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* * * Did you know? The most touchdowns in a single match is 23.
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Past Players of Born To Live Forever
Team Page
9Sadofise IdedLineman20d
12Gallin IronLineman30d
10Oniar JainCatcher30Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
9Umindili CarnaLineman722+AG, Guardm, d
4Andithe LibanThrower916Pass, Block, Dodged
8Pelgran MarnLineman40d
7Silvio StaraLineman1210Wrestle-ag
7Angan MurkyLineman10n
7Rirel ChymasLineman10d
5Pelan RostLineman10d
6Hilari EthnaLineman32d
5Initho VesparLineman52m, d
1Anyol AshlinWardancer516Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackled
5Eponi QuillanLineman10-av
6Givi HaijiLineman10d
10Gora YananLineman40-ma, n
9Cavatho HorikLineman412+AG-ma, d
6Leredzar LogiusLineman43m, d
2Liri NystyWardancer2989Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Diving Tackle, +MAm, m, -ag
13Suha IseldCatcher47146Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Side Step, Jump Up, Sure Feet, Sure Hands-av, m, m, -ma
10Atamu DraveLineman20n
17 Graham ClumsyspikeLineman10d
9Relerar HoraceLineman168Blockd
12Harot IronmageLineman183m, -ma
11Gilvi DawnflowerLineman23m, n
9Vavandrae MeinneLineman40d
7Mathua ErynLineman3924Block, Fend-ma, m, d
1Tivandi CinonWardancer3196Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Frenzy, Mighty Blow, +MAm, m, -ag, n
8Imdire MaddoxLineman4137+AV, Block, Fendm, -av, -av
10Pelgran AndonnaLineman910Blockd
17 Robert SilentorcLineman10d
9Annuli RhysLineman22-av
19 Ian PalespikeLineman10d
18 Albert HideousrockLineman10d
4Hadare EklakeThrower50115Pass, Block, Dodge, +ST, Mighty Blow, Guardm, -ag, m, n, m, -av
8Sivi KinsLineman611+AV-st
6Ilud SpaskCatcher3276Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Guard, Block, Jump Up, Diving Tacklen, m, d
21 Evander HardsnakeLineman12d
18 Edward DeepbrookLineman10d
7Initho SermakLineman1111Blockd
6Korhi DeonCatcher43Catch, Dodge, Sprint-av
20 Sylvester SilentrockLineman10d
2Madet KakatalWardancer3799Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Piling On-ma, m, d
20 Duane PalehammerLineman10d
4Atholo EtmereThrower1140Pass, +AG, Strong Arm, Sure Hands-av, -ma
2Imdire AcornWardancer33Block, Dodge, Leap-ag
19 Robert HardorcLineman10d
6Pivindi AmaraWardancer10Block, Dodge, Leapd
2Cavatho ArnorThrower20Pass-ma
7Silvi AthenThrower20Pass-av
6Eldri TareLineman50-av
9Amrafa JenethrimLineman20m, -ma
6Midari TagramLineman10d
13Linivi KingsliegeLineman10d
6Uaba IrelandLineman20-av
7Gilcarit MyvarLineman40d
8Binalais WillaCatcher1560Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +MA, Wrestle, Sure Feetd
7Maruv KeltzLineman33d
7Uvindri RathLineman30d
3Will Die By Rock??Treeman56126Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Guard, Grab, Multiple Block, Break Tackled
13Linarit HairthLineman122m, d
6Mathui DistranLineman1510+AV-av
10Iovain WyrdThrower2220Pass, Block, Guardd
4Mathui SargonusCatcher33117Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sure Hands, +MA, Wrestlem, m, d
4Midhi MalistraLineman10d
6Tecli HoarLineman80-ma, d
10Ilivi SoronThrower818Pass, Guard, Dodged
6Dolonat VinaLineman10-ag
9Sadofise DhyneLineman3110Block-ag
4Larind GemedernLineman71d
2Calaro AsteaWardancer3186Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Step, Pro, Diving Tacklem, -ma, n, m, m, -st
13Hadire BedicLineman85m, d
11Iono DeogerLineman3639Block, Dodge, Guardm, m, m, n, -av
5Linarit JumeLineman94108Guard, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklem, m, n, m, m, -ag, -ma, n
1Icbav BruciusWardancer65275Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Pro, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feetm, m, m, m, m, d
12Andathe DeltixThrower53112Pass, Block, Dodge, Accurate, Sure Hands, Side Stepm, d
10Zavro MadsaLineman139Block-av
4ChucktasticThrower1525Pass, Block, Dodgen
11Vavandr TomaLineman107+ST-st
17 Leroy HardorcLineman11d
10Athele GweirLineman52d
5Gimandi DelLineman102d
7Linit BerekLineman4528Block, Dodge-st
17 Robert WhitestreamLineman10d
2Davi StumpWardancer2097Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, +MA, Strip Ballm, n, -av
17 Alexander VilestoneLineman10d
5Galinit KirstwigLineman50d
9Linit NarisaLineman2451Block, Guard, Dodge, Side Stepd
5Galwi VictorLineman10-st
17 Ian WhitestoneLineman10d
7Non-Injury ProneLineman74d
5Loners Love The LineLineman24-av
19 Julius WhitehawkLineman10d
1Will You Be The One?Wardancer2489Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Jump Up, Strip Ballm, d
20 Billy ClearboneLineman10d
6Waiting for an injury....Lineman3953Guard, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blowm, m, d
9From The Light SideLineman66Blockd
7Go Go GoCatcher33Catch, Dodge, Sprintn
7A Long Long Time Ago...Lineman10d
9Down In AcapulcoCatcher40Catch, Dodge, Sprintm, -ag
7Going LocoLineman20d
5Once Upon An ELFLineman164-st
3Little AcornTreeman72117Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Guard, Jump Up, Grab, Break Tacklen, d
6There and back againLineman158Blockm, m, -ma, d
1ELF JourneysWardancer1850Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Side Stepn, m, n, -ma
3TwigletTreeman40Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate-av
6Lino For HireLineman20d
6More LinosLineman21-st
11Punch MeLineman238Blockm, m, d
11Woodland ShadeLineman30d
10Fending AllLineman123m, m, -av
6Treading WaterLineman52m, m, -ma
5Hardly Even An ElfLineman217Wrestlen
2Looking For LegendWardancer48291Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, +MA, Sprint, Sure Feet, Sure Hands, Diving Tacklem, -av, m, n, -ma
5Holy MolyLineman10-st
4Chuck It FTWThrower57180Pass, Mighty Blow, Block, Tackle, Dauntless, Dodge, Prom, m, -av, m, -av
6Temporary LinLineman10 
17 Osmond VilewingLineman10d
10Random ElfLineman60-av
4Absolutely Nothing SpecialLineman60d
14Not Long LastingLineman1313Wrestlem, m, d
6Death Will Be QuickLineman60d
