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Past Players of D3
Team Page
5Crawling Torso XIVSkeleton Lineman72Thick Skull, Regenerationd
6Wretched Dead XVIISkeleton Lineman112Thick Skull, Regenerationd
3Azmodan XIVTomb Guardian166Decay, Regeneration, Guardm, -av
9Walking Corpse XISkeleton Lineman4117Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Dirty Playerd
2Belial XVTomb Guardian5056Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guard, Break Tackle, Stand Firmm, n, n
9Walking Corpse XSkeleton Lineman810Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestled
12Maghda VIIIAnointed Thrower1861Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, Kick-Off Return, Side Step, Block, +AGd
2Belial XIVTomb Guardian10Decay, Regenerationd
5Crawling Torso XIIISkeleton Lineman4014Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestlem, m, m, m, d
8Grotesque XIISkeleton Lineman5120Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Kickm, m, d
5Crawling Torso XIISkeleton Lineman37Thick Skull, Regeneration, Kickn
3Azmodan XIIITomb Guardian2525Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guard-ma, -ag
3Azmodan XIITomb Guardian10Decay, Regenerationn
12Returned VSkeleton Lineman85Thick Skull, Regenerationm, -ma
6Wretched Dead XVISkeleton Lineman5824Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Dirty Playerm, -av
10Unburied IXSkeleton Lineman2413Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player 
6Wretched Dead XVSkeleton Lineman30Thick Skull, Regenerationd
9Walking Corpse IXSkeleton Lineman145Thick Skull, Regeneration-av
15Zoltun Kulle VIAnointed Blitzer1325Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Tackled
7Returned VIIISkeleton Lineman6426Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestlem, n, m, m
7Returned VIISkeleton Lineman20Thick Skull, Regeneration-ag
6Wretched Dead XIVSkeleton Lineman92Thick Skull, Regenerationd
7Returned VISkeleton Lineman10Thick Skull, Regenerationd
5Izual VAnointed Blitzer2032Block, Regeneration, +AG, Tackle, Guard-st
11Maghda VIIAnointed Thrower3392Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, +MA, Kick-Off Return, Block, Fend, Leaderm
3Azmodan XITomb Guardian2514Decay, Regeneration, Guardm, d
16RamuneleSkeleton Lineman5418Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Sneaky Gitm, m, m, m, m, m, d
10Unburied VIIISkeleton Lineman2410Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player-av
7Returned VSkeleton Lineman168Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle-st
5Crawling Torso XISkeleton Lineman165Thick Skull, Regenerationm, -ag
16RamuneleSkeleton Lineman185Thick Skull, Regenerationm, -ma
15Zoltun Kulle VAnointed Blitzer3359Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Juggernautd
12Maghda VIAnointed Thrower2258Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, Block, Kick-Off Return, Side Step, Fendd
2Belial XIIITomb Guardian5655Decay, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle, Stand Firm-av, d
5Crawling Torso XSkeleton Lineman65Thick Skull, Regeneration-ma
3Azmodan XTomb Guardian2222Decay, Regeneration, Block, Tackled
16RamuneleSkeleton Lineman40Thick Skull, Regenerationd
13Queen AraneaeAnointed Thrower11Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration 
11Returned IVSkeleton Lineman10Thick Skull, Regeneration 
3Azmodan IXTomb Guardian42Decay, Regenerationm
3Azmodan VIIITomb Guardian20Decay, Regenerationd
10Unburied VIISkeleton Lineman2323Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Dirty Playerm, n
5Crawling Torso IXSkeleton Lineman50Thick Skull, Regenerationm, d
2Belial XIITomb Guardian99Decay, Regeneration, Guardd
8Grotesque XISkeleton Lineman6046Thick Skull, Regeneration, Guard, Block, Tacklem, m, m, -ma
2Belial XITomb Guardian74Decay, Regeneration-ma, -st
5Crawling Torso VIIISkeleton Lineman92Thick Skull, Regenerationd
2Belial XTomb Guardian20Decay, Regenerationd
16RamuneleSkeleton Lineman1516Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestlem, m, d
16RamuneleSkeleton Lineman10Thick Skull, Regeneration-av
8Grotesque XSkeleton Lineman1125Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestle 
