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Past Players of Shadow Panthers
Team Page
6LethamarBlitzer1533Block, +MA, Guard, Dodgem, n
1Lorizar MarBlitzer2043Block, Tackle, +AG, Guardm
3ZanthzeralienBlitzer2231Block, Guard, +ST, Tackle-ma, d
16MyralsionLineman2743Block, Dodge, Kickm, -ag
14RondulzurLineman1316Block, Dodgen, d
13MoonsralonLineman3334Block, Guard, Dodgem, n
12MondozonLineman3149+AG, Block, Dodgen, n
11TrafalgornLineman3018Block, Dodgen, n, m, n
10ZafirionLineman1524+ST, Blockd
9ZarnrielLineman2221Block, Dodged
8MaizrhionThrower4167Pass, +ST, Block, +AG, +MAm, n
7Pyriza DriymagonWitch Elf2155Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, +AG, Block, Side Step, Leapn
3ZanthielindilBlitzer2247Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepd
6BelzargonBlitzer2967Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tacklen
10Cerloth SetnizThrower516Pass, Sure Handsd
3DeoanothanBlitzer932Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepn, m
9EzhilzorLineman1318Block, Side Stepn, d
8MoonwineLineman2052Block, Side Step, Dodge, Diving Tackled
7IthrilgermoonaWitch Elf1643Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, -st
12DuralionLineman3657Block, Side Step, Dodge, Kick-ma
15EnzirionLineman3538Block, Side Step, Dodgem, -av
11ZardornLineman1727Block, Dodged
3PyrallionBlitzer3556Block, Dodge, Guard, Tackle, +STn, d
8ZalgarionThrower3027Pass, Block, Dodgen, n
6LorzarionBlitzer5176Block, Guard, Tackle, Side Step, Dodge, Leapn
7DrazirionLineman3738Block, Guard, Dodgen, m, n
5ThondramonThrower64129Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Dump Off, +AG, +AGd
4Sharinta BatarinWitch Elf113111Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, +ST, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Leapn
2GarasadonBlitzer94126Block, Side Step, Tackle, Guard, Dodge, Strip Ball, Diving Tacklem, n
1ZerlasionBlitzer96122Block, Side Step, Guard, Dodge, Tackle, Strip Balld
10ZyralsorionLineman4949Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, -ma, d
14QeldaronLineman7590Block, Side Step, Dodge, +AG, Pass Blockm, n
13LzagiljaWitch Elf58106Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, +AG, Strip Ball, Side Step, Guardd
3KeltarionBlitzer4282Block, Tackle, Side Step, Dodge, Diving Tackle, Prod
15ZyraldionLineman186Dirty Playern, d
12LyzagarThrower3435Pass, Sure Hands, Block, Guardn, -av, m, n
11QualtigaWitch Elf3547Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, n
10PyridonThrower2525Pass, Nerves of Steel, Sure Handsn, m, -ag
1TagarionLineman3921Block, Guardn, d
8SzygalonLineman4559Block, +AG, Dodge, Side Step-ma, d
6ZyrgirionBlitzer5593Block, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Tackle, Leapd
2ThorgalionBlitzer4467Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, +MAn, d
8GazarionThrower63Passm, n
5MondrisilLineman5225Block, Guardm, n
4ZyrgaldarBlitzer4869Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Guardn, d
3ZargilBlitzer2931Block, Dodge, Tackle, Kick-st
10SytrigonThrower46Pass, Nerves of Steelm, n
3SystiraWitch Elf48Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Blockm, n
14GalidraWitch Elf4075Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Diving Tackle, Side Step, Guardd
3ZargoionBlitzer516Block, Tackled
9CirglaionLineman11079Block, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Tacklen
9SaldriorThrower36Pass, Nerves of Steelm, -ma
5MaritionLineman199Guardm, -st
13Pytriel PentagilLineman5762Block, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackled
3Sharinta BatarinWitch Elf934Dodge, Jump Up, Frenzy, Block, Side Step, Diving Tacklen, m, n
12SkyrionLineman2024Guard, Blockd
11Taldon ShadolyrLineman3727Block, Dodge-ma, d
10Syrion PergamoonLineman2215Blockd
9Pytriel PentagilLineman514Blockn, m
8Tatian RohanorLineman2221Block, Dodgen, -av
7Kata ValitarsLineman7567Block, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackled
6Clashis TyrgamoonLineman2855Block, +AG, Dodge, Side Stepd
5Tuleris TyrgamoonLineman710Blockd
4Zyr PergamoonLineman2323+ST, Guardn, d
3Shadonir ValitarsLineman31m, n
2Patrytar GarityrsLineman2839Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, m, n
1Tylaris TyrgamoonLineman3652Block, +AG, Dodge, Side Stepn, n