Past Players of Geogetown Slowrollers
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
12 | Clawshroud The Deadly | Ghoul | 11 | 1 | Dodge | d |
16 | Ojo the Lucky | Zombie | 4 | 0 | Regenerate | d |
14 | Deathdrool The All-devouring | Zombie | 18 | 2 | Regenerate | d |
13 | Rotbrood The Cadaverous | Zombie | 10 | 2 | Regenerate | d |
12 | Stinkscum The Rancid | Zombie | 11 | 0 | Regenerate | m, n |
9 | Deathbrood The Returned | Zombie | 22 | 14 | Regenerate, Block | d |
4 | Bashstench The Rotting | Wight | 6 | 8 | Block, Regenerate, Tackle | m, -ag |
2 | Ejoneko | Mummy | 12 | 16 | Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Guard | m, -st |
1 | Ogojeymow | Mummy | 16 | 35 | Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Block, Guard, Frenzy | -av, m, n |