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* * * Did you know? The best blocker is Taku the Second with 551 casualties.
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Past Players of Ranked Amateurs
Team Page
1 William HotbrookLineman40n
1 David HotfieldLineman42d
6 Howard FaststreamLineman90d
3 Osmond DirtyhammerLineman60-av
12 Sylvester DirtyhammerLineman1834Block, Fend, +STm, -ma
8 Yorick GrottyshieldLineman30d
12 Xavier DarkeagleLineman85-av
11 Aaron CleartreeLineman2410Dirty Playerd
11 Richard GrottyboneLineman37Blockd
9 Paul HardspikeLineman3748Guard, Block, Tacklem, d
6 Alexander ColdorcLineman1517Block, Fendm, n
12 Jack VilewingLineman166Dirty Player-av
8 Albert DirtyhawkLineman2314Blockm, -ma, -ma
11 Fredrick ClumsybrookLineman2914Blockd
12 Aaron GrottyorcLineman136Block-st
11 Julius DirtystreamLineman50n
8 Cory GoldlightningLineman2016Block, Fendd
1 Leroy DirtyspikeLineman62190Block, Fend, Tackle, +AG, Sure Hands, Dauntlessm, -st
3 Paul DarkstoneLineman6396Guard, Block, Fend, Tackle, Dauntlessn, -ma
18 Duane DarktreeLineman10d
1 Xavier SilentstoneLineman33-ma
3 Evander GrottyorcLineman1112Blockm, d
11 Julius VilehawkLineman2311Blockm, m, m, -ag, n
6 Sylvester GoldeagleLineman6381Block, Fend, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, m, m, -ag, m, -av
17 Robert HardeagleLineman10d
18 Zachary HardbrookLineman10d
4 Graham StrongfieldLineman114-ma, m, n
3 Fredrick DeephammerLineman150m, -st
17 Tristan TruestoneLineman10d
9 Sylvester QuickstreamLineman6810Dirty Playerm, -av, -ma
3 Martin HotbrookLineman162-ag
13 Ian HardbrookLineman9885Guard, Block, Tackle, Fend, Dauntlessm, m, m, m, -ag, -av
12 Edward ClumsybrookLineman65116Block, +AG, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, m, -av
8 Evander TruestoneLineman65105+ST, Block, Tackle, Pro, Fend-av
4 Cory ClumsyspikeLineman3339Block, Dauntless, Prom, d
12 Alexander PalefistLineman1428+AG, Guardd
4 Osmond QuickfistLineman70-ag, d
11 Vincent BluespikeLineman479Dirty Player-av
11 Harold ColdfireLineman22-ma
3 Alexander PaleeagleLineman2532Block, Tackle, Guardm, -st
6 George HideousorcLineman5776+MA, Block, Frenzy, Tackle, Wrestled
8 Aaron SilentorcLineman2454+MA, Guard, Block, Tacklem, n
6 Duane SilentbrookLineman1117+MA, Blockn
3 Nicholas FastshieldLineman176Blockn
3 Edward SilentorcLineman21d
1 Yorick WhitewingLineman86179Block, Sure Hands, Dodge, Kick-Off Return, Fend, Tacklem, d
15 Graham DeephawkLineman257Dirty Player-av
9 Robert DirtyboneLineman69119Block, Guard, Tackle, +AG, Mighty Blowd
8 Cory WeakbrookLineman58Block-st
3 Leroy QuickshieldLineman97Block-av
2 Richard HideoustreeLineman30d
8 Yorick GoldboneLineman100d
7 Martin TruewingLineman81d
6 Yorick GrottyfieldLineman1816Block, Kickd
6 Sean SilenteagleLineman30d
7 Cory VilesnakeLineman100d
16Xavier GrottystoneLineman2532Block, +MA, Dauntless-ag
8Cory DeephawkLineman30d
15Paul WhitefireLineman196Blockd
13Leroy WeakshieldLineman6953Block, Tackle, Pro, Dauntlessm, m, m, m, d
12Billy DarkhawkLineman47129+AG, +ST, Block, Tackle, Sure Handsm, d
9Yorick DeeprockLineman140-ag
10Ulric VilewingLineman20-av
13Graham ClumsyrockLineman110m, d
18Robert WeakstreamLineman10d
9William VilestreamLineman127Block-ma
4Ian QuickrockLineman77149Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Frenzy, Dauntlessm, d
13Albert HideoushawkLineman75d
12Jack ClearhawkLineman2017+AG, Blockd
11Fredrick ColdstoneLineman70101Block, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Dauntlessm, m, d
7Ulric DeephammerLineman2735+MA, +ST, Block-ag
7Trey WhitespikeLineman20d
11Alexander WeakshieldLineman20m, -st
5Martin FastlightningLineman40d
9Robert SilentorcLineman165d
4Jack PaleeagleLineman1742+MA, Block, +MA-av
13Martin ClearstoneLineman192m, n
9Robert WhiteshieldLineman514Block-av
12Paul ClumsystreamLineman2210Blockm, d
4Jack HardfistLineman85-av
6Evander HardspikeLineman59129+ST, Mighty Blow, Block, Guard, Tacklem, d
3Alexander FastrockLineman7132Dirty Player, Wrestle, Tacklem, m, m, m, m, m, m, d
9Paul ClumsyspikeLineman1310Blockn
6Sylvester WhitewingLineman42m, d
5Paul FaststoneLineman2817Block, Tacklem, n