3SaplingTreeman3062Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Guard, Grab, Multiple Blockd
4'Efly ThinkingLineman90 
10Nothing SpecialLineman123d
9Just ELF-ing AroundLineman3753Guard, Block, Diving Tackle, Tacklem, m, m, m, m, -st
10Return to ELFLineman20d
10Grunt JobLineman50d
8Flying Without WingsCatcher124273Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sure Hands, Wrestle, Jump Up, Guardm, m, m, m, m, m, d
8No LonersLineman20d
9A Missing ELF SeasonLineman103-ma
4ELF thoughtsLineman140-ma
6Continuing With ELF?Lineman2017Wrestle, +AGm, -ma, m, m, n
10Expendible ELFLineman612Guardm, -av
9Cherry ELFLineman72-ma, m
68th time and countingLineman50n
8GruntingLineman120m, -st
6Grunt WorkLineman30d
5Try That One AgainThrower45144Pass, Block, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +AV, Prom, m, -ma, -av, d
10Wrodge CityLineman1422Wrestle, Guardm, n, d
6Blodge CityLineman90d
8Cannon FodderLineman133m, d
6Rock The LOSLineman20m, n
5He Can Pass!!Thrower617Pass, Blockd
14Short Time HeroLineman721Wrestle, Dodge-ag
8Also Ran The LineLineman50 
10Bloat AwayLineman111m, m, -ma
8LOS FTWLineman33n
8Give me a chanceLineman40-ag
10Doubles For MeLineman50d
4Quickly Does ItCatcher3584Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +AG, +AG, Sure Feet, +MAm, -ma, m, -ma, m, m, -ag
8For The WinCatcher31Catch, Dodge, Sprint-ma
4Hopeful StarLineman30d
11Lonely LinemanLineman87126Wrestle, Dodge, Fend, Side Step, Tacklem, m, m, m, m, m, -av
11Nothing Good EnduresLineman10n
8Nothing Good Lasts LongLineman10n
6Replacement ChukkaThrower2887Pass, +AG, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Block, Nerves Of Steelm, m, m, -av
14Only the FewLineman20 
11Only The BraveLineman50-ma
8Nothing Good SurvivesLineman60m
12Only The LonelyLineman116208+AG, Dodge, Leap, Block, Guard, Tacklem, m, m, m, m, m, d
11Dont Kill MeLineman64d
7Catch ThatCatcher106200Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Guard, +AV, Block, Jump Up, Sure Feetm, n, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m, n, m, m, m, m, m, d
9Gonna Get Me SomeLineman5777Wrestle, Guard, Dodge, +ST, Side Stepm, m, m, m, m, n, d
9Regular JoealiLineman23d
8Nothing to see hereLineman112n, m
7Recycling WelvesCatcher616Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Stepd
1Dancing In The MoonlightWardancer119326Block, Dodge, Leap, +ST, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Prom, -ag, n, m, m, m, -ma
9Getting BigLineman50-av
9BoggleLineman90m, -av
13Bog Standard ThrowerThrower175327Pass, Block, Dodge, +AG, Leader, Tackle, Sure Handsm, m, -ag, m, m, m, m, m, -ma, m, -ag
9Bog Standard RunnerCatcher40Catch, Dodge, Sprintm
11Over The ShoulderCatcher1931Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Wrestle, Dauntlessm, d
111479 and Counting...Lineman50-ma
9Poor NamingLineman1016Wrestle, Side Step-st
7Boring Naming ILineman2316Wrestle, +AGm, m, -ag
13Called To DutyLineman32-ag
8Dont Look BackCatcher2760Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Guard, Mighty Blow, Block, Side Stepm, -ma, d
9Big PotentialLineman60n
8Consulation In DeathLineman60d
9Into The BreachLineman30-ma
4Once MoreLineman5639Wrestle, Dodge, Side Stepm, m, m, m, m, m, n, m, d
2A Legendary ELFWardancer139279Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Frenzy, Jump Up, Pro, Diving Tacklem, m, m, m, -av, m
12Forever NewbieLineman4540Wrestle, +AG, +AGm, m, d
9Loner FTW!Lineman53d
1E.L.F. MagicWardancer40196Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, +MA, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sprint, +AVm, m, -av, d
6The Biggest StarThrower62134Pass, +MA, Accurate, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, +MAm, m, m, d
17 Nicholas DarkstreamLineman10d
4Continuing The JourneyLineman100m, d
18 William DirtyspikeLineman10d
4Fat BlakeyLineman10d
1Dying To E.L.F.Wardancer612Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackled
9And Your Back In The RoomLineman10-ma
17 Evander ColdfistLineman10d
7Look Out For Gobbos!Lineman2712Wrestle-ag
12A Long Road AheadLineman130d
12There and Back AgainLineman10-ag
7An Unexpected JourneyLineman50d
4Awesome DawsonLineman113m, d
18 Aaron HardhammerLineman10d
3Woody McWoodfaceTreeman156260Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, +MA, Guard, Block, Grab, Multiple Block, +MAm, d
12Just Run!!!Catcher31Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
17 Jack ClumsyhawkLineman10d
9Down the roadLineman138Wrestlem, n, m, n
9I Dont Believe It!Lineman20-ma
9Wiggle WiggleCatcher10Catch, Dodge, Sprint-ag
13Guarding GloryCatcher11Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
7Long ServingLineman100m, m, n
12Short LivedLineman60d
101425 and Counting...Lineman106105Wrestle, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tacklem, m, m, m, -ag, d
7Extra DeepLineman80-st
9Another BrotherLineman139Wrestle-ma, d
4SaturdayNight GuitarClubLineman2323Wrestle, Dodge-ag, d
7SundayNight GuitarClubLineman10-ma
8FridayNight GuitarClubLineman53108+ST, Block, Dodge, +AV, Tacklem, m, m, m, m, d
4MondayNight GuitarClubLineman30d
7ELFing aboutLineman40d
1As Long As You've Got Your ELFWardancer45162Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Side Step, Pro, Shadowingm, m, d
9TuesdayNight GuitarclubLineman90d
10Meg NutsLineman2335Guard, Block, Side Stepm, m, d
8Loaned ForverLineman1120Wrestle, +AVm, d
7Dying For more AVLineman83d
4In Memory Of....Lineman143n
9Dying A DeathLineman60d
4Charlotte Is The BestLineman40n
13UnstoppableLineman62m, d
12Unbelieveable TekkersLineman3657+AG, Block, Leap, Dodgem, -av, m, d
10Classy ELFLineman30m, d
10Classical ELFLineman10m
10Forever An ELFLineman10-st
13Just A SpareLineman50d
1Keep This One ELFyWardancer2070Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, d
13Breaking All MouldsLineman30-ma
12Classic ElfLineman90n
4Desperate TimesLineman118Wrestlem, m, d
12The Famous Number 12Lineman40d
12The SubLineman10d
