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Past Players of Outerspace Bedlam FC
Team Page
13KirbarSlave10Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
16ShushSlave31Dodge, Guard, Stuntym, -av
9AyubSlave55Dodge, Guard, Stunty-ma
8PhorSlave45Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
8RhorrSlave40Dodge, Guard, Stuntym
14RarrinSlave90Dodge, Guard, Stunty-st, m, d
12SizzSlave10Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
8PhogSlave10Dodge, Guard, Stuntyn
10YargSlave10Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
13GnorrSlave120Dodge, Guard, Stunty-ma
11AzzorSlave20Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
9PakSlave65Dodge, Guard, Stuntym, -av
11DazzSlave25Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
14ShoogSlave50Dodge, Guard, Stuntym
10AxSlave30Dodge, Guard, Stuntym
7ElphSlave910Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackled
13ObobSlave50Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
11KrughSlave40Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
14YourabSlave45Dodge, Guard, Stuntym, d
8HerfSlave913Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Blockm, d
9RaarSlave128Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle-st, d
7HypsSlave83Dodge, Guard, Stuntym, d
16ZlotkotSlave2211Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Blockn, d
16TrozzSlave10Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
12PhilzSlave1611Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tacklen, -av
11DroobzSlave95Dodge, Guard, Stunty-av, m
16HakzSlave50Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
15AbyurSlave172Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
14MorirSlave1112Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackled
7KurgSlave72Dodge, Guard, Stuntym, n
8BroxxSlave1217Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Sneaky Git-ma, -av
7NograardSlave40Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
12XazzebSlave1119Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackled
13SgnawSlave228Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tacklem, -av
7YbraghSlave30Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
14ZibborSlave80Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
8GlibbSlave45Dodge, Guard, Stunty-ag
14TriggSlave15Dodge, Guard, Stunty-ma
12ParwanSlave45Dodge, Guard, Stunty-av
7GrangarSlave30Dodge, Guard, Stunty-av
16SlazzSlave145Dodge, Guard, Stuntyn
8NyrSlave73Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
11ToshiSlave195Dodge, Guard, Stuntym, -st, d
16GormittonSlave20Dodge, Guard, Stunty-ma
9HawSlave2524Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Blockm, -ma
12BerinimusSlave102Dodge, Guard, Stuntyn
10Warden BlindshotJezzail4243Accurate, Hail Mary Pass, Secret Weapon, Stunty, Dodge, Sprint, Dump-Offn
13AxorSlave2016Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Sneaky Git-ag
9HabelSlave105Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
8TheonimusSlave122Dodge, Guard, Stuntym, m, d
16ShazeenSlave115Dodge, Guard, Stunty-st, -av
15RepkSlave3020Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Sneaky Gitm, d
14HurvSlave226Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tacklem
14SoanirSlave30Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
13LegtrekSlave73Dodge, Guard, Stunty-ag
12SanderSlave155Dodge, Guard, Stuntyd
11ObysSlave1622Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Side Stepm, n, d
10WaygloSlave87Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tacklem, -ag
9MonorynSlave40Dodge, Guard, Stunty-ag
8ZaskSlave58Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle-av
7HerdoniumSlave2117Dodge, Guard, Stunty, Diving Tackle, Side Stepm, m, -av, m
4Doktor SlowdeathPoisoned Wind Globadier4620Dodge, Foul Appearance, Bombardier, Secret Weapon, Side Step, Accurated
3BleedoMechavermin62342Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Tackle, Block, Piling On, Break Tackle, Pro, Dauntless-ag, m, m, m, -av, d