5Edward WeakspikeLineman30-av
3Graham ClumsyeagleLineman95d
9Martin WeakstreamLineman90d
6William QuickstreamLineman92m, -ag
3David GrottyeagleLineman85n
2David GrottyfistLineman88232+AG, Block, +AG, Sure Hands, Fend, Tacklem, m, m, m, -av
3Osmond PaletreeLineman25-av
2Alexander HardorcLineman40d
13Paul BlueeagleLineman60d
11Tristan DeephammerLineman3945Dirty Player, Wrestle, Tackle-ma
4Julius HardwingLineman2632Block, +AG, Sure Handsd
3Cory StrongbrookLineman32-av
11Yorick VileboneLineman85d
4Zachary ClumsyrockLineman40m, d
3Jack PaleboneLineman108Blockd
1Zachary VilesnakeLineman11894Block, Guard, Fend, Tackle, +STm, m, m, m, -av
3Zachary WeaktreeLineman45-st
2Martin ClumsybrookLineman2025Block, Fend-ag
11Richard WeaksnakeLineman74-st
3Aaron StrongspikeLineman80m, d
1Cory GoldfistLineman1313Blockn
9Ulric ClumsyshieldLineman2818Dirty Player, Guardm, d
4Trey DarkfistLineman1424Block, +MAd
9George QuickhammerLineman70-ma
4William HardhammerLineman72d
2Richard GrottystoneLineman1820Block, +MAd
7Robert WeakfieldLineman81108Block, Sure Hands, Fend, Tackle, +MAm, m, m, d
9Aaron BlueeagleLineman22n
8Billy GoldtreeLineman112172Block, Dauntless, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, m, m, d
1Ian QuickspikeLineman1734Block, Sure Hands, Kick-Off Returnn
11Kevin WhiteorcLineman50-av
8Duane HardhammerLineman50-st
3Sylvester DarkeagleLineman2228Block, +STd
6Kevin TruestreamLineman4957Block, Dauntless, Tackle, Prom, d
5Cory VilespikeLineman5653Block, Dirty Player, Tackle, Dauntlessm, m, m, d
2Sylvester ColdtreeLineman1520Block, Dauntlessm
4Kevin VilestoneLineman1617Block, Dauntlessd
5Horace GreenriverBlitzer40Block 
2Tristan ClumsyfireLineman20d
13Horace GreenriverLineman10 
9Walter OldwoodLineman66Blockm
16Eustace PurplegnomeBlitzer46Block, Guardm, d
15A Little Tall for a JourneymanBlitzer00Block 
13Merc Ringer #1Blitzer00Block 
3Julius HotboneLineman811Blockn
4Martin QuickhawkLineman60-av
12David ClumsysnakeLineman9584Block, Kick, Tackle, Pro, Dauntlessm, m, m, n
9David DirtyfistLineman1511Blockd
8Ulric DeepsnakeLineman1923Guard, Blockd
7Brian FastspikeLineman32110Block, +MA, Mighty Blow, +AG, Tacklem, -av
6Yorick VilestreamLineman2032Block, Kick, Dauntless 
17David VilesnakeLineman10d
4Ian VilehammerLineman196Blockm, d
3George DeeptreeLineman60m, m, d
5William HideousshieldLineman130-av
7David VilestreamLineman50-av
5Harold DirtyfieldLineman30-ma
3Fredrick HotorcLineman911Blockn
3Brian ClumsyorcLineman20-st
2Kevin VilehammerLineman3438Block, +AG, Prom, d
5Evander VilestoneLineman30m, d
12Merc Lineman 1Lineman00 
11Vincent HotrockLineman4492Block, +AG, Sure Hands, Fend, Strip Ballm, d
5Julius SilentfireLineman813Blockd
2Fredrick GrottyorcLineman911Blockd
1Brian StrongfieldLineman5016Dirty Player, Wrestlem, m
9Evander GoldstreamLineman2622Block, Tacklem
2Martin GrottystreamLineman40d
11William BlueboneLineman40d
1Julius StrongfireLineman70-ma
11Kevin GrottylightningLineman20d
10Edward GrottybrookLineman153548+MA, Block, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Tackle, +AGm, -av, m, m, n, m, d
7Sylvester DirtystreamLineman2451Block, +AG, Dodge, Sure Handsd
4Fredrick StronghawkLineman3239Guard, Block, Fendm, m, m, d
2David HideousorcLineman111-av
8Albert GoldstreamLineman4027Block, Sure Handsm
7Sean ClumsyorcLineman61d
6Aaron DirtyhawkLineman4060Block, Frenzy, Dauntless, Pro 
4Leroy QuickfieldLineman38Blockd
1Howard GoldhammerLineman1028+AG, Blockm, d
9Alexander QuickhammerLineman1825Block, Guardm, n
5Billy ClumsyhammerLineman2031Block, Dauntlessm, d
2Duane DarkhawkLineman92-av
3Sean WhitetreeLineman3350Block, Kick, Dauntlessd
14Albert PalehawkLineman90147Block, Tackle, +ST, Pro, +STm, n, m, m, m, d
13Vincent FasthawkLineman1526Block, Kick-ma
13Vincent StrongboneLineman25-av
4LeaderThrower1228Sure Hands, Pass, Leader, Block 
3Piling OnBlitzer50Blockm
2Mighty BlowBlitzer824Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle 
1GuardBlitzer1218Block, Guard, Stand Firm 
7WrestleLineman1325Block, Tackle 
5DodgeCatcher30Catch, Dodge-av
11Pass BlockLineman35m, d
10DauntlessLineman1326Block, Dauntless 