7Returned IVSkeleton Lineman2318Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Dirty Playerm
5Crawling Torso VIISkeleton Lineman95Thick Skull, Regeneration-ma
2Belial XITomb Guardian129Decay, Regeneration, Block-av, -st
6Wretched Dead XIIISkeleton Lineman6020Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestlem, -av
16RamuneleSkeleton Lineman129Thick Skull, Regenerationd
2Belial XTomb Guardian20Decay, Regenerationd
7Risen IIISkeleton Lineman20Thick Skull, Regenerationd
9Walking Corpse VIIISkeleton Lineman7239Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Kick, Wrestlem, d
6Wretched Dead XIISkeleton Lineman50Thick Skull, Regenerationd
6Wretched Dead XISkeleton Lineman20Thick Skull, Regenerationd
5Crawling Torso VISkeleton Lineman127Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle 
8Grotesque IXSkeleton Lineman215Thick Skull, Regenerationd
10Grotesque VIIISkeleton Lineman75Thick Skull, Regeneration 
10Grotesque VIISkeleton Lineman20Thick Skull, Regeneration-ma
9Walking Corpse VIISkeleton Lineman170Thick Skull, Regeneration-st
5Crawling Torso VSkeleton Lineman1510Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestlem, d
3Azmodan VIITomb Guardian4732Decay, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firmm, m, d
9Walking Corpse VISkeleton Lineman40Thick Skull, Regenerationd
10Grotesque VISkeleton Lineman10Thick Skull, Regeneration-ma
4Diablo IXTomb Guardian105114Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm, Block-ag, -ag, m, m, m, -av, m, -st
4Diablo VIIITomb Guardian10Decay, Regenerationn
11Returned IIISkeleton Lineman3834Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Kick, Wrestlem
8Grotesque VIIISkeleton Lineman2110Thick Skull, Regeneration, Kickd
8Unburied VIISkeleton Lineman10Thick Skull, Regeneration 
2Belial IXTomb Guardian3324Decay, Regeneration, Guard, Break Tacklem, m, m, m, m, m, d
6Wretched Dead XSkeleton Lineman3110Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestlem, d
3Azmodan VITomb Guardian1515Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
6Wretched Dead IXSkeleton Lineman30Thick Skull, Regeneration-av
11Returned IISkeleton Lineman185Thick Skull, Regenerationd
9Walking Corpse VSkeleton Lineman2320Thick Skull, Regeneration, Kick, Guard-av
2Belial VIIITomb Guardian134Decay, Regenerationm, n
6Wretched Dead VIIISkeleton Lineman112Thick Skull, Regenerationd
9Walking Corpse IVSkeleton Lineman40Thick Skull, Regeneration-av
8Unburied VISkeleton Lineman113Thick Skull, Regeneration-ma
6Wretched Dead VIISkeleton Lineman55Thick Skull, Regeneration-ma
4Diablo VIITomb Guardian2930Decay, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blow-av, m, n
12Maghda VAnointed Thrower95269Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, +MA, Dodge, Block, Kick-Off Return, Fend, Leaderm, -av
6Wretched Dead VISkeleton Lineman70Thick Skull, Regenerationd
5Crawling Torso IVSkeleton Lineman4017Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Fendm, m
10Grotesque VIISkeleton Lineman3326Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Tacklen
10Grotesque VISkeleton Lineman22Thick Skull, Regenerationd
1Butcher VTomb Guardian124119Decay, Regeneration, Block, Guard, Break Tackle, +ST, Mighty Blowd
16Maghda IVAnointed Thrower1132Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, +AG, Block, Kick-Off Return-ag
9Walking Corpse IIISkeleton Lineman1823Thick Skull, Regeneration, +ST, Break Tackled
8Unburied VSkeleton Lineman147Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle-av
2Belial VIITomb Guardian2526Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guardm, -av, -ma
8Unburied IVSkeleton Lineman30Thick Skull, Regeneration-st
6Wretched Dead VSkeleton Lineman160Thick Skull, Regenerationd
10Grotesque VSkeleton Lineman150Thick Skull, Regenerationd
14Izual IVAnointed Blitzer137334Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Tackle, Juggernaut, Pro, Jump Upm, m, m, n, m, -av
2Belial VITomb Guardian1015Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
5Crawling Torso IIISkeleton Lineman2840Thick Skull, Regeneration, +ST, Wrestle, Tacklem, d
