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Past Players of Hippies 69
Team Page
15 William HideousshieldLineman20d
19 Jack PalewingLineman10d
17 Cory WeakrockLineman10d
15 Ian TruehammerLineman1217+MA, Dodge-ma
20 Osmond SilenttreeLineman12d
2UrhoWardancer1238Block, Dodge, Leap, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Tackled
7MetsoCatcher13Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
19 Trey QuickhammerLineman10d
17 Richard DirtyfistLineman10d
15 Ian BluebrookLineman910Dodged
7LuigiCatcher63Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
17 Leroy SilentwingLineman10d
17Vincent SilentspikeLineman13d
9HurmioCatcher65Catch, Dodge, Sprintm, d
8Albert WeakspikeLineman62d
5Graham StrongfistLineman4049+ST, Block, Dodgem, d
11Edward GoldspikeLineman32-ag
17Richard HideousstoneLineman10d
8Brian ClumsyshieldLineman27+AGd
12Aaron QuickwingLineman20 
6Antero VipunenTreeman1728Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grabm, n, d
11Howard DeeporcLineman20d
13William QuickfieldLineman244m, d
4RoopeCatcher4584Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, Guard, Leap, Diving Tacklem, m, -ma, -st
16Xavier DirtylightningLineman1915+AGm, d
2JunttiWardancer43109Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +AG, Side Step, Strip Ballm, m, -ma, d
20Sean GoldbrookLineman10d
2JaakkoWardancer23Block, Dodge, Leapd
3KalervoCatcher2346Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, +MAd
22Martin DirtywingLineman10d
11Billy WeakeagleLineman25d
2AarniWardancer33Block, Dodge, Leapm, d
17Sean BluelightningLineman10d
3LariCatcher49Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet-av
19Richard GrottystreamLineman10d
14Robert StrongboneLineman510Dodgen
2ElisarWardancer66Block, Dodge, Leap, Frenzy-ma, -av
4RainerCatcher20Catch, Dodge, Sprintm, d
17Jack BluespikeLineman10d
9Jack WeakfieldLineman65d
14Xavier GrottyorcLineman40d
17Duane TruefistLineman10d
4RunebergCatcher15Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
2ErnestiWardancer914Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Balld
18Osmond DeepshieldLineman10d
10Jack DirtyspikeLineman1534Guard, +AGm, d
3RamiCatcher1523Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, +STm, d
16Leroy QuickboneLineman2828Dodge, Wrestlem, m, d
3KerkkoCatcher38Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feetm, -ma
11Xavier HardfieldLineman1211Dodgen, d
15Harold HideoushawkLineman65100Dodge, Block, +MA, Guard, Tacklem, n, m, -ag, d
14Fredrick DeepwingLineman140m, n, -st
15Brian ClearlightningLineman20n
17Paul GoldbrookLineman10d
6AarneCatcher937Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, Side Step-st
5KaleviCatcher1957Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block, +MA, Side Stepm, -ma, -ma
17Evander ClumsyeagleLineman10d
19William ColdboneLineman10d
13Trey BluelightningLineman3925Dodge, Blockm, m, m, d
15George ClearfireLineman70m, d
16Brian SilentshieldLineman1818Dodge, Block-st
18Evander HottreeLineman10d
4EsaCatcher1623Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block-st, m
13David QuicklightningLineman22d
15Albert HardeagleLineman55m, d
3LemminkäinenCatcher1929Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Block-ma
19Evander ClumsyhammerLineman10d
11Leroy ClearwingLineman45d
13Brian WeakhammerLineman610Dodge-av
17Martin QuickstreamLineman15d
