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Past Players of Prey For Death
Team Page
13Yven DexlZombie76Regeneration, Guardd
6Lutter AbissZombie40Regeneration 
11Berta VZombie40Regenerationm
9Prip AnaZombie60Regeneration 
4Tremo LoustWight Blitzer911Block, Regeneration, Sure Hands 
10Ronne GrobbWight Blitzer89Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
6MiseryZombie127Regeneration, Block-av
6Millencolin VZombie10Regeneration 
2Reggie PaybleGhoul Runner2880Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Guard, Side Step, +STd
14les buLLes du pape sont moRNesZombie179Regeneration, +AV 
10GodfreyZombie130Regenerationm, d
1FidoWerewolf37140Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Dodge, Juggernaut, Tackle-av, -ma, d
9WoofWerewolf2973Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklem, d
10Zoran ZoricZombie70Regeneration-ma
8Hery BroonFlesh Golem3218Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dodge, Blockd
7Manuel Rui Costa NTTZombie165Regeneration 
6WrathZombie2614Regeneration, Dirty Playern
2Jim PosseWight Blitzer1827Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, -ma
1GrowlerWerewolf1419Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodgen
6Goff MystroZombie512Regeneration, Dirty Playerd
4Root FlechZombie4029Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestlem, m, -ma
2Baal CarrionGhoul Runner46Dodge, Blockd
11Fleg TropeZombie5026Regeneration, Block, Tacklem, d
7Bernie GrumpsomeGhoul Runner621Dodge, Block, Sure Handsd
9Frexton AashiWight Blitzer1721Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guardm, d
7Terrance LawyerGhoul Runner24Dodged
5JuliusZombie3823Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Blockm, n
1Fred SwpetZombie140Regeneration 
6Doug LingerZombie137Regeneration, Block-av
7Black SheepZombie109Regeneration, Block-st
2Rethip TrossZombie25Regeneration 
15penkiolikaZombie167Regeneration, Dirty Playerd
7Tennis PlayerZombie102Regenerationm, d
6slayerZombie2112Regeneration, Guardd
13FarawayZombie7354Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestle, Kick, Fendm, m
4DeeWerewolf3584Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Block, Tackle, Juggernautn, n, -av
5PMAZombie3221Regeneration, Block, Tackled
2Bertum BlissZombie195Regeneration 
1Courtney PitcherZombie295Regenerationd
12Jubbins ProdZombie25Regenerationd
16Mr PWerewolf59137Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, +MA, Side Step, Catchm, n, m, m, d
15Lex FaagorFlesh Golem50Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regenerationd
10Brut GrobFlesh Golem6177Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Block, Guard, Fend, Grabd
12Troun LabenZombie20Regeneration 
9Florence AseddGhoul Runner45112Dodge, +AG, Block, Sure Hands, Side Step, Passm, d
11Steven FinnZombie1919Regeneration, Block, Dirty Playerd
5Davin Quik-lymeWight Blitzer2122Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, +MAd
3PaperoZombie9173Regeneration, Guard, Block, Fend, Mighty Blow-ma, d
13Geordi La Forge VZombie120Regenerationm
3Mase PynZombie30Regeneration-ma
7FlebZombie3517Regeneration, Block, Fendd
3Flex GoonZombie52Regeneration-av
5Shir PlassWight Blitzer128Block, Regeneration, Jump Upn
2NoodleWerewolf2946Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Side Step-av, d
1PriestZombie3021Regeneration, Block, Fendm, -st
11Howard HotfistZombie1718Regeneration, +ST, Blockd
1Mr PWerewolf25Frenzy, Claw, Regenerationd
9Grand WizardZombie2214Regeneration, Blockm, d
7GreckoWight Blitzer30Block, Regeneration 
3JeffroZombie912Regeneration, Dirty Player-av
1RoverWerewolf26Frenzy, Claw, Regenerationd
15Averon Ferenc Duke of PerilnessZombie30Regenerationd
13Gruff BragFlesh Golem76Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regenerationd
8Yvonne TriteWight Blitzer82109Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guard, Jump Up, Juggernaut, Grabm, m, -ma
12Sleipt QikGhoul Runner3153Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Side Step, Kick-Off Returnd
5Lethor JummFlesh Golem1320Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Blockm, n
6ArnauldZombie5731Regeneration, Dirty Player, +ST, Blockm, n
12Everyday I Start to OozeZombie70Regenerationd
10Rufus BreaveWerewolf43129Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, +MA, Block, +AG, Dodge, Side Step-ag
2Princess LunaZombie212Regeneration-ag
2Ben SykesWerewolf22Frenzy, Claw, Regenerationd
2Rainbow DashZombie20Regenerationn
1Rambi CourWight Blitzer2027Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Jump Up-ma
10Grabb HoolsWight Blitzer68Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
