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Past Players of White Isle Lizards
Team Page
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner20Dodge, Stunty-ma
11Slightly EvilSkink Runner30Dodge, Stunty-ma
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner52Dodge, Stunty-ag
10Tiny DancerSkink Runner120Dodge, Stunty-ma
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker2645Block, Guard, Break Tacklem, d
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker1725Diving Tackle, Blockm, n, d
11Slightly EvilSkink Runner50Dodge, Stuntym, d
12I Am PhibiousSkink Runner50Dodge, Stunty 
12I Am PhibiousSkink Runner30Dodge, Stuntyn
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker10-av
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker1428+MA, Dodgen
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor30Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Lonerd
13Golden GeckoSkink Runner40Dodge, Stunty 
12I Am PhibiousSkink Runner99Dodge, Stunty, Side Stepd
14Something With TeethSkink Runner10Dodge, Stunty 
13I Am PhibiousSkink Runner30Dodge, Stunty-st
7Crock BlockerSaurus Blocker32-av
2Timmy and His TailSaurus Blocker30d
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker1422+MA, Break Tackled
12Golden GeckoSkink Runner152Dodge, Stunty 
11Slightly EvilSkink Runner3412Dodge, Stunty, Diving Tackle 
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner4024Dodge, Stunty, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, -av, m
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker1426Block, Diving Tackled
2Timmy and His TailSaurus Blocker1817Block, Guard-ag, d
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker3832Block, Guard, Break Tackled
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner10Dodge, Stunty-av
14Slightly EvilSkink Runner175Dodge, Stuntym, d
14Featherless RoosterSkink Runner21Dodge, Stunty-st
13Tripping of Webbed FeetSkink Runner63Dodge, Stuntyd
12I Am PhibiousSkink Runner130Dodge, Stuntym, m, -av
2Timmy and His TailSaurus Blocker167Diving Tackled
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker5942Block, Guard, +STm, d
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner93Dodge, Stuntym, d
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker32n
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor4836Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner, Guard, Stand Firm, Grab-ag, m, m, -st
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker1920Block, Guardd
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker20d
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker40n
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner515Dodge, Stunty, Side Step-st
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor79Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner, Guardn, -ag
12I Am PhibiousSkink Runner50Dodge, Stuntyd
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker718Blockd
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner40Dodge, Stuntyd
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker10m
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner20Dodge, Stuntyd
10Tiny DancerSkink Runner8291Dodge, Stunty, +MA, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sprint, Wrestlem, d
9Tripping of Little FeetSkink Runner71206Dodge, Stunty, +AG, +MA, Sure Feet, Sprint, Sure Hands, Side Stepm, m, -st, -av
8Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner35Dodge, Stunty-ma
13Son of AnarchySkink Runner711Dodge, Stunty, Side Stepd
13Son of AnarchySkink Runner15Dodge, Stunty-ma
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor136Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner, Guard-ag, d
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker118Block-av
11Golden GeckoSkink Runner5245Dodge, Stunty, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Jump Upm, m, d
9I Am PhibiousSkink Runner612Dodge, Stunty, Side Step-ma
9Tony FlowSkink Runner20Dodge, Stuntyd
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker43-av
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker5595+AG, Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, +MAd
11Golden GeckoSkink Runner100Dodge, Stunty-av
10Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner1617Dodge, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Side Stepm, d
8Tiny DancerSkink Runner222Dodge, Stuntyd
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor1718Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner, Guard, Stand Firmn
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker82-av
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker157Dodgem, d
8Tiny DancerSkink Runner58Dodge, Stunty, Side Step 
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker3842Block, Guard, Mighty Blowm, m, -av, n
12Tiny TigerSkink Runner2721Dodge, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Side Stepm, -ma, m, d
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker10m
10Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner1213Dodge, Stunty, Diving Tacklem, d
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker25m
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker22d
10Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner28Dodge, Stunty, Side Stepm
8Tiny DancerSkink Runner60Dodge, Stuntym, d
13Soul to SqueezeSkink Runner75Dodge, Stuntym, -av
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker50m
2Timmy and His TailSaurus Blocker6193Block, Dodge, Guard, Side Step, Diving Tacklen, d
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker20d
9Tony FlowSkink Runner3134Dodge, Stunty, +MA, Sure Feet, +ST-ma
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker610d
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor2826Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner, Block, Guard-st
6Monty The Python Saurus Blocker42-st
9Tony FlowSkink Runner910Dodge, Stunty, Diving Tackled
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker70d
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker30d
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker3639Dodge, Block, Guard-ag, m, m, d
11Golden GeckoSkink Runner4652Dodge, Stunty, Side Step, +MA, Sprint, Blockm, n, d
11Soul to SqueezeSkink Runner10Dodge, Stunty-st
5Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker50m
4Dinomight!Saurus Blocker3955Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Frenzym, m, d
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor1612Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner, Guardn
12Tiny DancerSkink Runner3280Dodge, Stunty, +AG, +MA, Sure Feet, Side Step, Sprintn, n, n
10Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner3027Dodge, Stunty, Block, Side Stepm, n, m, -av, m
5Dinomight!Saurus Blocker20d
9Tony FlowSkink Runner1532Dodge, Stunty, +ST, +MAm, d
11Soul to SqueezeSkink Runner23Dodge, Stunty-ag
9Tony FlowSkink Runner10Dodge, Stunty-av
9Tiny DancerSkink Runner00Dodge, Stunty 
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor710Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Lonerd
10Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner714Dodge, Stunty, Side Stepd
2Timmy and His TailSaurus Blocker4134Block, Dodge, Guardm, d
4Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker2230Block, Guardm, n, m
4Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker13d
13Golden GeckoSkink Runner90Dodge, Stunty 
11Misty Mountain HopperSkink Runner2329Dodge, Stunty, Side Step, Diving Tackled
9Tiny DancerSkink Runner2120Dodge, Stunty, +MA, Blockd
9Misty Mountain HopperSkink Runner10Dodge, Stunty 
4Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker52-ag
13Tiny DancerSkink Runner61Dodge, Stunty-ag
12Rain Dance MaggieSkink Runner2919Dodge, Stunty, Diving Tackle, +MAm, -ag
11Prince of LiesSkink Runner1727Dodge, Stunty, Side Step, Diving Tacklen
10Dirty Little DinoSkink Runner3354Dodge, Stunty, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feet, Side Stepm, d
9Misty Mountain HopperSkink Runner1922Dodge, Stunty, Side Step, +AGd
8Dodgy ViperSkink Runner7579Dodge, Stunty, Wrestle, Dauntless, Sure Feet, +ST, +MAm, m, -av, m, m
7Flawless FreakSaurus Blocker167291Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Break Tackle, Dodge, Frenzym, m, m, m, n, d
6Monty The PythonSaurus Blocker5243Frenzy, Break Tackle, Blockm, d
5Dinomight!Saurus Blocker4535Block, Break Tackle, Guardn
4Wild Rover of HellSaurus Blocker172d
3Sir Psycho SexySaurus Blocker157454Block, Mighty Blow, Piling On, Tackle, Break Tackle, +MAm, m, m, n, m, d
2Timmy and His TailSaurus Blocker3226Block, Guardd
1Ghost of GodzillaKroxigor4067Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Prehensile Tail, Bone-head, Loner, Guard, Stand Firm, Grab, Break Tackle-av