8Who wants to Live Forever?Lineman2915Wrestled
17 Trey WhiteeagleLineman10d
2Going ELF for LeatherWardancer89326Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, Side Step, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Prom, m, m, n, n, m, -ma, m, d
6Back to His BestThrower82178Pass, Block, Accurate, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, +MA, Leaderm, m, n, m, m, m, m, -av, -av
13Ever Livin'Lineman30-av
12We never have 12!Lineman30n
10Chugging OnLineman1914Guardn, d
51362 and Counting..Lineman179145+AV, +AV, Guard, Block, +MAm, m, -ma, m, m, m, m, m, -ma, m, -st
18 Tristan ClearstreamLineman10d
9Keeping StraightLineman250m, m, m, m, m, d
8Growing StrongLineman80-ma
19 Alexander FastwingLineman10d
6Never DeadLineman101-av
17 Edward BluestoneLineman10d
4Launch It!Thrower2078Pass, Accurate, Block, Leader, Sure Hands, Dodgem, -ma, -ag
5Longer LastingLineman70n
6Gotta StayLineman10-av
2Always an ELFWardancer19117Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, +AG, Mighty Blow, Side Step, +STd
22 Alexander ColdfieldLineman10d
10Tough It OutLineman20-ag
5It will never lastLineman62m, -st
13 Graham The LonelyLineman143m, m, m, d
13Worthless WayneLineman22d
5Average JoeLineman30d
17 Ulric DirtylightningLineman10d
8Wrestle DownLineman10d
5Forever GreenLineman50-ag
4Born To Throw ForeverThrower1835Pass, Leader, Accurate, Kick-Off Returnm, m, -ag, d
9Passing Is EasyThrower24Passd
8Reliable Ro'GerLineman60-ma
4Prince of GoodnessLineman98Wrestlem, d
13Additional ExtraLineman165d
13Added ExtraLineman20-av
11Could This Be The One?Catcher148330Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Side Step, Sure Feet, Jump Up, Block, Fendm, m, m, -ma, m, m, -ma, -ag, -st
5Born To Pass ForeverThrower1226Pass, +MA, Kickm, -av
13Bad NewsLineman20m, d
14Born FreeLineman10m
8Bad to the BoneLineman81m, m, -ma
4Bad TimesLineman60n
11Bad StreakLineman90m, d
4When will this run end?Lineman40d
11Ran DomLineman10-ma
8Odd JobLineman63n
13Loose LyenLineman143m, -av
4Worthless WayenLineman80m, d
1Born To ELF ForeverWardancer78215Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Pro, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, +AVm, -ma, m, -ma, -ma, -ma, d
13Fateful FyranLineman50-ma
8Only ShortlyLineman137Guardd
2Forever ELFWardancer53213Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, +AG, +MA, Side Step, Strip Ballm, m, m, -av, n
13Temp guyLineman20d
13Worthless WillLineman30d
1Will He E.L.F. Forever?Wardancer1663Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Mighty Blowd
12Expendable EvyanLineman6525Block, Dodgem, m, m, m, n, d
12Expendable ErithLineman10-av
8Ever And EverLineman94m, d
4Not Hanging AroundLineman216Guardm, m, n, d
3Stuff Of LegendTreeman162254Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab, Break Tackle, Multiple Block, Juggernaut, Blockn, m, n, -st
11As ELF'y as can beLineman3013Wrestlem, -ma, -av
7Trying Some MoreLineman122119+AV, +AV, Guard, Block, Dodgem, m, m, d
11Really TryingLineman20d
8Staying ClearLineman43-av
4Fod To The StarsLineman63d
6Sprint To Glory!Catcher75158Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +ST, Side Step, Sure Feet, Leap, Jump Up-ma, m, m, n
4More FodLineman30-ag, -ma
1Will He Live Forever?Wardancer2084Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Pro, Frenzy, Jump Upm, -st
4Ana FodLineman30d
13Emer FodLineman193d
11Useless FodLineman120m, -st
7General Lygood IILineman1411Blockm, -ag
7Genera LlygoodLineman52-ag
8Measure It!Lineman168Wrestled
4Go Balls Deep!Catcher1120Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feetm, d
12ShortlyLineman228Blockm, n
12Run for your life!Catcher64Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
11Nothing ExtraordinaryLineman78Wrestle-ma
10DutyboundLineman99217+ST, +AG, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Leapm, d
3Legend in the MakingTreeman4090Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Guard, Grab, Juggernaut, Jump Upd
11Fine For NowLineman10d
7General LygoodLineman2311Block-ma
1Born To LiveWardancer3693Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Pro, Jump Up-av, m
10ElfyLineman90m, m, d
9Running OutLineman9743+AV, Wrestle, +AGm, m, m, m, m, m, -ma, -ma, m, m, -av, m, m, -ag
7Gone to QuickLineman92-ag
5Glory Be His Name!Thrower96253Pass, +ST, +ST, +MA, +AG, Block, Dodgem, m, m, m, m, m, -ma, m, m, d
5Time A PlentyLineman20d
10Short TermLineman120d
9Trying for LegendLineman40-ag
6Elfdown AgainLineman5243Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, m, n, n
5ExpendableLineman40m, d
4Always rolls 2 plusCatcher4085Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sure Hands, Block, +STm, m, -ag, d
5Won't LastLineman42d
8How long before...?Lineman4938Guard, Block, Side Step-ma, d
6ElfdownLineman92m, -ma
1Built For PurposeWardancer2758Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Side Step, Tackle, Sure Feetm, d
6Dead On The LineLineman410Wrestled
7Throw For MoneyThrower2272Pass, +MA, Strong Arm, +AG, Accuratem, d
1UndefeatedWardancer410Block, Dodge, Leap, Tacklem, d
18 Duane FastboneLineman10d
4Go Long!!Catcher1937Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sure Hands-av
8Its My BallThrower79Pass, Guardm, d
7Line Brawler BillyLineman71d
5Long Haul LennyLineman176+AVm, -av
7Throwing For GloryThrower11Pass-ma
5Lovin' line dutyLineman20-ma
10Mr LinerLineman41d
7Chucks Away!Thrower514Pass, Accurate-ag
17 David WeakstoneLineman10d
2Taken DownWardancer115357Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, +AG, Strip Ball, Prom, -ma, n, d
8Eternal LifeLineman107+MAd
5Double Time on the LineLineman1010Wrestle-ma, -ma, n
6LinegodLineman2518Wrestle, Dodgem, m, m, d
10On the Ready LineLineman20m, n
8Duty on the LineLineman52m, n
6Once MoreLineman40d
2Take DownWardancer1225Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, +AG-av, -av
8Anda GainLineman30m, d
5OngoingLineman102-ma, -st
