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* * * Did you know? The most touchdowns in a single match is 23.
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Past Players of Booty Pirate
Team Page
5Davy Jones' HookerThrower37Sure Hands, Pass, Accurated
61st Mate PainstateLineman1411Dirty Playerd
10Hellbound CharioteerLineman150 
5Davy Jones' HookerThrower812Sure Hands, Pass, Accuraten
14North StarLineman192-ma
12Wendy WooooLineman237Block-ag, d
7Hard To StarboardThrower67Sure Hands, Pass, Strong Arm-ma
12Cannonball BettyLineman1211Block-st
13Stand FastLineman116Blockm, d
16Yo Ho HoLineman3216Block, Fendm, -av
13Bendy WendyLineman120d
5Davy Jones' HookerLineman4119Dirty Player, Dodgem, n
6Broadside BettyLineman4244Dirty Player, +AG, Blockm, d
8Full AheadCatcher40Catch, Dodged
8Studman's MomOgre10Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone-head, Loner, Throw Team-Mate-ma
16Land AhoyLineman180d
6Babe At ArmsLineman50n
10Hellbound StowawayLineman5535Block, +MA, Tacklem, m, -av, m, -av
9PressGangedLineman7638Kick, Leader, Guardm, -ag, m, d
10Able Seaman AmusedLineman30n
8Land AhoyCatcher76Catch, Dodge, Guardm, d
12Bottle 'O' RumLineman4465+ST, Block, Tackle, Strip Ballm, d
4ScarlettBlitzer2752Block, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Tackle, Guardm, d
17Paul StronghammerLineman10d
13Painstate The Booty PimpLineman2816Dirty Player, Guardm, d
9Bottle O RumLineman20d
5Yo Ho HoThrower4683Sure Hands, Pass, Accurate, +AG, +ST, +AG, Leaderm, m, -ma
1Bosun BabeBlitzer53117Block, Dodge, +ST, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Tacklen
3Treasure ChestBlitzer1928Block, Guard, Mighty Blow-av, d
1Bosun BootyBlitzer816Block, +MA, Guardm, n
7Hard to StarboardCatcher90146Catch, Dodge, Block, +ST, Side Step, Diving Tackle, +AGm, m, -ma, m, -ag
4Capt. WillsBlitzer4039Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut-av, -ag
3Bosun BootyBlitzer30Blockm, -ma
9Bottle Of YUMLineman2917Dirty Player, Blockm, d
8Clap Him In IronsLineman3212Mighty Blowd
9Thar She BlowzLineman10m, n
111st MateLineman3016Block, Fendd
9PressgangbangerLineman30m, n
13Scarlett Yo'HansenCatcher5997Catch, Dodge, +MA, +ST, +ST, Guard, Block-av, m, -av
7Hard To Starboard!Catcher2125Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, d
15Hoist The MainsailLineman6321Dirty Player, Dodged
16Babe At ArmsOgre7774Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone-head, Loner, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Blockm, d
11Nice BootyLineman91d
9Bottle 'O' YumCatcher1018Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepn
4Captain EMOBlitzer2922Block, Dodge, +MAm, d
9Bottle 'o' YumLineman40d
1Molly RogerBlitzer3644Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blowd
14Scurvy DogLineman13771Dirty Player, Block, Wrestle, Tacklem, m, m, d
6Drunken SailorThrower75182Sure Hands, Pass, +ST, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +MA, Strip Ballm, -av, -ma, d
13Nice BootyLineman140m, m, n
14Clap Him In IronsLineman40m, n
15Hard To StarboardLineman179Guardm, d
2ScarlettBlitzer8496Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Juggernaut, Juggernautm, m, -av, m
4Captain EMOBlitzer1932Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tacklen
15Bottle Of YUMLineman76Guardm, n
6Bottle of YUMThrower30Pass, Sure Handsd
2Scarlett 'Yo-Ho' HansenBlitzer1840Block, Dodge, Guard, Mighty Blowd
7Hoist Yer MainsailCatcher4279Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Tackle, +MA, Side Stepm, d
5Thar She ThrowzThrower5693Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Block, Safe Throw, Tackle, Dump-Off-ma, m, -ma
1Molly Roger Blitzer3153Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ball 
81st MateCatcher5998Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +MA, Sprint, Dauntlessm, n
16The 'Surgeon'Ogre4643Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Block, Guard, Dodgem, d
4Captain EMOBlitzer2336Block, Guard, Tackle, +AGn
3Thigh High BootyBlitzer71135Block, Guard, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Strip Ball, Juggernautn, d
8Clap Him In IronsLineman36Dirty Playern
2Scarlett Yo'HansenBlitzer1016Block, Guard, Tacklem, n
9Eastern PromiseLineman3824Guard, Blockd
15Bottle Of YUMLineman2012Dirty Playerm, n
14Hard To StarboardLineman3332Guard, Block, Tackled
13Nice BootyLineman3224Guard, Blockd
12Roger'd The Cabin BoyLineman120114Block, Tackle, Strip Ball, Pro, Wrestlem, d
11Yo Ho HoLineman4018Dirty Player, Dodge-ma, d
10Pieces Of EightLineman11554Block, Dirty Player, Kick, Fendm, -av
5Thar She BlowzThrower66Pass, Sure Hands, Accuraten
1Molly RogerBlitzer715Block, Dodged