6Wretched Dead IVSkeleton Lineman150Thick Skull, Regenerationm, -st
14Izual IIIAnointed Blitzer1524Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Diving Tackled
8Unburied IIISkeleton Lineman2231Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Fend, Tacklem
6Wretched Dead IIISkeleton Lineman60Thick Skull, Regenerationn
14Izual IIAnointed Blitzer48Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blowm, d
4Diablo VITomb Guardian4648Decay, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blow, Grabm, m, -ma, d
5Crawling Torso IISkeleton Lineman157Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestled
4Diablo VTomb Guardian50Decay, Regeneration-ma
3Azmodan VTomb Guardian78116Decay, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Break Tackle, Stand Firmm, d
2Belial VTomb Guardian2939Decay, Regeneration, Block, Mighty Blow, Guardd
1Butcher IVTomb Guardian4547Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm-st
15Zoltun Kulle IVAnointed Blitzer149184Block, Regeneration, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Dodge, Stand Firm, Break Tackle, +MA-av, m, d
1The Butcher IIITomb Guardian24Decay, Regenerationd
7Risen IISkeleton Lineman11530Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Wrestlem, m, n
11ReturnedSkeleton Lineman7636Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Kick, Wrestled
6Grotesque IVSkeleton Lineman50Thick Skull, Regenerationd
3Azmodan IVTomb Guardian117Decay, Regenerationd
2Belial IVTomb Guardian119Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blowm, d
9Walking Corpse IISkeleton Lineman4824Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Side Stepm, d
10Wretched Dead IISkeleton Lineman3329Thick Skull, Regeneration, Kick, Guard-st
6Grotesque IIISkeleton Lineman128Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestled
4Diablo IVTomb Guardian2437Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm-ag, m, -ma
6Grotesque IISkeleton Lineman51Thick Skull, Regeneration-ma
8Unburied IISkeleton Lineman4524Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Fendd
15Zoltun Kulle IIIAnointed Blitzer2826Block, Regeneration, Diving Tackle, Stand Firmm, -av
2Belial IIITomb Guardian186Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow-av
3Azmodan IIITomb Guardian2737Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firmd
2Belial IITomb Guardian913Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blowd
16Maghda IIIAnointed Thrower80206Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, Block, Tackle, Fend, +MA, Kick-Off Return, Leaderm, n, d
4Diablo IIITomb Guardian2010Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blowm, d
1The Butcher IITomb Guardian4256Decay, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blow, Block, Break Tackled
16Maghda IIAnointed Thrower1227Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, Block, Tackled
13Zoltun Kulle IIAnointed Blitzer2468Block, Regeneration, +AG, Sure Hands, Fend, Strip Ball-st
4Diablo IITomb Guardian1212Decay, Regeneration, Guardd
3Azmodan IITomb Guardian2029Decay, Regeneration, Guard, Mighty Blown
16MaghdaAnointed Thrower59Sure Hands, Pass, Regeneration, Dodged
10Wretched DeadSkeleton Lineman4022Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Fendm, -ma
9Walking CorpseSkeleton Lineman4919Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Fendd
8UnburiedSkeleton Lineman165Thick Skull, Regenerationm, m, -ma
7RisenSkeleton Lineman5944Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Kick, Blockm, -ma
6GrotesqueSkeleton Lineman3834Thick Skull, Regeneration, Wrestle, Fend, Tackle 
5Crawling TorsoSkeleton Lineman6726Thick Skull, Regeneration, Dirty Player, Blockm, m, m, -st
14IzualAnointed Blitzer73181Block, Regeneration, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard, Juggernaut, Fend, Dauntlessm, d
13Zoltun KulleAnointed Blitzer88Block, Regeneration, Guardn
4DiabloTomb Guardian812Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blow-st
3AzmodanTomb Guardian42Decay, Regenerationd
2BelialTomb Guardian235Decay, Regenerationn
1The ButcherTomb Guardian1811Decay, Regeneration, Mighty Blowm, -st