4Sprint ForeverCatcher3096Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +MA, Sure Feet, Block, Jump Upm, -ma, d
1D'A'NceWardancer36125Block, Dodge, Leap, +ST, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Step, Frenzym, -av, m, d
4D''AnceWardancer20Block, Dodge, Leap-av
12Fling TimeThrower32Pass-ma
2T - R'AnceWardancer1249Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, +AGd
4Con-Tinu AllyLineman50n
9Throw For Your LifeThrower3794Pass, Block, Kick, Dodge, Sure Hands, Side Stepd
6Con-TinLineman92m, -av
10Linetop DrawerLineman152m, m, m, -st, m
5Con-TinuousLineman2216Wrestle, Guardd
9Not Long In Elf YearsLineman115n
8Sprint-FestCatcher2739Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Side Step, Sure Feetm, n, m, m, m, d
6Cont-InuityLineman115m, -av
10Con-TinueLineman121m, d
5LastsLineman140m, d
17 Robert BluefireLineman10d
3I want to be a Tree!Treeman122246Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab, Multiple Block, Block, Break Tackle, Jump Upm, d
1N'DnceWardancer3983Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, Diving Tackle, Jump Upm, -ma, -ag
3Going Going...Lineman20d
12Watch the Flight!Thrower2035Pass, +AG, Strong Arm, Blockm, n, n, -av
6Time Rolls Around AgainLineman157Blockm, m, m, d
13Last Long TimeCatcher123227Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Block, Sure Feet, Leap, +AG, +STm, m, m, -ma, m, m, -ma, -av, m, d
6Don't Touch MeLineman40d
17 Albert StrongstoneLineman10d
12Run O the MillLineman80d
11General RunaroundLineman134205+ST, Guard, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklem, m, -av, -av, d
9Standing UpLineman196+MAm, d
6Ready for the HitLineman89Block-ma, -av
3Knows His JobLineman1716Block, Dodge-ag, d
20 Cory WhiterockLineman10d
2N'TrnceWardancer52187Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, +AG, Strip Ball, Diving Tackle, Jump Upm, m, m, n, m, m, m, m, d
18 Cory TruestoneLineman10d
6Going For GoldLineman23d
6Tightrope WalkingLineman10d
18 Howard HideouseagleLineman10d
1D'NceWardancer2654Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, Diving Tacklem, d
19 William SilentsnakeLineman10d
18 Cory WhitestreamLineman10d
4Chucks AwayThrower6095Pass, Block, Dodge, Leader, Tackle, Sure Handsm, m, m, m, -av, m, d
17 Evander GoldfieldLineman10d
6Pass The Ball!!Thrower13Passd
3Keep On TruckingLineman110m, -ma, -av
20 Xavier DarkspikeLineman10d
12The Name of the GameCatcher10Catch, Dodge, Sprint-ag
17 Ulric VileeagleLineman10d
11Foot to FootLineman1828+AG, Blockm, d
9Going SidewaysLineman40m, n, m
5Branching OutTreeman47103Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab, Juggernaut, Multiple Block, Break Tackled
4More Line DutyLineman237Blockd
1Another Dance....??Wardancer2582Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Mighty Blow, Jump Up-av, m, m, d
12Ready For DutyLineman104d
1Jump AroundWardancer10Block, Dodge, Leapd
5Avoid At All CostsCatcher1218Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feetd
6Shortly....Lineman2310Blockm, m, m, -ag, -st
4Passing for the WinThrower99Pass, +MAm, d
3Whose Line is it?Lineman3217Block, Guard-st
2M'Sivve A'TtackWardancer41146Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, +AG, +MA, Side Step, Mighty Blowm, -ag, m, m, d
12Supporting RoleLineman1213+AVd
8Fast As Can BeCatcher77191Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Nerves Of Steel, Side Step, Sure Feet, Leap, Blockm, m, n, -ag, m, m, m, d
3Have another goLineman59Block-av
12Another time maybe..Lineman10d
17 Leroy DarkeagleLineman10d
11Ready for ActionLineman1810Blockm, m, m, d
10On The Ready LineLineman7039Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, m, m, m, -ma, m, -ma
8Martha Foo'KerWardancer723Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blowd
18 Cory QuickfieldLineman10d
2Eleven No MoreLineman93m, m, m, d
12A Game or two...Lineman50m, -ma
11Finally ElevenLineman30-ag
10Willy LastLineman50-ma
8Moar Der FodLineman60d
10Moar Fod DerLineman10-ma
8Regen AhoyLineman22d
17 Ulric VileboneLineman10d
10Der FodLineman30d
8A Long Time AliveLineman33m, -st
17 Ian DeeplightningLineman10d
5Close to the end...Lineman3039Guard, +ST, Blockm, m, -av, d
19 Trey DeepshieldLineman10d
7Its about time!Lineman153277+AG, +MA, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Leapm, m, m, m, -ma, m, -ma, m, m, -ma, m, d
20 Zachary HothawkLineman10d
5Briefly hereLineman22d
6Wont last longLineman329Block-ma, m, m
19 Kevin VilestreamLineman10d
18 William TrueshieldLineman10d
1Gudam HeadfcukerWardancer40135Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, Jump Up, Diving Tacklem, m, d
21 Evander HotsnakeLineman12d
4Chucks Away!Thrower3591Pass, Block, Strong Arm, Accurate, Dodge, Sure Handsd
11More than ElevenLineman70m, -av
8Get on the LineLineman20-ma
4Worth a TryLineman46Blockd
10Lets try that play again....Lineman719Block, Dodgem, d
8Another Liner Loner ManLineman30d
18 Howard HardshieldLineman10d
6Just a LonerLineman712Blockn
7He could be the OneLineman88Guard-ma, m, d
6On the Wings of a DoveCatcher35Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
8Return to the BreachLineman20-av
8Into the BreachLineman25-av
11Just a plain Lineman...Lineman38Blockm, d
7And Again..Lineman72-st
10The Old FlingThrower77Pass, Blockd
8Once more dear friendsLineman50d
7Go AgainLineman20-ag
6Fleet of FootCatcher835Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Block, Sure Feetd
13Spend your moneyLineman89Blockm, d
11Turned Out Nice AgainLineman92d
12An Expensive MistakeLineman2317Guard, Blockm, -ma, d
11Going LongCatcher53Catch, Dodge, Sprint-st
3Original Again..Lineman6888Block, Guard, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklem, d
9Just a plain Treeman...Treeman97198Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Guard, Grab, +MA, Multiple Block, +MAm, -st, m
1Chasing BallsWardancer44129Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prom, -ma, m, m, d
11Distin CousLineman96Guardm, -st
