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Past Players of Nenazas Cabreadas
Team Page
13Harold ClearstoneLineman915Guard-ma, m, m, d
15Trey TrueeagleLineman75m, -st
3Alexander StrongorcLineman1020+AG, +AG-av
18Howard ClumsystoneLineman10d
13Harold DarkhawkLineman31m, -ma
16Albert VilerockLineman2013Dirty Playerm, m, -ma, m, d
2George VileeagleLineman2648Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, -av
12Duane ClumsyspikeLineman2623+AV, Wrestlem, -ag, d
8Leroy StrongfistLineman2535Guard, Dodge, Blockm, d
7Tristan WhitehawkLineman10d
16Kevin ColdhammerLineman310+ST-st
17Robert ClumsyfireLineman10d
2George DarkspikeLineman79Dodged
9William PalebrookLineman2132Dodge, +ST, +STm, m, m, -ma
15Howard HardhawkLineman2347Mighty Blow, Block, Frenzym, m, n
13Brian ColdshieldLineman2431Dodge, Block, Side Stepn
1Morgan TreemanTreeman2224Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Grabm, -ma, -ag, d
12Aaron TruespikeLineman96Guard-ma, -av
5Brian DirtystoneLineman2429Dodge, Block-ma, m, m, -av
13Billy GoldeagleLineman51n
18Robert DirtyeagleLineman10d
9Cory PaletreeLineman1630+AG, Guardd
3Tristan StrongboneLineman66Dodge-av
2Julius DeepspikeLineman88Dodgem, m, m, -av
10David SilenteagleLineman3835+ST, Block, +AGm, -ma
12William HottreeLineman108Dodgem, d
14Zachary StrongeagleLineman4155Dodge, Block, Side Step, Guardm, r
17Aaron QuickorcLineman10d
15Sean GoldrockLineman1924Mighty Blow, Blockm, -ag, -ma, n
4Aaron GrottystreamLineman1021Guard, Dodgem, -ma, d
3Morgan TreemanTreeman1122Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab-ma, d
12Osmond DeepbrookLineman95-ag, m, d
14Cory VilestoneLineman60-av
11Leroy DarktreeLineman54108Dodge, Block, +AG, Guard, +AGm, d
8Fredrick HotfireLineman3422Dodge, Block-ma, m, m, -av
15Aaron StrongtreeLineman78Shadowing-st
16William DeepboneLineman3554+AG, Wrestle, Strip Ball, Leapd
5Morgan TreemanTreeman20Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mated
9Duane StronghammerLineman1017+AV, Fendd
11Cory ClumsyhawkLineman61m, d
15Billy CleareagleLineman20d
6David ClearboneLineman3883Mighty Blow, Block, Dodge, Frenzy, Side Stepm, d
1Ulric StrongspikeLineman2516Guard, Dodgem, -ma, m, d
14Julius GoldlightningLineman96Dodgem, n
15Vincent QuickfistLineman60m, d
18Vincent DeepspikeLineman10d
7Graham TruefieldLineman2042+AG, +AG, Dodgem, m, -av
1Edward GrottyfireLineman1331Guard, Dodge, Blockm, d
5Ian WhitefistLineman1514Dodgem, m, d
12Ulric WhitetreeLineman2454Dodge, +AG, Guard, Leap-ma, -av
4Edward TruespikeLineman1516Dodge, Diving Catch-av
2Trey FastrockLineman2913Dodgem, m, m, -st
15Tristan QuicklightningLineman81-av
2Evander DirtyfireLineman31n
14Billy ColdstreamLineman79Dodgen
15Zachary VileboneLineman31d
10Yormond OsmrickWardancer4088Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, +ST, Tackle, Strip Ball, Mighty Blowd
7Osmond OsmickCatcher21Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
2Yorick YororcThrower28Pass, Accurated
10Yorick OsmondWardancer36Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step-st
1Osmond YorickWardancer88Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step-ma
14Vincent DeepsnakeLineman914Dodged
15Jack ColdwingLineman714Dodged
3Yorick DarktreeLineman3740Dodge, Block, Side Step-av
17Fredrick HideousfieldLineman10d
7Yorick HideouseagleLineman923Dodge, Blockm, d
6Yorick DeeporcLineman1419Guard, Dodgem, -st
5Osmond SilentrockLineman1624Dodge, Blockm, n
8William GrottyshieldLineman2943Mighty Blow, Block, Tacklem, m, -ma, n
15Xavier SilentwingLineman1110Dodged
3Albert WhitefistLineman65-av
2Brian ViletreeLineman166Dodge-ma, d
19Albert DarktreeLineman10d
11Harold ClumsylightningLineman1236Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, m, -st
12Billy GoldstoneLineman2743Dodge, Block, +AGm, m, d
14Sylvester DeephawkLineman1826Dodge, Guardm, d
5Osmond SilentsnakeLineman40n
4Osmond DeeporcLineman3264Guard, Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, -av, d
13Ian HideousfistLineman75114Guard, Dodge, +ST, Block, Side Stepm, m, n
13Tristan VilerockLineman22d
18Trey DeepfieldLineman13d
15Aaron HideousbrookLineman1316Dodge, Blockm, d
1David HardrockLineman2117Dodge-ma, d
16Albert ClumsysnakeLineman5893Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Tacklem, m, m, m, -st
