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* * * Did you know? The fouliest player is Bruce Wayne XVII with 2010 fouls.
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Past Players of Run around the box
Team Page
1BeatBob "4GRvs11PoShorties"Lineman10d
9SusieSause "A green mb-po experiance"Blitzer20Blockd
1Cuddly Kid Kisses KillersBlitzer21Block-st
1Police "min/maxer=boot"Lineman25d
6StarRats ¨RUN!!"Gutter Runner26Dodge, Weeping Dagger, Wrestled
12JepA die waldfee "My Dice! KIkNurgles!"Lineman50-av, m
14Hayesses "Bash in The Box"Gutter Runner41Dodge, Weeping Daggerm, -ma
3Hankie "BashBoomBang...guuuuaaaaaa!"Lineman60n, m, d
12FuitFlyLivesLonger "2Grrails4Zhuluhu" Lineman30d
10Hops "wanabeslann!"Lineman105m, m, m, -st
3Squrck "Pushing to hell sine 10"Lineman30-st
12Kuechenzauberei "ElfBashBetter"Lineman50d
7HellsKitchen "Wizardry Delfs 1Superstar!"Lineman35d
14WannaBE "SuperDuperFrightingBoxELF!"Gutter Runner820Dodge, Weeping Dagger, +AG, Sure Hands-av, d
134DwarfRow"Thorgrim's PileOnMe!"Lineman20d
14KiIIIjk Runner "No Bone No Green can stop!"Gutter Runner77Dodge, Weeping Dagger, Block-av, d
13500times KO "All I wanT"Lineman78Blockn, m
6One Turn Dat "Kargas bak na Mine!"Lineman2216Kick, Dirty Playerm, d
14Less Friends "Shortlegged or Green!' Gutter Runner316Dodge, +MA, Diving Catchm, n
12Journeyrat1" to the ships dwars, rats comming"Lineman140-av
3Foulfoulfoul "Bash and:) smile!"Lineman1311Dirty Playerm, m, -av, m, m, -ma
1CHeese Cheese "smile:)and Bash!"Lineman245m, m, -ag, -ma, m, m, d
14W00t 11 2Field " Beat of Bad"Lineman25d
14Alone 1 Star "No metal can stop!"Gutter Runner13Dodged
10BabOOm "Fireballs all around!" Lineman176Dirty Playerm, m, -ag, -ma, n
12Cheer ELF Box "Teatch ME!" Lineman50m, n
14RUUUUUUUNNNNN"Deadwood is catching Up!"Lineman50d
13Sure Boot "Next time Arfica Suffers!:)" Lineman128+AGm, -st, d
3Jarr Boots "Africa will recover!"Lineman65m, n, m, n
3BooBashBox "Sneak and luck!"Lineman10d
13StarElf "MehrBoxSithiS!"Lineman10d
9NervElf "Sithi gib Gas!"Lineman3520Dirty Player, Wrestlem, m, -st, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, d
1OOOOjeA "Fatelfs we like SB!" Gutter Runner1426Dodge, Block, Dauntlessd
9Filler 2 frontlinesLineman40m, -av, d
6Uduele MamMIA!Lineman1911Dirty Playerm, -av, m, n, d
5FIrst 2 Guard "RiraRunAround"Blitzer49100Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Claw, Tackle, +AGm, -ma, m, -av, -st
8DeppenDeutschland"Mannschaft nix ohne frau0)" Lineman40d
12MoreFillForRecover "Dont forgetit,jim!" Lineman150m, m, n, m
1Fillforrecover "playBetterJim!"Lineman814Kickm, -av, d
3Mamamia Muertos "A ? Undead to Dream"Lineman130m, n, d
8KoaMak "1 for da Booty, 2 for da balllos" Lineman30d
7Minima "VegiBears to lost rotters" Lineman3840Claw, Block, Tacklem, n, m, -av, d
10max B-B "Pure Orc poornes!"Lineman2311Dirty Playerm, d
3Maximum "But I Bob"Lineman45d
9Hands Off| Bash Boom BangGutter Runner1337Dodge, +AG, Block, Side Step-ag, m, n