2Running HeadlessWardancer70240Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Jump Up, +MAm, m, m, m, d
1Running AroundWardancer13Block, Dodge, Leapd
5Elf of The LinageLineman5778Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Shadowingm, m, m, d
9The Great RedwoodTreeman1431Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grabd
3Liner ShminerLineman1315Block-st
22Sean SilentstreamLineman10d
5Surfing the LineLineman68Blockd
3Roll overLineman35-st
10The Line RunnerLineman3847Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, m, m, m, d
10Stay on the LineLineman24d
9On the ready lineLineman71m, -av
8Dod'r BloLineman3950Block, Dodge, Tacklem, -ma, -ma, -ma, m, d
8Dont wait around!Catcher21Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
7G'AgainLineman44102+AG, Dodge, Leap, Wrestle, Side Stepm, n, m, m, m, n, -st
19Robert BluesnakeLineman10d
10Leaping Above the RestLineman25d
4The New FlingThrower61107Pass, Strong Arm, Accurate, Leader, Sure Hands, Blockm, m, m, m, m, m, d
1Return HomeWardancer2140Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Frenzy-ag, d
7Lie Down ShepLineman10-av
20Sean GoldwingLineman19d
12Delicate ThingCatcher2893Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Block, Sure Feet, Nerves Of Steel, +MA-av, d
6FoddisLineman5663Block, Guard, Side Step, Dodgem, m, m, -av, -av, d
7G'Tar GoldleafLineman816Blockd
3Revenge of Vile PlopLineman2534Block, Dodge, +AGn, d
6Fir D'erLineman612Blockd
9Fo D'derLineman1111Dodge-ma, d
6Tria Gai N'linerLineman44-av
10Kalhi DeepleafLineman1610Blockm, m, -ma, d
1V IteCatcher2485Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +ST, Side Step, Leap, Block, Guard-ma, m, d
19Robert DirtyfieldLineman10d
7Wha TagainLineman1623Block, Dodgem, d
3Mucho Vile PlopLineman1722Dodge, Block-ag
5LooklikeyLineman3942Block, Dodge, Tacklem, -ma, -ag, n, d
7Elfi TreelineLineman23-av
9EverreadyLineman1112Wrestlem, m, d
17Duane WeakorcLineman10d
11The Great OakTreeman5383Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Juggernautm, m, m, -ma
1I want to be a TreeTreeman30Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mated
12Anot HerlinelfLineman3131Wrestle, Dodge, Tackle-ma, m, m, m, d
18Aaron WeakwingLineman10d
17Albert StronglightningLineman12d
10Can't Dodge EnoughLineman163m, -ag
17Julius VilehawkLineman15d
8Dont throw it away!Thrower5173Pass, Mighty Blow, Block, Dodge, Guard-av, m, n
6Loriel J'manLineman1414Blockm, m, -av, d
3Thorin OaknHoldTreeman1528Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Jump Upd
5MVP All day!Lineman1123Block, Dodged
2Going AgainWardancer80210Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Jump Up, +ST, Strip Ballm, m, m, d
22Kevin ClearhammerLineman10d
4I want to liveWardancer58224Block, Dodge, Leap, +ST, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, +MA, Side Stepm, m, m, m, -ma, m, -av, d
10Lone RangeLineman69Wrestled
10Stand Me UpLineman10-av
6Niggle MeLineman96Wrestle-ma, -ma
10Knock Me DownLineman21-ma
8Lastin'Lineman2217Wrestle, Dodged
17Sean DeeptreeLineman10d
6Gonita LoneLineman56Dodge-st
5Light 'em upThrower1327Pass, Dodge, Blockn, d
18Cory WhiteorcLineman10d
17Aaron ClumsyeagleLineman10d
5Floating on AirThrower51Pass-ag
5Angel WingsThrower20Passd
4Dance AroundWardancer2368Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, +MA, Side Step, Sprintm, m, m, n, -av, -av
4L F OddaLineman20d
5Winged MessangerThrower87Pass, Blockd
10Long HaulLineman910Blockm, d
4Got To MoveLineman916Block, Dodged
6Dance and GoWardancer1428Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step-st
4Cup WinnerLineman36Wrestled
4Certain For EternityLineman30-ma
6Go DanceWardancer812Block, Dodge, Leap, +STd
1Qiucker, Quicker!Catcher63151Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Wrestle, Sure Feet, Jump Up, Sure Handsm, m, -av, m, n
11B LodgerLineman2331Guard, Mighty Blowm, -av, d
5Winging ItThrower1814Pass, Blockm, d
1CerrisWardancer30Block, Dodge, Leap-ma
10Back from BeyondLineman166Blockd
13The Lone ElfLineman4336Block, +AG, Guardm, m, d
5Fast and Not so SteadyThrower136Pass, Blockm, -ag
5Elf TrainLineman40-av
12Valenwood LeafLineman1722Block, Dodgem, d
9Wings of a DoveThrower91218Pass, Block, Accurate, Dodge, +AG, Sure Hands, Strong Arm-ma, m, m, -ma, n, m, m, m, d
11Master of the ForestLineman1923Block, Dodgem, -ag, m
18Leroy PalerockLineman10d
10Long Time RunningLineman170m, m, -av
6Run, Forest, Run!Catcher2559Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Guard, Side Step, Sure Feet-av, m, d
18Robert DarkhammerLineman10d
7EverlastinLineman109214Block, +AG, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Strip Ballm, n, m, m, m, m, d
8Getting OldLineman5842Block, Dodge, Tacklem, m, -ag, m, n, d
5Long Time ChugginLineman133m, m, m, -ma
4Certainty EternityLineman3574+ST, Block, Tackle, Dodge-ma, m, m, m, m, d
3TraRarFacCaWardancer89155Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Frenzy, Strip Ballm, m, m, m, m, m, -ag, m, -av
6Can't Catch MeCatcher1730Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Guard, Wrestle-av, n, m, d
7For EternityThrower1316Pass, Blockm, d
11Quick End For An ElfLineman2622Block, Guardm, -st
10One of those Hero typesLineman2324Block, Dodgen, m, d
5Long LastingLineman1117Block, Dodgem, d
10Short LivedLineman40d
7Just Hang OnLineman1111Blockd
11Run Like the WindCatcher816Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feetm, d
17Jack HideousfireLineman10d
1MyyWardancer58130Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ballm, m, -ma, m, m, m, m, d
10Loner To WonderLineman96Blockm, n, -ma
8Trying AgainLineman3357+ST, Block, Mighty Blow, +AG-ma, d
7There for a coupleLineman77+STm, m, -st
4Never EndingLineman3327Block, Tacklem, m, m, -av, d
5Can't Do WithoutLineman178Blockm, -ag, n
7Can't Do WithLineman40d
4More than BeforeLineman10-ma
18William HideousorcLineman15d
7Doomed For EternityLineman1120+ST, Blockm, d
3ForevranevraWardancer4086Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, +ST, Diving Tacklem, m, d
