG, Sure Handsn
12Ironclaw of KhorneBeastman60Hornsm, n
10Grallx the TaintedBeastman70Hornsm, n
1Kreshnak SkullspitterMinotaur1932Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Frenzy, Horns, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Wild Animal, +MA, Guard, Break Tackled
9Krex BloodsprayBeastman4028Horns, Dirty Player, Kickn
8Strax SteelhornBeastman3644Horns, Claw, Block, Tacklen
13Bigstaff the VirileBeastman3553Horns, Sure Hands, Block, +ST, Tacklen, m
12Korvil the CarverBeastman1416Horns, Block, Tackled
11Foulstench the FlatulentBeastman2024Horns, Guard, Blockd
10Deathcrest DullwitBeastman34Hornsd
9Bilespew of NurgleBeastman10Hornsd
8Sharptooth the UnrulyBeastman10Hornsd
7Cleftchin FoulbloodBeastman Runner129201Horns, +ST, Tackle, Block, Mighty Blow, Multiple Block, Claw-ma, -ma, d
6Gorestomp HalfbreedBeastman2433Horns, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle-ma, d
4Painlove SweetgripChaos Warrior2019Block, Guardm, n
3Bilerot HugegutChaos Warrior1517Block, Guardd
2Bloodspill KhornesonChosen Blocker111117Block, +ST, +AG, Guard, Tentaclesm, n, m, m, -av