3Holly LeasWerewolf2328Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge-av
8Feddie SirsGhoul Runner2046Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Side Step-st
7IndrisuZombie2610Regeneration, Wrestle 
3Sam JrWerewolf20Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration-ag
1Bagrum GrotZombie72Regeneration-ag
2Jeena WrangellZombie60Regeneration 
2Gin RangellZombie30Regenerationn
6SmillanZombie2117Regeneration, +AV, Kick-Off Returnm, -st
2Derra LuukZombie42Regenerationd
14MuuriZombie9427Regeneration, Dirty Player, Blockm, n, m
7Robert SilentwingZombie105Regenerationm, -st
9Sez FranZombie5137Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestle, Kickm, m, m
6Opit LockxZombie159Regeneration, Kick-Off Return-ma
13Moley PinheadGhoul Runner3167Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Pass, Side Stepd
5Frankie LimeFlesh Golem4663Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Block, Guard, Fendm, -av, m, m, d
12Mr PWerewolf4399Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Side Step, +ST, Mighty Blowd
11Ravrih LodeslasherZombie6134Regeneration, Wrestle, Fend, Dauntlessm
10SusieWerewolf3440Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Catchm, m, d
15Diane Beckman VIZombie5626Regeneration, Wrestle, Fendm, m, m, m, -av
10Vaclov KhamZombie50Regeneration 
9Moley PinheadGhoul Runner1014Dodge, +MAd
8Jeck ProgZombie4127Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestlem, n
3Wilhim DronZombie3823Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Blockn, n
2Levvit CrossWight Blitzer3322Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, +ST-st
1Kress SkcronWight Blitzer4249Block, Regeneration, Jump Up, Mighty Blow, Juggernautd
11HeidiWerewolf10Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration-ma
3Mike LebovitzZombie40Regenerationd
2Menndo III.Zombie65Regenerationd
6Cliv SlurkZombie216Regeneration, Guardm, -av
16Fread PropsFlesh Golem73102Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Grab, Fendm, m, m, d
8PaquilloZombie1512Regeneration, Guardn, d
15PriestZombie1710Regeneration, Dirty Player-ma
1Alec CainWight Blitzer2614Block, Regeneration, +MAd
6Craz KrateWight Blitzer147Block, Regeneration, Dodgen
3Tren BroogFlesh Golem1621Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dodge, Blockm, d
1Evil EwwZombie35Regeneration 
11NoodleWerewolf2945Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Dauntlessm, d
13Mr PWerewolf4292Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Block, Dodge, Tackle, +AGm, m, d
9Skitz GranzideGhoul Runner4199Dodge, Block, +MA, Sure Hands, Side Step, Mighty Blowd
6Telfor ShmergWight Blitzer1125Block, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blow-av
6Mr PWerewolf32Frenzy, Claw, Regenerationd
10LainanuZombie4517Regeneration, Wrestle, +STm, -ma, -ma
9Polit TromWight Blitzer41Block, Regeneration-av
2Tang IIIZombie4111Regeneration, Wrestlem, d
12Biif BrenhardtFlesh Golem5640Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Guard, Mighty Blowm, d
5Colorful Gosezutes the Sloppy DivinerZombie5949Regeneration, Wrestle, Guard, Mighty Blowm, m, m, d
9Moley PinheadGhoul Runner58Dodge, Pass-ag
2NoodleWerewolf85Frenzy, Claw, Regenerationd
12ünter BecksteinZombie25Regeneratem, d
2Ramtut IIIStar Player12Block, Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Break Tackle, Stard
14Uduele MamMIA!Zombie6642Regeneration, Block, Fend, Dauntlessm, -av, m, m, d
1Grug RuffFlesh Golem3046Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, +ST, Mighty Blowd
8Jenba RiotousZombie4825Regeneration, Block, Fendd
6Mr PWerewolf1939Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Fendm, d
4Herp NixZombie171206Regeneration, Block, Fend, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Juggernautm, m, m, -ag, m, m, n, -st
9Yesmi FonzGhoul812Dodge, Blockd
9Ashon ReopZombie10Regeneratem, -st
2Bug The PugWerewolf616Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodgem, -av, n
7CableZombie9135Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestle, Kickd
1Gerg BruntFlesh Golem90Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firmm, m, n
16Eddie LangZombie5634Regeneration, Dirty Player, Block, +MA-ma
13Freagram UminGhoul1712Dodge, Blockd
7HeidiWerewolf10Catch, Frenzy, Clawd
16Ahmed Ben BellaZombie35Regeneratem, n
8PelliocZombie194Regeneratem, -av, m, -av
16Heels Over HeadZombie30Regenerate 
6Suzie SimmonsWerewolf1734Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, m, -ag, m, n
10Jahon YintWight Blitzer3724Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Strip Ballm, m, m, n
9Greg ZlotZombie1917Regenerate, Guard, Dodgem, d