17Harold SilenteagleLineman10d
18Nicholas ClearhammerLineman10d
10Cory GrottyfieldLineman2951Mighty Blow, Block, Frenzy, Side Stepm, d
11Aaron HideousbrookLineman1210Dodged
13Jack GrottystoneLineman56Diving Catchn
16David GoldhammerLineman1323Dodge, Blockm, n
14Tristan PalebrookLineman1931Dodge, Block, Guard-ma, -ag, n
15Alexander StrongwingLineman1640Dodge, Block, +ST-st
16Alexander DeepfieldLineman312Guard-av
24Richard SilentfieldLineman10d
7LoretaLineman3260Dodge, Block, Side Step, Frenzym, m, m, r
12Mr AgeingLineman4466Dodge, Guard, Block, Side Stepm, m, r
16Queque Tete DendenCatcher1736Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklem
8LevLineman1724Guard, Dodgen, m, m, -ag
4RadekLineman2129Guard, Dodgem, d
14AnatoliyLineman148Side Stepm, -st, m, d
9RebrodyLineman194m, -ma, m, m, -ma, m, n
2MihailCatcher2960Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Block, Sure Feet, Sprintm, r
12GicaThrower1425Pass, Sure Hands, Dodgem, m, n
3AlekseiLineman3444Dirty Player, Dodge, Block 
11Pavel NosmataoCatcher3240Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, Dauntlessm, n, m, n
14RadekLineman1519Dodge, Blockd
1ArtemCatcher4380Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feet, Leap, Side Stepn
10WardarcinhoWardancer4377Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Sure Hands, +MAm, -av
8PetrCatcher2735Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Dirty Player-av, -av
13ValeryLineman5125Dodge, Blockn, m, n, m, n, m
15AleksandrLineman5654Guard, +ST, Dodge, Block-av, -ma, r
11LaxCatcher1458Catch, Dodge, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block-ag, m
5PlasilWardancer6193Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, +ST, Strip Ball, Side Step, Tackle-ag
4MaxWardancer1841Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Stepm, n
9BrodyLineman3951Dodge, Block, +ST, Frenzyn, n, m, n
2CatcheteconcatcheteCatcher3881Catch, Dodge, +ST, Nerves Of Steel, +AG, Block, Side Stepn, d
12AndreiyCatcher3436Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Diving Tacklen
9StuLineman62m, n
1IzmailovWardancer1734Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Dauntless, Tacklem, n
6Morgan Treeman IITreeman8087Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Block, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut 
8PericoThrower2746Pass, Strong Arm, Accurate, Sure Hands-ma, m, n
4PafmanCatcher929Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
5BrooksWardancer2535Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Tacklen
10MaratCatcher3654Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Pass Blockm, n
16SergeyLineman6551Dodge, Block, Side Step, Tackle-av, n, d
3JusterinniLineman4946Dirty Player, Dodge, Blockn, d
8YeteCatcher921Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, -ag
1JohnnyWardancer2133Leap, Block, Dodge, Dauntless, Tackle, Side Stepn
4ManonpleCatcher1327Catch, Dodge, Block, +MAd
5TalknWardancer1428Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Strip Balld
9Morgan TreemanTreeman2433Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle-av, m, -ma
3LukLineman1516Dirty Player, Dodge-ma, m, n
16AndyLineman10m, n
14NeibiThrower3231Pass, Strong Arm, Accurate, +STn, -av
15OleksiyCatcher5070Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +MA, Diving Tackle-ag, n, d
4M. CatcherCatcher1324Catch, Dodge, +ST, Nerves Of Steeld
8IdiotaWardancer1437Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Stepd
1ModernWardancer2023Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, +MAd
4SarasaThrower618Pass, Accurate, +AGn, m, n
2Catcher CarneCatcher5482Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Shadowing, +ST, Tackle-ma, n, m, -av
3TroncoTreeman1716Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Multiple Blockm, n
1GeorgeCatcher716Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
10BohlenWardancer822Leap, Block, Dodge, Nerves Of Steel, Tackled
4LoweLineman710Blockm, n
5AndersLineman2617Dodge, Blockn, d
6MichaelLineman4932Dodge, Block, Nerves Of Steelm, -ag
11JimmyLineman4851Dodge, Block, +MA, Guard-av, m, n
12BrileyLineman5341Dodge, Guard, Block-ma, d
13HughesLineman5138+MA, Dodge, Guardn, m, n
14HodoLineman106Blockm, n
7LorettaLineman86118Block, Frenzy, Dodge, +ST, Side Step-av, d