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Past Players of Belgian Music Lovers
Team Page
2Millionaire XILineman35n, m
14Absynthe MindedCatcher1031Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Tacklen
3DAAU IILineman12m, n
15Praga Khan XVWardancer1139Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, Strip Ball, Guardd
62 Many DJ's VIILineman1212Blockm, -st
3Front 242 XLineman33d
11Hooverphonic XIVThrower926Pass, +MA, Accuratem, -ma
13Starflam VIIICatcher16Catch, Dodge, Blockm, n
11Hooverphonic XIIIThrower21Passd
62 Many DJ's VILineman516Guard, Blockn
14ArnoCatcher1652Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +MA, Diving Tacklem, -ma
2Millionaire XLineman1821Block, Dodged
12Hooverphonic XIIThrower616Pass, Accurated
3Front 242 IXLineman1216Block, Dodged
2Millionaire IXLineman30m, n
15Praga Khan XIVWardancer1933Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ball, Side Stepm, -ag
14Starflam VICatcher1131Catch, Dodge, Block, +MAd
15Praga Khan XIIIWardancer10Leap, Block, Dodged
2Millionaire VIIILineman10d
16dEUS XVWardancer1020Leap, Block, Dodge, Dauntless, Tacklem, n
12Hooverphonic XIThrower1131Pass, +MA, Sure Hands, Accuraten
1Admiral Freebee IXTreeman2024Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, +MAm, n
2Millionaire VIILineman99Blockm, n
15Praga Khan XIIWardancer933Leap, Block, Dodge, Guard, Dauntless, +ST-ag, -av, m
2Millionaire VILineman30d
13Triggerfinger VCatcher21Catch, Dodged
16dEUS XIVWardancer1232Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ball, Guardm, n
5Front 242 VIIILineman1217Block, Dodgen
22 many DJ's VLineman10d
6Arsenal IILineman3358Kick, +AG, Block, Dodge 
22 many DJ's IVLineman39Blockd
3BuscemiLineman2452Guard, Block, Dodge, Side Step-av, m, n
10Hooverphonic XThrower1523Pass, +MA, Blockd
5Front 242 VIILineman59Kickd
22 Many DJ's IIILineman49Guardd
15Praga Khan XIWardancer1542Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ballm, n
16dEUS XIIIWardancer1230Leap, Block, Dodge, +MA, Dauntlessm, n
5ArsenalLineman33m, n
14Vive la FêteCatcher3579Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Sure Feet, Leap-st
22 Many DJ's IILineman41d
62 many DJ'sLineman10m, n
16dEUS XIIWardancer714Leap, Block, Dodge, Dauntlessd
5Front 242 VILineman87+AGd
4Arid IXLineman2833Guard, Block, Dodged
14Triggerfinger IVCatcher36Catch, Dodge, Blockm, n
4Arid VIIILineman23m, n
13Starflam VICatcher2152Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, +MAm, n
1Admiral Freebee VIIITreeman3735Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Break Tackle, Multiple Blockn
7Ozark Henry VILineman55143+AG, Dodge, Block, +AG, Leap, Sure Hands-ma, n, n
2Soulwax VIILineman1332Kick, +AG, Blockm, n
10Hooverphonic IXThrower2331Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Guardn
13Novastar VIICatcher38Catch, Dodge, Blockd
16dEUS XIWardancer1628Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepm, n
13Novastar VICatcher426Catch, Dodge, Block, Dauntlessn
8DAAN IILineman2433Block, Dodge, Guardd
7Ozark Henry VLineman916Kick, Blockn
6Arid VIILineman1717Block, Guardn
5Front 242 VLineman1636+AG, Dodge, Blockn, d
4Soulwax VILineman721Kick, Blockd
10Hooverphonic VIIIThrower920Pass, Sure Hands, Strong Armm, n
12Triggerfinger IIICatcher2256Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Tackled
16dEUS XWardancer1117Leap, Block, Dodge, Guard, +STn, m
12Triggerfinger IICatcher38Catch, Dodge, Blockn
6Front 242 IVLineman25d
2Arid VILineman23m, n
4Hooverphonic VIIThrower32Passd
4Ozark Henry IVLineman10m, n
2Front 242 IIILineman40m, n
15Praga Khan XWardancer4682Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Step, Tackle, Guard, Diving Tacklen
16dEUS IXWardancer719Leap, Block, Dodge, +MA, Tackled
4Ozark Henry IIILineman23d
3Millionaire VLineman5290+AG, +AG, Dodge, Pass, Blockn, d
1Admiral Freebee VIITreeman3654Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, +MA, Break Tackle, Multiple Block-ma, n
2Hooverphonic VIThrower1018Pass, Strong Arm, Sure Handsd
15Praga Khan IXWardancer817Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ball-ma, d
16dEUS VIIIWardancer816Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Stepd
6Ozark Henry IILineman20m, n
2 Hooverphonic VThrower56Passd
11Starflam VCatcher47109Catch, Dodge, Block, +AG, Leap, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, n
15Praga Khan VIIIWardancer726Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, +AGd
4Millionaire IVLineman811Blockm, n
15Praga Khan VIIWardancer10Leap, Block, Dodgem, -ma
