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Past Players of L'Oreal Elvyvae
Team Page
9Garnier AejyngLineman00 
18Kevin WhitespikeLineman10d
1Dior FemmeWardancer57Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Balld
19Aaron TruebrookLineman10d
16TreesemmeTreeman118Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guardm
3Pynk GelCatcher916Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step-av
18Duane SilentfieldLineman15d
17Fredrick TruewingLineman10d
5Pynk GelLineman411Dodged
5Pynk GelLineman10-st
7Garnier Lineman511Dodged
10Audeir PyrfumLineman45d
7Fyne SenteLineman30n, m
6Skyn SeausofteCatcher10Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
17Aaron GoldshieldLineman10d
6Erlde FlannelleCatcher39Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +STd
19Ulric BluetreeLineman10d
5Bloue JelLineman1325Dodge, Blockm, -ag, d
17Osmond FastbrookLineman10d
8Soften GyntleCatcher3580Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, +AG, Leap, Fendm, m, d
6Mawthe WascheLineman59Dodge-ma, -st
20Julius TruestreamLineman15d
6Snatch CremeCatcher10Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
8Snatch CremeCatcher12Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
8Snatche KryemeCatcher21Catch, Dodge, Sprintn
7Talque EmpowdeLineman1121Guard, Dodge-ma, d
6Deau DorrantteLineman816Dodge, Wrestlem, d
6Deau DorrantteLineman10-ma
4D'EcleorLineman2422Dodge, Wrestle-ma, m, m, d
2Aqua FresheWardancer3377Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Step, +AG, Fendd
11Shym PieueThrower4586Pass, Dodge, Block, Mighty Blow, Side Step, +AGm, m, -ma, m, -av
18Brian HotboneLineman10d
17Jack ClumsystreamLineman10d
4Eafor TyfyveLineman33-ag
1DiorhommeWardancer51178Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Jump Up, Tackle, Side Step, +ST-ma, -ma, m, d
9Gyft SetteLineman4578Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Block, Dodge, Jump Upm, d
6Lynxeffe EctteLineman46Mighty Blowm, d
5Radox NieuCatcher2757Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Side Step, Block, Fend-st
2DecloerThrower1011Pass, Dodged
10Gewlle BlieuLineman3221Kick, Dodge-ma, m, m, m, n
9Bryllae CraemLineman75m, n
7Dolcae GabynyaeWardancer1738Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Strip Ball, +MAm, m, d
6Pynk GellCatcher824Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, +STd
4ParfumLineman1728Dodge, Block-ma, m, d
11Pynk GelCatcher2244Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, Fendm, m, d
10Femme FresheLineman70d
4Nyxt L'HommeLineman10d
2Garnier NuctrissaeCatcher1437Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Guard, +STm, -ag
19Vincent ColdstreamLineman10d
3Beauts ValieweLineman6679Dodge, Wrestle, Side Step, Fend, Tacklem, -ma, m, d
1Christian DyorWardancer2774Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Diving Tackle, Side Stepm, m, -st
9Bryle CraemLineman1644+AG, +AG, Dodgem, d
3Shyrt LyfespanCatcher615Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Blockd
8Luca WarmbathCatcher50102Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Nerves Of Steel, Side Step, Pass Block, +STm, -ma, d
1Dior WancerWardancer845Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blowd
7Garnier NuctrisseWardancer2466Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Side Step, Wrestle-st
3Wet HayreCatcher56Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Blockm, d
2Fyrme HywldeLineman1928Kick, Diving Tackle-av
9Moyste FlanelleCatcher20Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
18Yorick WhitesnakeLineman15d
6BerooteLineman2839Dodge, Diving Tackle, Tacklem, -ma, m, -av
8Reite GyrdeLineman50d
18Harold DeepwingLineman10d
7Katje CowldeCatcher1119Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Stepn
5Byr BellbathThrower4159Pass, Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle, Tacklem, d
18Evander PaleboneLineman10d
21Howard DarkeagleLineman10d
3Wet HareCatcher1125Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Stepm, -ag
18Brian HotstreamLineman10d
4FormylaeThrower35120Pass, +AG, Leap, +ST, Dodge, Blockn, n
9Moyste FlannelleCatcher1221Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Pass Blockm, d
6Candi StionerCatcher1021Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +AG, Leapd
3Slyk GloverCatcher510Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Blockn
21Paul BluefistLineman10d
19Robert TrueboneLineman10d
22Sylvester SilentsnakeLineman10d
17Martin GrottybrookLineman10d
2Armen AmerrWardancer1838Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blowm, -ma, m, d
17Sean HardsnakeLineman10d
10Vydelle SwooneLineman1214Sneaky Gitm, m, m, n
9Radox FemmeCatcher60Catch, Dodge, Sprintm, m, d
8Slyc ClynycLineman1530Kick, Dodge-ma, -ma
5Thycoeur FoelleurThrower1124Pass, Dodge, Accuraten, -ma, n
19Graham WeakstreamLineman10d
6Katje BuffonCatcher1017Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Pass Blockm, n, m, d
3Rimmelle LyndynWardancer1045Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle-av, -ma
5Wella WaiveThrower10Passd
3Brylle CremeWardancer617Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Stepd
19Evander WhitefireLineman10d
1Aqua FresheWardancer42157Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, +MA, +ST, Side Step, Jump Upm, m, -av, m, m, m, d
11Chyp ShimmerCatcher1152Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, Pass Block, Leapm, d
10Tres EmmeLineman73d
9FermenneLineman1922Wrestle, Dodgem, d
7VaselyneLineman2911Wrestlem, m, m, m, m, n
5Belle ColorLineman76Kickd
4ProvaeLineman3036Wrestle, Dodge, Side Stepm, d
3Pan TenneLineman15-ag
2D'EcleorLineman1944Guard, Mighty Blow, Blockm, m, m, d
1Aqua FresheWardancer211Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle-av