3HElp | Fill the front line and DIE Lineman20d
1This8"Never to Break!" Storm Vermin811Block, Guardm, d
14Gime more than one game!Lineman130m, -av, m, d
8sUUUUUUUUk |"small feet, very slow: how boring!"Lineman82m, m, n
10Dodgdat |"I wanna be a Runner"Lineman10n
8PushA "StayUpIsFoulproof!" Lineman10d
5MR Wie WasLineman1838Block, Dirty Player, Tacklem, n
5Mutati "BoxedChaos"Lineman10 
13GoCage "HitMeSofter!"Lineman1923Block, Kickm, d
11Bubbles BluesGutter Runner4283Dodge, Block, Side Step, Dauntless, Tackle, Hornsm, n, m, n
8Attak "TrimMeTackel PSI5"Storm Vermin66Block, Dodgem, n
8One2 "donate1TOcadaverousC"Lineman10d
5Mamamia"175/119 vs 100/96 "Lineman70m, n
5Spetter "DieSpetterDieSpawn"Lineman10m, n
5Mudbug "Claws+RSC allIwanna"Lineman10d
2LIzRow "KIllMoreSaurusus"Gutter Runner3651Dodge, Block, Strip Ball, Leap, Side Step-ma, n
5PikkelWarzeLineman10m, n
16Boxed " Sauries dice ME:("Lineman20d
9Zwampzy "saurus box dice"Lineman2224+AG, Sure Handsn, m, n
6Lizy "LuckOnIceDon'tMakeAKing!"Lineman3520Dirty Player, Clawm, m, d
1NoBlock"Make SkullPow Skull"Lineman212n, d
51870Bullets "There'sNoDeath InThe Woods" Storm Vermin52Blockm, n
2FlyBe "Violence Light"Gutter Runner713Dodge, Blockm, n
32Undeads "Fun with RigorsFC" Lineman2211Dirty Player-ma, n, m, n
14Zanufbug "inLOVE with da ugly.corporation"Gutter Runner2243Dodge, Block, Dauntless, +MA-av, d
62 Bullets "skarsniks bashed to a con......."Storm Vermin32Blockm, -ma
2GoGirly "Strong Man Strugle"Lineman50m, n
14Sunshine "green is not dangerous!" Gutter Runner510Dodge, Dauntlessm, n
3Frontline DepLineman62d
10BikePunksForever2Gutter Runner3156Dodge, Dauntless, Horns, Block, +AGm, n
3Dwarfs Nightmare on soksRat Ogre10Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animald
11DT "ground gravity rats"Gutter Runner2333Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle, Side Step-ag
8RevengeUs " Life in a DeadWood" Lineman2522Block, Tackled
3MR Bumbastic"More Bsah more Fun?" Lineman30d
5ScoreNOW! "DodgySatyrsRevenge"Gutter Runner1529Dodge, Block, +AGd
71 Bullet "BashLuszyOgres"Storm Vermin4639Block, Guard, Claw, +AG-av, m, m, n
4Outrun "Grind to da Ground"Lineman910Block-ma, d
1Mamamia "1/2/4Deadwoods"Lineman1917Block, Kickn
16Sunny day "Wolfs hide, fireball do the rest!"Lineman120n, d
14Boot it | Foul da Bash BackLineman57d
11Boot it | Foul da Bsh BackLineman97Kickd
2Bill BB| 2Dead to drink but cheersGutter Runner1733Dodge, Block, Side Step, Strip Balld
15Dice make a mice|GO CrazyLineman4734Block, Kick, Dirty Playerm, -st
14Bill BB | ranked is boooooLineman40m, n
12Funky CD| Superheros No-StarsLineman6238Guard, Block, Tackled
12BB Quendi 42 | Elfball Jea!!Lineman10m, n
1Quassel Quatsch| BBQuendis play to mutch ballLineman100d
11Softies ++| No Revenge for da BonesGutter Runner531Dodge, Block, +MA, Side Stepn
102Dead to Dance| No more HerosInc.Gutter Runner2339Dodge, Block, Side Step, Strip Balld
