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Past Players of [B]ookworms
Team Page
15Strange Lad RolandZombie137Regeneration, Blockm, d
5Janitor JeffWight Blitzer2042Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackled
8BarcenasZombie2811Regeneration, Block-av
10Strange Gal WwwZombie2010Regeneration, Blockd
5Janitor JorgeWight Blitzer818Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Tackle-st
13Strange Gal GailZombie10Regenerationd
6Libre de GhouleGhoul Runner2143Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Side Stepd
15Strange Guy GoggiZombie50Regeneration-ma
10Christina B. ØZombie70Regeneration-ma, d
7Sir Francis Hinsley IIZombie207Regeneration, Guardd
2Book of ShadowsGhoul Runner10Dodge-ma
7Ms. WFlesh Golem63Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regenerationd
6GolmanZombie1510Regeneration, +STn
3Temp. CravenousWerewolf3598Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, +AG, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, d
5Janitor JosephineWight Blitzer2431Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Tackle-ag, m, d
14SaltafossiZombie5712Regeneration, Dirty Player-ag, -st
8Strange CultsGhoul Runner2661Dodge, +ST, Block, Sure Hands, Tacklem, m, d
13Strange Guy GisbourneZombie110Regenerationn
12Black BookGhoul Runner1111Dodge, Block-ma
11Strang Guy StevZombie4328Regeneration, Block, Fendd
5Janitor JoWight Blitzer1515Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
10Shy Gal SallyZombie305Regenerationm, m, m, m, -av
5Janitor Grronald 2.Wight Blitzer109Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
16Arval Redhamaj IVZombie82Regenerationd
15Janitor PeabodyWight Blitzer66Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blown
4Pietro Della Rocca VIZombie95Regenerationd
8Nameless CultsGhoul Runner2125Dodge, Block, Mighty Blow-ag
2Mrs. GFlesh Golem3737Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard-av
5Janitor GrronaldWight Blitzer710Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow-ma
1Temp. LutetiaWerewolf86106Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Fendm, m, m, d
10Mister MFlesh Golem1618Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Guard-st
7Grifin LinfalasZombie4015Regeneration, Dirty Playerm, m, d
7NecronomiKonGhoul Runner15Dodged
14Sparkling Vampire VroniZombie125Regenerationm
7NecronomiconGhoul Runner20Dodgen
12Boscavo Silamphre IIZombie2920Regeneration, Dirty Player, Guardm, -av, d
11Liber de GhouleGhoul Runner2538Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sure Handsm, -av
11SF Fan Susie-FranzyGhoul Runner20Dodged
10Mrs. HFlesh Golem104Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration-ag, d
1temp. WundegarWerewolf1222Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodged
9Strange Gal ShadyZombie235Regenerationm, d
8Shy Guy GusZombie120Regenerationm, -av
6Rolandas BibenasZombie5137Regeneration, Dirty Player, Kick, Wrestled
5Janitor ShhhhaneWight Blitzer1518Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guardd
9Nerd Girl NelliZombie20Regeneration-st
8Shy Guy ShawnZombie20Regeneration-st
4Janitor VVvvictorrrrRWight Blitzer2223Block, Regeneration, Jump Up, Mighty Blowd
7Fantasy Fan KlaraGhoul Runner1235Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Side Stepd
15KirkseyZombie1510Regeneration, Guardm, d
11Temp. WilliWerewolf1718Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodgem, d
7Are you kidding me?Zombie135Regenerationd
15Thommy HeestersZombie40Regeneration 
13Iyu'unigatoZombie6247Regeneration, Block, Fend, Dauntlessd
10Duane GrottyrockZombie2214Regeneration, Guardm, m, m, -ma, -st
1Mr. esq. XFlesh Golem3025Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Dodged
2Mr. OFlesh Golem4745Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardn, m, -av
6SF Fan SteveGhoul Runner3466Dodge, +AG, Block, Fend, +MAm, m, d
5Janitor RRrrogerrrrWight Blitzer3517Block, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blowm, d
4Janitor RrronaldWight Blitzer3536Block, Regeneration, +AG, Tackle, Strip Balln, m, n
13OtzeZombie1514Regeneration, Blockm, d
8Fantasy Fan FannyGhoul Runner3543Dodge, Block, Side Step, Fendm, -ma
2Ms. KFlesh Golem75Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regenerationm, -ma
12Creepy Guy ZtephenZombie3332Regeneration, Dirty Player, Kick, Blockm, m, m, -av, d
16MidianasZombie4116Regeneration, Dirty Player, Fendn
9Silent Gal SileneZombie4410Regeneration, Blockd
1Mr. QFlesh Golem196Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration, Blockd
11Stange Guy ZamZombie3017Regeneration, Block, Dauntlessm, m, -ma
5Janitor RrrasputinWight913Block, Regenerate, Tacklem, n
6Janitor HildegarrrrdWight10Block, Regenerated
15Reyals Cro 2Zombie1212Regenerate, Dirty Player-ag, d
2Mr. YFlesh Golem62Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firmm, n
14GrungeZombie6333Regeneration, Guard, Block, Fend-ag, -st
7Temp. WikiWerewolf39114Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, +AG, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Tackled
2Mr. OmegaFlesh Golem310Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Blockm, -av
5Janitor ArrrnieWight103Block, Regenerated
7Temp. WilliWerewolf33Catch, Frenzy, Clawm, n
8SF Fan SandraGhoul1931Dodge, +MA, Block, Diving Catchm, -st, n
3Temp. WolgaWerewolf111174Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, Dodge, +ST, Side Step, Tacklem, m, d
16Jokeri-HahmoZombie1916Regenerate, Guard, Blockn, d
8Temp. WoodyWerewolf48Catch, Frenzy, Claw-ma, d
12Temp WartburgWerewolf10Catch, Frenzy, Clawm, n
3Temp WaldemarWerewolf822Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, Dodged
6Janitor UmbrrraWight2432Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Kick, Strip Balln
15EnduranceZombie108Regenerate, +MAm, n
3Temp. WilfriedWerewolf28Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Blockd
2Mr. ZFlesh Golem2117Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, +MA, Blockn
4ghoulieZombie3119Regenerate, Dirty Player, Blockm, n
14All Bone BrianZombie130Regenerated
7Fantasy Fan FranzyGhoul1821Dodge, Block, Sure Handsd
15EolZombie510Regenerate, Guardm, n
5Janitor IndrrraWight238Block, Regenerate, Tacklen, m, -ma
3temp. WolfgarWerewolf826Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Block, +MAd
7Fantasy Fan FridaGhoul510Dodge, Dauntlessn
13Intermediate Gal ZusiZombie122Regenerate-st
15Copper SurferZombie812Regenerate, Dirty Playerd
4temp. WolframWerewolf88Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Mighty Blowd
12Unremarkable Gal ZoeZombie185Regenerated
11Strange Guy ZalomonZombie4024Regenerate, Guard, Blockd
10Shy Gal ZarahZombie6552Regeneration, Guard, Block, Tackle, Kick-ma, -ma
9Nice Guy ZamZombie4431Regenerate, Dirty Player, Block, Kickn, m
8SF Fan Susi FreyGhoul2623Dodge, Block, Tackled
7Fantasy Fan FritzGhoul63Dodged
6Janitor IrrrmaWight1918Block, Regenerate, Tackle, Strip Ballm, n
5Janitor IgorWight86Block, Regenerate, Tackled
3temp. WaldemarWerewolf410Catch, Frenzy, Claw, Blockm, n
2Mr. W.Flesh Golem107Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Blockd
1Mrs. NannyFlesh Golem4454Regenerate, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Block, +MA, Guardd