12Gonna LastLineman6184Block, +MA, Dodge, Side Step, Sure Feetm, m, d
11Ages and AgesLineman1927Block, Guardm, m, -ag, -av, m
7Never Leaving The ForestLineman911+MAd
18Tristan StrongfieldLineman10d
7Time Has No MeaningLineman33d
11Another One ForeverLineman10d
9Sails Through the WindThrower78200Pass, Block, Dodge, Sure Hands, Strong Arm, Nerves Of Steel, Accuratem, m, m, d
8From the Promised LandLineman3396+AG, Dodge, Block, Leap, Side Stepm, n, -av, d
6Sprinting HomeCatcher53146Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Nerves Of Steel, Side Step, Block, Pro, +AG-av, m, m, -ma, m, -ma
17George SilentshieldLineman10d
5For the Long HaulLineman2419Block, Guard-av, -st
4Playing ForeverLineman3427Block, Dodgem, -av
18Ulric QuickeagleLineman10d
7A Long Time ComingLineman98Blockm, m, d
7A Second LifeLineman27Blockd
9Staying PutLineman90m, -ma
9Here To StayLineman10n
8Going LongLineman81-ma
7Taking AgesThrower514Pass, Blockd
5All The WayLineman711Blockm, n, -ma
2Southwards Is DownhillTreeman172239Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, Grab, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Juggernautm, m, m, d
6A New BeginningLineman1613Blockm, d
17Vincent PaleshieldLineman10d
17Evander VileeagleLineman10d
8The Classic QBThrower56Pass, Sure Handsn
18Brian GoldtreeLineman10d
3EverevaWardancer45110Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, +AG, Strip Ball, +MAm, d
9Char Llo TeWardancer10Block, Dodge, Leapd
2Barking MadTreeman1817Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab-av
12Beaten to DeathLineman625+AG, Dodged
11Going to LastLineman1418Block, Dodged
9Just a chanceLineman97Blockd
5Could he be The One?Lineman3537+MA, Block, Guardm, -st
5Return of the MountainTreeman12Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mated
19Howard WhitestoneLineman10d
9Start AgainLineman310d
6A Long Time ComingLineman3444+MA, Dodge, +MAm, d
18Paul WhitespikeLineman10d
2FC16Wardancer2015Block, Dodge, Leap, Frenzy-ag, d
10Second Time AroundLineman90114Block, Dodge, Kick, Guard, Side Stepm, m, -ma, m, m, -ma, -st
17Yorick ClumsyfistLineman10d
11Better with TimeLineman59+AGn, -av
19Kevin HardshieldLineman10d
10Turning it AroundLineman77Blockd
6For the long haulLineman1312Dodgem, d
10Born AgainLineman30d
17Harold VilebrookLineman15d
6Maybe live......Lineman20-av
20Zachary QuickfireLineman10d
8Over The AgesThrower56119Pass, Block, +AG, Nerves Of Steel, Strong Arm, Dodgem, d
6Going EonsLineman31d
10EverlastingLineman410Guardm, d
2EF16Wardancer2778Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Guardm, m, m, d
2EvNewSeaWardancer12Block, Dodge, Leap-ma
18Billy HideousbrookLineman10d
9LastingLineman2926+ST, Guard-ma, m, n, d
9Almost ExtinctLineman516Blockd
17Osmond HideoushammerLineman10d
18Aaron TrueeagleLineman10d
7Gone the way of the DodoLineman7992+ST, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepm, m, m, -ma, m, -av, n
1MyymaWardancer127320Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Frenzy, Diving Tackle, Prom, n, m, m, n, m, m, -ag, m, n, m
18Ian BlueeagleLineman10d
8Honcho PonchoLineman2123Block, Mighty Blow-av, d
9Poor YorickLineman25-av
4FragoCatcher96325Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +ST, Block, +MA, Leap, +STm, m, m, -st, m, m, n, m, m, d
2EvFoEvWardancer2357Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Frenzym, m, m, d
12NewbyLineman2836Dodge, Block, Kickm, m, -av, -st
11DontchaLineman92m, d
10Any Luck at all?Lineman86Blockn, -st
9Holly MollyLineman1016Blockd
8GracefulLineman2120Dodge, Block-ag, m, d
2GoEverGoWardancer1516Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Diving Tacklem, d
17Aaron SilentstreamLineman10d
17Aaron DeepwingLineman15d
4FrogoCatcher2236Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Guard, +MAm, n, -ma, -av
18Ulric GrottyrockLineman10d
16Bottom BillyLineman3455Dodge, Wrestle, Kick, Jump Upm, n, -ma, d
10Lucky 10Lineman1824Block, Dodgem, -ma, -av
9Lin E FoddaLineman35m, d
4The Dodge MasterLineman76Mighty Blow-av
1My MaWardancer3995Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Prom, m, m, d
18Martin HideousrockLineman10d
17Evander HotfistLineman15d
1MhymaWardancer313Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blowd
17Edward WeakstoneLineman10d
17William GrottybrookLineman10d
3RubesLineman110129Dodge, Block, Guard, Side Step, Tacklem, m, m, -ma, m, m, m, -ag, -ag, d
8Dan The ManLineman134m, d
3Danny BoyLineman56+MAd
13Holly GLineman38d
12BellaLineman1919+MA, +MAm, -st
4JenLineman1824Block, Dodge-ma, n
11ClaudiaLineman2510Dodgem, m, -av
8CodyLineman2418Block, +MAd
18Jack StronglightningLineman10d
6GraceThrower89240Pass, Mighty Blow, Block, Tackle, Dodge, +MA, Side Stepm, m, m, d
18Sylvester DeepfieldLineman15d
7Benny BoyLineman6993Dodge, Block, +ST, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, -ma, m, n, m, -av, m, -av
11Holly MLineman61-av
5Return to the MountainTreeman126165Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Block, +MA, Guard, Grab, Multiple Blockm, m, m, -ag, m, -av, -ma, m, d
8Holly GLineman66Dodgem, d
8Steve WLineman10d
4Bill MacLineman2123+AG, Dodgem, d
6StuThrower1723Pass, +MA, +STd
3ShaneLineman3450Mighty Blow, Block, Tacklem, m, m, m, d
9More speed....Catcher45137Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feet, Block, Jump Up, +MAm, m, -ma, m, n, m, d
18Ulric BluefieldLineman10d
9I feel the need...Catcher23Catch, Dodge, Sprint-av
5Mount MidoriyamaTreeman1210Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard-ma
12J CLineman2017+MA, Dodgem, m, d
11LeeamLineman149+MAm, -ag
10Big SteLineman3946Block, +ST, Dodgem, n, m, n, n, d
6OcksterLineman73m, d
19Yorick GoldstreamLineman10d
18Albert SilentrockLineman10d
2Ever-CharWardancer67230Block, Dodge, Leap, +AG, Side Step, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Frenzym, m, m, n, -av, m, m, d
12LiamLineman83m, -ag
18Billy VilefistLineman10d