15Praga Khan VIWardancer19Leap, Block, Dodge, Tacklen
3Arid VLineman1017Kick, Blockd
15Praga Khan VWardancer23Leap, Block, Dodgem, -av
16dEUS VIIIWardancer1428Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackled
4Millionaire IIILineman610Blockd
1Admiral Freebee VITreeman1818Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Break Tackled
3DAANLineman50m, n
14Hooverphonic IVThrower1536Pass, Accurate, Sure Hands, +AGd
1Admiral Freebee VTreeman35Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firmd
15Praga Khan IVWardancer731Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Side Step, Diving Tacklen
8K's Choice IIILineman10d
16dEUS VIIWardancer1462Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, +AG, +AG, Tacklen, d
2Magnus IVLineman137Kick-ma, m, -ma
11Front 242 IILineman1837Block, Dodge, Guardd
1Admiral Freebee IVTreeman118Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guardd
10TC Matic IILineman4251Dirty Player, Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, n
13Novastar VCatcher56152Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, +AG, Leap, Pass Blockn, m
10TC MaticLineman32m, -av
12TriggerfingerCatcher4984Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, Block, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle-ma, -av, -ma, n, -av, n
14Hooverphonic IIIThrower1833Pass, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Blockd
11Magnus IIILineman26+AGm, n
16dEUS VIWardancer1537Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +ST-ag, d
15Praga Khan IIIWardancer2577Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, +MA, Side Step, Diving Tackle, +AGn, d
13Novastar IVCatcher1560Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, +ST-av, m, n
11Magnus IILineman15m, n
11MagnusLineman23m, n
14Hooverphonic IIThrower1137Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Safe Throwd
12Starflam IVCatcher1464Catch, Dodge, +MA, Block, Sprint, Sure Feetd
1Admiral Freebee IIITreeman2525Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, +MAd
16dEUS VWardancer1540Leap, Block, Dodge, Jump Up, Tackle, Diving Tackle-ag, d
10theLineman2326Guard, Blockm, n
15Praha Khan IIWardancer1141Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Step-av, m, -av
9Arid IVLineman5073+AG, Dodge, Block, Guardn, -av, d
2Novastar IIICatcher511Catch, Dodge, Blockd
8An Pierlé IIILineman1431Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, m, -av
8An Pierlé IILineman10m, n
13Front 242Thrower1635Pass, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, +MA-av, n, m, n
6K's Choice IILineman30d
11Novastar IICatcher10Catch, Dodged
7Arid IIILineman1219Block, Dodgem, n
5Soulwax VLineman98201Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, +AG, Leap, Pass Blockn, d
16dEUS IVWardancer2250Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Jump Up, Guardd
4Starflam IICatcher1858Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Shadowing, Pass Block-ma, d
3Millionaire IILineman6388Block, Dodge, Guard, Side Step, Diving Tackled
16dEUS IIIWardancer517Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepn, d
11the Scabs IILineman814Blockd
1Starflam IICatcher30101Catch, Dodge, +AG, Block, Pass Block, Dauntless, Leapn
10Soulwax IVLineman813Blockd
9Arid IILineman126Blockn, d
4DAAUThrower20Passm, n
3Soulwax IIILineman77Blockd
14Admiral Freebee IITreeman3635Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Block, Guard, Multiple Blockd
5StarflamCatcher920Catch, Dodge, Block, Pass Blockn, m
3Soulwax IILineman30m, -av
13NovastarCatcher24134Catch, Dodge, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feet, Dauntless, Block, Leapn, n
16dEUSWardancer2169Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, Strip Ball, Side Step, +AGn, n, m
12HooverphonicThrower50146Pass, Accurate, Sure Hands, Block, Dodge, +AG, Safe Throw 
14Admiral FreebeeTreeman1117Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Block, Guardn, n
16dEUSWardancer310Leap, Block, Dodge, Side Stepd
15Praga KhanWardancer58134Leap, Block, Dodge, Strip Ball, Tackle, Side Step, Shadowing, Pass Block, Pron
11An PierléLineman2212Guardn
9the ScabsLineman811Block-ag, m, -av
8Zita SwoonLineman5052Block, Guard, Dodge, Side Stepn, m, -st
7Think of OneLineman2517Block, Guardd
6K's ChoiceLineman4977Block, +ST, Tackle, +ST, Dodgen, n, n
4AridLineman1832Block, Leader, Dodged
3SoulwaxLineman1427Dodge, Guardd
2Ozark HenryLineman5541Kick, Block, Dodged
1MillionaireLineman2928Block, Dodged