3Lucious DrumWight Blitzer6173Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Strip Ball, +AG, +AG-av
6Friedo GlugeWerewolf69Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Blockm, n
10HomosZombie20Regeneratem, n
2Gladius GrolFlesh Golem2019Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Block, Mighty Blowm, m, n
6Lex KrugaWerewolf610Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Blockd
9Cuss MeisWight1014Block, Regenerate, Tackled
7Lutha CrosWerewolf2121Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodgem, m, m, d
10Jacob Von BargenZombie82Regeneratem
13Nimp GreenheartGhoul2927Dodge, Mighty Blow, +AGm, d
9Zax F'etchWerewolf617Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Mighty Blow, Blockm, -st
14Bil CopperhunterZombie3810Regenerate, Blockm, -av, d
6Bill MesiaZombie140Regenerate 
1Amish StraenGhoul3538Dodge, +AG, Block, Sure Handsd
15Jaunesnysis leitenantasZombie7654Regeneration, Guard, Dodge, Block, Fendm, m, n, m, d
10Krell WarmongerWight60Block, Regenerate-ma, m
7Gladstone CroushWerewolf818Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodgem, n
1Speach LynGhoul36Dodge, Blockn, m
6Lutz GrabbZombie60Regeneratem, n
5Grug BeestFlesh Golem66104Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Dodge, Guard, Frenzym, d
4Hacke LestonZombie5414Regenerate, +MAm, n
7DeeWerewolf38Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Blockm, n
14BeaterZombie20Regeneratem, n
12Damin JonesZombie5435Regenerate, Block, Tackle, Dirty Playerm, n
9Valen SkimtGhoul1529Dodge, Block, Sure Handsd
7Mr PeaWerewolf47Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block-ma, d
10Azurn NoctuGhoul712Dodge, Blockd
6Luicen Tremt IIIWight128Block, Regenerate, Tacklem, n
12Gable LyndGhoul76Dodge, Block-av, m, n
14Jimro SimbaGhoul33Dodgem, n
7Fee NixWerewolf1011Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Blockd
12Bad NunZombie40Regeneratem
1No OdleWerewolf1832Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, +AG, Dodged
7Pea NixWerewolf23Catch, Frenzy, Clawm, -st
16Very Cold and Dry AirZombie218Regenerated
14Fele BeashGhoul33Dodged
12Jen SenZombie20Regeneratem, n
13Uox PlenfZombie1622Regenerate, Block, Tackle-av, m, n
12Lexo GrittGhoul511Dodge, Blockd
13Fleg GruntZombie10Regenerated
6Azurn NoctuWight1930Block, Regenerate, +AG, Tacklem, n
14Flinn FlintstoneZombie77Regenerate, Guardn, d
7Lupin HundWerewolf1116Catch, Frenzy, Claw, +MA, Blockd
6Nagrin NimWight56Block, Regenerate, Tackled
3Hern GrimeWight6546Block, Regenerate, Guard, Tackle, Strip Balld
1Noo DleWerewolf1740Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Tackle, Dodgem, n
15KrutovZombie4228Regenerate, Block, Dirty Playerd
10Flago StumGhoul3040Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Side Stepd
2Treg BrugFlesh Golem6651Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Dodge, Block, Guard, Juggernautn
14GambZombie1112Regenerate, Guardm, n
15Fozzie BearZombie42Regeneratem, n
5Lance BestomFlesh Golem4634Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Block, +AG, Guardn, m, n
7Jez IronsideZombie102Regenerated
5Lumox GrobFlesh Golem32Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firmm, n
4Gren BreyZombie5033Regenerate, Block, Guard, Tackled
1Suzix PictWerewolf1334Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodge, Side Stepd
7Cassie FroodWerewolf717Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodge-av, d
7NoodleWerewolf10Catch, Frenzy, Clawd
13Jeremia JerkFlesh Golem95Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firmd
14Dee TchuuWerewolf420Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodgem, n
13Brutus BlodFlesh Golem27Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firmd
7Abe LosZombie50Regenerated
1Lenochs LinfGhoul922Dodge, +AG, Blockm, n
12Xriz BonechewerGhoul3967Dodge, Mighty Blow, Guard, Block, Frenzym, n
11Herald ChitZombie15296Regeneration, Dirty Player, Block, Kick, Dodge, Pro-av, m, m, -ma
10Blut GangerousWight2737Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Kick, Strip Ballm, n
9Perin SneetZombie6054Regenerate, Block, Tackle, +AG, Mighty Blowd
8Jim SenbridgeZombie9733Regenerate, Dirty Player, Block, Tacklem, d
7Rex ForebearWerewolf313Catch, Frenzy, Claw, +MAm, n
6Roug FlemWight3334Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guardd
5Rab SinixZombie176Regenerate, Dirty Playerm, n
4Kend HertZombie1610Regenerate, Prom, n
3Gregor TrubZombie2919Regenerate, Block, Prom, n
2Jess LindhutFlesh Golem2319Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Block, +MAd
1Luther LuxbrigFlesh Golem30Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firmd