9EzzerLineman118Blockm, n, -av
8Duke WhelanLineman2534Block, Dodge, Tacklem, -av, n
6Billy CurranLineman134m, n, d
4Billy MacLineman2411Block-ma, -ma, -av
19Sylvester HideouseagleLineman10d
1JemmymaWardancer67187Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Tackle, +MA, +ST, Diving Tackle, Strip Ballm, m, m, m, m, m, d
3Shaun ByrneThrower2653Pass, +MA, Accurate, Kick, Blockm, m, d
18Albert DeepfistLineman10d
1JemimaWardancer45Block, Dodge, Leapd
11Shane MasonCatcher2152Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Jump Up, Sure Feetm, n, n, d
3JackLineman41m, d
17Osmond DeepbrookLineman10d
8MikedLineman1523+ST, +MAd
17Kevin BluebrookLineman10d
17Evander GoldhammerLineman10d
10John CavoLineman2734Block, Guard, Dodgen, m, m, m, -st
10John CavLineman15d
11Shane MissemCatcher1746Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feet, Blockm, m, -st
18Osmond DirtyeagleLineman10d
6J BLineman2737Block, Dodge, Side Stepd
17Osmond VilefistLineman10d
4Ever4evaWardancer2248Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ballm, m, m, d
10DonLineman825Dodge, Blockm, d
18Sean QuickrockLineman10d
1KarusThrower2773Pass, Accurate, +ST, Block, Dodgem, n, -av, n
18Sean PalehawkLineman12d
18Tristan PalefieldLineman12d
17Jack QuicksnakeLineman10d
18Nicholas WeaklightningLineman10d
6God is an OwlLineman46Blockm, d
1HansolCatcher617Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Stepd
13SimmoLineman20n, d
9ThanLineman47124+MA, +MA, Wrestle, +ST, Mighty Blowm, m, m, m, d
2Char-Lo-SuiWardancer60171Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Tackle, +MA, Side Step, Diving Tackle-ma, m, m, m, m, -av, -ma, m, -ag
6JackLineman1614Dodgen, m, d
12SammyCatcher1921Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Nerves Of Steeld
1KendalLineman1817Dodge, Blockm, d
12JackCatcher20Catch, Dodge, Sprintd
10TumLineman2023Wrestle, +AGm, m, -av, d
4EverforeverWardancer42130Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Side Step, Frenzy, +MAm, -ma, -st
4E4everWardancer218Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Stepd
12GregorCatcher1116Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Guardm, -ma, d
11LeeThrower3145Pass, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Blockm, m, m, n, m, -ma, -av, -av
6BlakeyLineman1711Blockm, n, n
8BennyLineman5763Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklem, -ma, m, m, -ma, -ma, m, m, d
17Cory FastspikeLineman10d
7BenLineman12097Guard, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, m, m, m, m, m, m, -av, d
6GazzaLineman57Dodgen, d
3A JayLineman6777Dodge, Wrestle, Side Step, Tackle, Jump Upm, n, -av, m
19George GrottystreamLineman10d
18Albert TruestreamLineman10d
11GrayLineman50n, d
10TimLineman2653Guard, Block, Side Step, Dodge-st
9TomLineman4062Block, Dodge, Side Step, +AGm, m, m, d
8GazLineman107Dodgem, d
7GregLineman1017Mighty Blowm, d
5Nova ScotiaTreeman118130Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab, Juggernaut, Multiple Block, Break Tacklem, -ag, m, -av, d
18Edward WhitetreeLineman10d
1KendyLineman3034Guard, Block, Side Stepm, n, m, n, m, m, n
18Billy TruefieldLineman10d
6MikewLineman1531Dodge, Block, Side Stepd
5ColeLineman58Mighty Blow-av, d
2Charli-OteyWardancer49149Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, +MA, Prom, m, m, d
18Jack WhitelightningLineman10d
1Sco_TeyTreeman810Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guardd
17Ulric VilehawkLineman10d
1Sco-DeeTreeman27Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mated
1Scoo-TeeTreeman20Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mated
18Aaron QuickeagleLineman10d
20David BluebrookLineman10d
9TozzerThrower31Pass-av, d
5ChuckleThrower1635Pass, Dodge, Fend, Blockd
6BennyCatcher1522Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +MA-av, d
7Ay - JayLineman1112Blockm, d
19Graham HardlightningLineman10d
18David QuickeagleLineman10d
6Mi KeyCatcher313Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Stepd
5NathThrower56Pass, Accurated
17Evander HardwingLineman10d
19David PaleorcLineman10d
18Evander GoldeagleLineman10d
17Fredrick WhiteorcLineman10d
17Xavier QuickspikeLineman11d
1Sco-teyTreeman1931Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Juggernaut, Guard, Grabd
20Sylvester SilenthawkLineman10d
4Ney-o-meyWardancer58241Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Side Step, +MA, Pro, Tackle, Strip Ballm, m, m, d
19David HottreeLineman12d
1Scottie 2HTreeman22Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate-ma
12MikewCatcher1527Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +AGd
8TimLineman3447Block, +ST, Dodgem, m, m, -st
9PhillyThrower710Pass, Mighty Blow-av, m
11DanLineman4647Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, m, n, d
8BenCatcher920Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feetd
2Char-Lo TeyWardancer44120Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Juggernaut, Guard, +AG, +AGm, m, m, n, d
12TimLineman55-av, -ma
10SamCatcher3827Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Guardn, m, d
4BobThrower1950Pass, Block, Dodge, Nerves Of Steeld
9PhilLineman1537Dodge, Block, Side Stepn
8LOS ManLineman93-av
19Zachary BluelightningLineman10d
17Cory ClearhammerLineman15d
20Jack WhiterockLineman15d
1ScoottleTreeman2834Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grabd
18Albert DeeprockLineman10d
17William ColdshieldLineman10d
7SiLineman2953Block, Dodge, Side Step, +STd
6JaseLineman3049Block, Dodge, Side Stepm, m, n, n
7McaieLineman30n, m, d
8LobbyThrower1321Pass, Mighty Blow, Blockm, -av, d
7BonessLineman723Dodge, Blockd
17Duane StrongspikeLineman10d
5MyyyaWardancer44126Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Diving Tackle, Jump Upm, n, n, m, m, d
9MikkeLineman2111Block-av, d
10LoockancyCatcher1538Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Nerves Of Steel, Side Step, Fendm, m, -ma, -av
12SkyyeLineman96+AGn, -ma