61011 Bullets|As a DonationStorm Vermin3034Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklen
15Mobile Wizardy|Black Cult Blitz!! Gutter Runner517Dodge, Block, Dauntlessn
11Chaos on NufAss "Gona makes me gaaaah!"Lineman53d
8Dice MiceLineman1924Claw, Claw-ag, d
652 Bullets |Chaos or Dwarf Killer?Storm Vermin56Block, Guardd
1Bim Bam |Stupid fat smallDwarf |GOHOME!Lineman126Blockd
1MIs DubuDOOMLineman10d
14Zound Graves | to flower treesLineman155n, d
12NoMoreDodging |"Pass over me!"Lineman1524Block, Claw-ma, d
4Dead at the borders of europ.....Lineman2825Block, Kick-av, m, n
3Mamamia "Dad is comming home again"Gutter Runner3366Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Dauntlessd
11Wibbo| Biggaz r too BigGutter Runner1116Dodge, Block, Diving Tackled
14Sucky Real ThingsLineman40m, -st
11Mamamia|RST dont makes me gonA cryGutter Runner12Dodgem, n
4MR [B]rave2 SuperRatLineman40d
14Chiunnnng | Zones stinkLineman10d
11Kazungah | down with thr girlsLineman25d
2Dumdidum "Holy Nobles Staaling" Lineman2516Block, Foul Appearance-ma, -ma, d
7Ba Bash | Makes you AaaahStorm Vermin3452Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Kickn
651 Bullets | "First new, GO GO GO"Storm Vermin1613Block, Guardd
4Plaque "recover recover recover"3Lineman40d
10Babum " Close Ya Eyes, GO!!" Gutter Runner2763Dodge, Block, Side Step, +ST, +STd
9Sqirly "recover recover recover"2Lineman6231Dirty Player, Foul Appearance, Guardm, n
3linete "recover recover recover"1Lineman117Blockd
1Defenda "DeGuardiation BloodyHoofs "Lineman1910Blockd
5WiWaWutz "Alptraum in da butz"Gutter Runner4562Dodge, Block, Side Step, Strip Ball, Leapm, n
8Beba "No Brain but BONE-Ultimative"Lineman2422Block, Tackled
13ShuggahDwarf "ShakeMaBimBam!"Lineman6951Dirty Player, Block, Tackle, Prom, -ma
8Aufdienuss "KhemBashBackNoBoring"Lineman25d
2Nugy "7NigCows outdodged"Lineman115-ag, m, n
12Hoewearenow "DaHolyShit"Gutter Runner2138Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, n
8Krawala "Zermatsch"Lineman40d
2Zermatshing "Take me!"Lineman25d
14Fifefour "Humies Boxing Clever"Lineman50-st, d
7BenevoBam "Golden kix to glory"Storm Vermin1934Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklen
3 Zplash[B](teamname)Lineman158Blockn, d
13Frontmaniac "Fun in HELL!"Lineman63-ma, d
8Cagefiller "No God, No Orc!"Lineman90-ag, -av, d
13Blitzmaniac "Fun in HELL!"Lineman40m, n
12CrazyHorse " LoveKhemrie=NotBoring"Gutter Runner1231Dodge, Block, +AG, Leapn, d
14Sunnygirl "Funny Funk"Lineman85-ma, d
12Mr Sunshine "Fearless Fun"Lineman20d
9SahneSauber "Just play cat and mouse, Jim"Gutter Runner2368Dodge, Dauntless, +AG, Block, +MAm, n
11Trashy "Gimme some light , its dark here"Lineman2819Dirty Player, Blockd
9Zarmutzel "We be cleand to da bone!"Gutter Runner13Dodgem, n
9Pikke Pak "Bad Grammar needs Babelfish!"Gutter Runner15Dodged
14Paksoy "Punsh grind smash"Lineman42m, n
11Geddit "BH and No RR"Gutter Runner10Dodgem, n
12Parzy "Puppy on fire"Lineman57Blockm, n
8NoUse "GTR vs House of God"Lineman125d
