| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
6 | Pinkie Pie | Blocker | 5 | 6 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | d |
11 | Bon Bon | Blocker | 3 | 2 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | d |
19 | George Silenttree | Blocker | 1 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | d |
3 | Rainbow Dash | Blitzer | 18 | 19 | Block, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | d |
6 | Pinkie Pie | Blocker | 5 | 18 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | -ma |
11 | Bon Bon | Blocker | 10 | 11 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | d |
7 | Twilight Sparkle | Blocker | 23 | 8 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, +ST | m, m, -ag |
11 | Vinyl Scratch | Blocker | 1 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | d |
7 | Twilight Sparkle | Blocker | 2 | 5 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | -st |
11 | Vinyl Scratch | Blocker | 2 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | -ag |
5 | Fluttershy | Runner | 38 | 43 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Leader, Kick | m, -av |
11 | Bon Bon | Blocker | 5 | 5 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | -ma |
6 | Pinkie Pie | Runner | 25 | 29 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Kick | m, m, d |
4 | Ditzy Doo | Blitzer | 50 | 79 | Block, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Tackle, Dodge | -ag, m, d |
4 | Ditzy Doo | Blitzer | 1 | 0 | Block, Thick Skull | d |
3 | Rainbow Dash | Blitzer | 35 | 55 | Block, Thick Skull, Guard, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut | m, m, d |
8 | Rarity | Blocker | 37 | 22 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | -ag, m, m, -ag, n |
11 | Bonbon | Blocker | 12 | 22 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | -ma, -st |
11 | The Great And Powerful Trixie | Blocker | 3 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, +ST | -av |
10 | Lyra | Blocker | 10 | 6 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | d |
8 | Rarity | Blocker | 5 | 11 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | d |
11 | Octavia | Blocker | 3 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | |
8 | The Great And Powerful Trixie | Blocker | 5 | 5 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | -av |
7 | Twilight Sparkle | Blocker | 37 | 23 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | m, d |
17 | Cory Darkhawk | Blocker | 1 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | d |
5 | Fluttershy | Runner | 28 | 43 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Tackle, Kick | m, m, m, n |
12 | Vinyl Scratch | Blocker | 21 | 43 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm | m, m, d |
6 | Pinkie Pie | Runner | 30 | 42 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Leader, +AG | m, m, d |
6 | Pinkie Pie | Blocker | 1 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | |
3 | Rainbow Dash | Blitzer | 24 | 18 | Block, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | m, n |
7 | Twilight Sparkle | Blocker | 19 | 6 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | d |
12 | Vinyl Scratch | Blocker | 1 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | |
11 | The Great And Powerful Trixie! | Blocker | 25 | 21 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Dodge | m, n |
10 | Rarity | Blocker | 32 | 49 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow, Kick | m, d |
8 | Fluttershy | Blocker | 19 | 30 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | n, n |
6 | Pinkie Pie | Runner | 15 | 32 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Tackle, Leader | d |
7 | Twilight Sparkle | Blocker | 5 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | d |
5 | Lyra | Runner | 20 | 39 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Tackle, Fend | m, d |
4 | Derpy Hooves | Blitzer | 38 | 27 | Block, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow, Guard | -av, m, -st |
3 | Rainbow Dash | Blitzer | 13 | 11 | Block, Thick Skull, +AG | m, m |
1 | Nightmare Moon | Troll Slayer | 86 | 210 | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow, +ST, Juggernaut, +AV, Guard, Tackle | m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, d |