Past Players of So it's like that
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
2 | Roberto Schlingelschwanz | Zombie | 1 | 0 | Regeneration | |
14 | Andrew Economos | Zombie | 3 | 0 | Regeneration | |
8 | Dunk Hoffnung | Zombie | 4 | 0 | Regeneration | |
4 | Highethin | Zombie | 10 | 5 | Regeneration | m |
8 | ashhh | Zombie | 1 | 0 | Regeneration | |
14 | Wills | Wight Blitzer | 1 | 0 | Block, Regeneration | |
4 | Jah-Mai Davidson | Zombie | 2 | 0 | Regeneration | |
8 | Mad bull | Zombie | 2 | 0 | Regeneration | -av |
11 | Romeo Uniform | Zombie | 9 | 2 | Regeneration | -ma, m |
14 | Tristan Viletree | Zombie | 1 | 0 | Regeneration | |
11 | hottentotten | Zombie | 9 | 0 | Regeneration | |
12 | Talim | Zombie | 3 | 5 | Regeneration | |
11 | Zon | Zombie | 8 | 0 | Regeneration | |
9 | Zack | Zombie | 12 | 10 | Regeneration, Wrestle | d |
8 | Gavin | Ghoul Runner | 21 | 57 | Dodge, Block, +AG, +AG, Tackle | n, d |
6 | Flumps | Flesh Golem | 8 | 2 | Stand Firm, Thick Skull, Regeneration | d |
4 | Wendy | Wight Blitzer | 22 | 11 | Block, Regeneration, Tackle | m, d |
2 | Wimpy | Werewolf | 31 | 35 | Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration, Block, +MA, Tackle | m, -av, m, d |
1 | Wimpy | Werewolf | 2 | 0 | Frenzy, Claw, Regeneration | -av |