12BB Bash "First score then foul!Lineman10d
11Wagawurz "Run around daBlack Monday"Lineman30d
9Tarata "In Love with Trolls who roll skullsLineman75-ma, d
7Babum "Turn4 7players!Conceed!"Lineman1822Claw, Blockn, m, n
12Silver "StalingDontNeedTitanLuck"2Lineman30d
2UnBob "StalingDontNeedTitanLuck"1Lineman50m, -st
12Alexa "KoloneBonesBounce"2Lineman20d
11Alexus "KoloneBonesBounce"1Lineman45m, n
11Bad Moedy "Soo bored of orxe!"Lineman10d
7GRWA "Agro vs toxic behavior"Lineman40-ag, d
7Splatt! "Stay like steel and win"Lineman10d
2Rattyrat! "Tie is sooo boring like ...."Lineman40d
8Skully "Get some brain bAD GIRLS" Rat Ogre147Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guardd
16Babum "Bashing da Orc need A character"Gutter Runner51129Dodge, +MA, Sprint, +AG, Block, Sure Feet, Very Long Legsn
15Myremia "Dwarf can roll quatSkulls too"2Lineman40m, n
12Myremia "Dwarf can roll quatSkulls too"1Lineman52d
8Baba "bash around "Lineman30 
5Wanabefouled "Elfball means hide and foul"Storm Vermin5081Block, Guard, Claw, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +STm, n
14LB Bob "Do it cause its possible"Gutter Runner107Dodge, Blockd
16Sweaty "More boring dwarf please!"Gutter Runner35Dodged
4Omatka "Lizzard bash too"Lineman5729Dirty Player, Block-ma, m, n
3MC Guard "Cold sleepy Dead"Storm Vermin4032Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Kickd
10Zwing "100 fouls for da Mighty Waaagh!"Gutter Runner5985Dodge, Block, Strip Ball, +MA, Side Step, Kickd
12KillEmAll "No Evil Wolfs in da Zoo"Rat Ogre32Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal 
3NinaNurg "Outrun da Loach Motel"3Lineman50m, n
8NinaNurg "Outrun da Loach Motel"2Lineman911Blockd
7NinaNurg "Outrun da Loach Motel"1Lineman120 
4NigAll2Skill "Break da Heardbreakers"Storm Vermin76Block, Guardn
7BeBoXin "2 Elftor left for Aventure"Lineman30m
9Jipij "[B]ash [B]ack"Gutter Runner3053Dodge, Block, Strip Ball, Side Step, Leap 
2BB Bloodbath "Nadirs tied up downfall"Lineman2311Blockd
4ZZ Hibernianation"HUmeHunt"Storm Vermin518Block, Guard, Mighty Blown
8 BB Bash "Khemrie 3 fouls p. turn"Lineman70m, -av
6Jabba? "kill da mummies first"Lineman7262+ST, Block, Tackle, +AG-st
5 Outbashed "Orx got no (white)Balls"Storm Vermin2056Block, Claw, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guardn
14ZamazGutter Runner1636Dodge, Block, Strip Ball, Side Stepn, d
13Rattatat "I love admin help!"Lineman5550Block, Kick, Dirty Playerd
1Ledgend `Àdult entertainment`` 1Lineman7346Block, Tackle, Clawd
13Anthax "The first newbie"Lineman10m, n
12Zaahl tagLineman1814Dirty Playerm, n
11Lokomotiva AmoLineman3631Dirty Player, Block, Tackled
10Znibbel hibbelGutter Runner1627Dodge, Dauntless, Hornsd
9Zappel flapGutter Runner67Dodge, +AGn, m, -ag
8Babu bim bakLineman97Blockd
7WeezerwatzLineman107Block-av, n, m
5MarmaralazStorm Vermin63Blockd
4Varmak da run!Storm Vermin1016Block, Guard, Mighty Blown
2ManzaLineman93m, n
1SquiertLineman25m, n