19Albert DeepshieldLineman10d
16Kevin ClumsyfieldLineman87m, d
14Xavier VilefieldLineman1711Dodged
17Sean HotlightningLineman10d
1TapioWardancer71328Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, Strip Ball, +ST, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Pro-av, m, m, m, m, -ag, m, m, d
3MarkoWardancer26Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Balld
19Cory SilentsnakeLineman10d
15Edward SilentshieldLineman120-ma, n, d
2KullervoWardancer3790Block, Dodge, Leap, +ST, Frenzy, Tackle, Side Step, +STm, m, -ma, -ag, d
17Leroy HotfistLineman10d
13Duane VileorcLineman35d
14Trey WhitetreeLineman915Blockm, d
15Yorick DeepspikeLineman81d
3ErkkiLineman40m, -ma
6PerttiLineman2720+MA, Passm, n, d
1PenttiLineman1720+AG, Dodgem, d
10Tyrni MarjaLineman1311+AGm, d
7HandeLineman2110+STm, -ma, m, -av
6Dille DongLineman20m, d
7George FastLineman22d
5TimppaLineman2748+MA, Dodge, +AGd
4TimmyLineman1413Wrestlem, -st
5Fredrick DirtytreeLineman61n
17Jack PalerockLineman10d
17Cory QuickorcLineman10d
2GeraldLineman1625+AG, Dodgem, m, d
11Harold QuicktreeLineman108Kick-ma, m, d
13David DirtyfireLineman50-ag
14Leroy PalerockLineman1010Guardm, d
16EskoWardancer3166Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Strip Ball, Wrestle, +AGm, m, -ma, -av, d
15Billy HotstoneLineman133m, -st
7Cory QuickstreamLineman115n, -av
1Brian ClumsytreeLineman2641Block, Dodge, Tackled
4Graham SilentrockLineman41-st
19Billy GoldrockLineman10d
19Ian SilentspikeLineman10d
3Robert ClumsyrockLineman3248Block, Dodge, +AGm, d
2JyrkiWardancer913Block, Dodge, Leap, Tacklem, n
1Duane FasteagleLineman60d
6Martin WhiteshieldLineman144m, -ma, d
17Edward BluefieldLineman10d
20George HideousfistLineman10d
2ErnestoWardancer38Block, Dodge, Leapm, d
9GordonWardancer51224Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +MA, +STm, m, -st
1Mr GarrisonLineman915+AGd
1Mr MackeyLineman10d
5RichardLineman2616Dodge, Blockm, d
8ForrestLineman4667Block, +MA, Dodge, Side Stepm, m, m, m, -st
2BubbaLineman55-ma, d
6RossCatcher1335Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Dauntless, Strip Ballm, -st
6ChandlerCatcher44Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
20Robert WhitewingLineman15d
7LudvigCatcher2352Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Leap, Sure Hands, Diving Tacklem, m, -ma
3Dix-HuitThrower2651Pass, Accurate, Sure Hands, Dodge, Strong Arm-ma, n, -av
12Los SantosTreeman158228Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Guard, Dodge, Grab, Multiple Block, +MAm, m, m, m, n, m, d
11FranzWardancer3185Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Side Step, +AG-ma, m, m, m, m, d
17David BlueshieldLineman10d
2GöringLineman1819Block, Tacklem, d
17Graham DeeptreeLineman10d
10AdolfWardancer3964Block, Dodge, Leap, +ST, Strip Ball, Tackle, Wrestlem, -ma, n, m, m
6UlfLineman2534Dodge, Block, Leapm, -st
2AlexisLineman65m, n, d
11PriechsonWardancer122Block, Dodge, Leap-ma, -ag, m
10BulbatineWardancer817Block, Dodge, Leap, +AGd
9HanLineman1722Dodge, Wrestle-ma, n, -ma, -ma, n, d
8SvenLineman3524Dodge, Blockm, m, -ag, m, d
7PeterLineman1820Dodge, Blockm, d
6DietrichLineman21-ma, d
5WilhelmLineman4067Dodge, Block, Catch, Side Stepm, n, m, m, m, d
4RanboLineman2930Dodge, Kickm, m, m, m, -av, -st
3ArnoldLineman1815Guardm, -av, d
1CarlLineman4324Dodge, Leapm, m, m, d