11ChuckyThrower2437Pass, +ST, Block, Dodgem, n, m, -av, n, -ag
10LuukseeCatcher910Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Stepm, -ag
7MellynaWardancer1725Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, +AGd
19Ulric ClearboneLineman10d
3SofeLineman108172Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, +AGm, m, m, m, m, m, -ma, -av, -st
2CharlottieWardancer5096Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, +MA, Side Step, Jump Up, Strip Balln, n, -ag, d
18Harold DarktreeLineman10d
12LuccycatLineman72m, d
11AdamieLineman611+AGm, -av, d
17Graham FastbrookLineman10d
17Robert FastlightningLineman10d
6N I ColeCatcher4078Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +AG, Leap, Strip Ball, Dauntlessm, d
5Max YdogThrower1946Pass, Strong Arm, Sure Hands, +AGd
2Charl LoteWardancer825Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Tackle-ma, -st
17Duane PalehawkLineman12d
17Brian PaletreeLineman10d
8MatickaLineman3851Wrestle, Dodge, Guard, Tacklem, m, -av, n, d
3Mel LanaWardancer1628Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Guardd
5N IcolThrower1028Pass, Dodge, Block-av
9AnddnaLineman3614Blockm, m, m, -ma, m, d
1Scooter I.M.Treeman6166Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, Guard, Grab, Break Tackle, Juggernautm, m, -ma
13Huggie BearLineman91-st
7JesscattCatcher2961Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Sure Feet, Block, Prom, d
9AndandLineman70m, n
8RickLineman45m, d
11AzelLineman146Guardm, -st
7JessecatCatcher1219Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Nerves Of Steel, Side Step-ma
3MellanaWardancer2350Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Tackle, Side Stepm, -ag, m
10M IkeyThrower4466Pass, Block, +MA, Sure Hands, Nerves Of Steelm, m, m, r
9JesscekaCatcher920Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +MAd
12AndersCatcher3171Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Nerves Of Steel, Side Step, Block, Guardm, m, m, m, d
11HazeLineman1910Guard-ma, m, d
17Cory ClearbrookLineman10d
10NicsLineman1010Guardm, m, d
18Osmond GoldrockLineman10d
9MicheCatcher1332Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +MA, Side Stepd
4ColeyLineman107131Dodge, Wrestle, +MA, Mighty Blow, +AGm, m, m, m, n, m, m, d
19Vincent ClearfistLineman10d
6MarleyLineman4443+MA, Dodge, Wrestlem, m, m, m, m, m, d
19Ulric HardboneLineman10d
2C.HarlWardancer5296Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, Pro, Jump Upm, -av, m, m, m, d
11MacyLineman1731Guard, +AG, Blockd
7BonesyLineman3230Dodge, +AGm, m, m, d
4AandreaCatcher1013Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Stepd
11Mikey DLineman515Dodged
9CarloLineman1211Guardm, m, -ma, d
2CharlWardancer1738Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Strip Ball, Jump Up-ma, -ag
10PatoThrower2344Pass, Sure Hands, Pro, Blockm, -ma, m, -ma
6Big ECatcher1842Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Nerves Of Steel, +AGm, -ma, m, d
3MaxyWardancer4890Block, Dodge, Leap, Jump Up, +AG, Strip Ball, +MA, Mighty Blowm, m, d
7LuccyLineman1522+AG, Dodged
10MaxWardancer1617Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Jump Upm, -ma, d
2CharlizeWardancer2023Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Stepm, n, -ma
3ChuckThrower1940Pass, +MA, +MA, Sure Handsd
8MatyLineman6557Dodge, Block, Tackle, +AGm, -ma, m, m, m, m, m, m, d
7SskyeLineman1925Dodge, Guardn, -ma, d
2CharlieWardancer814Block, Dodge, Leap, Jump Up-av
5NicolThrower89154Pass, Block, +ST, Tackle, Dodge, +MAm, -ag, m, m, m, m, m, n, m, m, -ma, d
8MarleyCatcher710Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Stepd
4AndreaCatcher41114Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, Wrestle, Sure Feet, Sure Hands, Nerves Of Steelm, m, d
4NiomiiCatcher20Catch, Dodge, Sprint-av
13SubsLineman5041Dodge, Guard, Mighty Blowm, m, m, m, m, n, n
21Ian ColdsnakeLineman10d
6MikeeLineman2817Dodge, Blockm, d
17George WhitefireLineman10d
20Nicholas HideousfistLineman13d
17Kevin PaleeagleLineman10d
9MmyaLineman4042Dodge, Block, Side Stepm, m, m, m, n, m, d
2Char LotteWardancer1516Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Side Stepd
2MellenaWardancer53Block, Dodge, Leapd
21Aaron HardstreamLineman10d
20Vincent BluerockLineman10d
17Robert DirtyspikeLineman10d
1ScooterTreeman110157Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, +MA, Guard, Grab, Juggernaut, Break Tacklen, m, -ag, m, m, n, m, -av, m, m, m
2ScottieTreeman12Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mated
10FrannyWardancer3773Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Ball, Prom, -av, d
2MaycyThrower617Pass, Block, Dodgem, -st
12NicoleLineman716Dodge, +MAd
18Aaron ClearstreamLineman15d
8SykeLineman1512Blockm, -st
19Leroy SilentstoneLineman10d
7MyyaaLineman3971+AG, Dodge, +MA, Sure Feetm, m, n, m, -av, -ma, d
3MacieLineman4422Guard, +MA-ag, -ag, m, d
7SkyyThrower610Pass, +MAm, d
3MyaCatcher27Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step-st
17Zachary DeeplightningLineman10d
1CharlieWardancer3081Block, Dodge, Leap, Side Step, Tackle, +AG, Jump Up, Strip Ballm, -av, d
11MeelanaLineman83105Dodge, Block, +MA, Side Step, Diving Tacklem, n, m, m, -ma, -av
9CarlaLineman4155Dodge, Block, +AG, Strip Ballm, n, m, m, m, m, -av
12SkyLineman1726Dodge, Blockm, -ma, -av, m, d
8OliviaaCatcher1933Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +MAm, d
17Tristan StrongspikeLineman10d
17Tristan VilehawkLineman10d
11EelLineman1813Dodgem, -av
10EellaaLineman3745+AG, Dodge, +MAm, m, d
9EmmillyLineman86Guardm, d
7EllaThrower2131Pass, Dodge, Leader, Blockm, m, m, d
1CharWardancer3181Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Pro, Strip Ballm, m, d
18Nicholas PaleeagleLineman10d
17Paul FastrockLineman10d
3AdaLineman2611Kickm, -ma, d
11ELLLineman75m, d
9EelleeLineman30-ma, d
1CharlottWardancer1015Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blowm, d
18Zachary ClearhawkLineman10d
17Ian SilentspikeLineman10d
6MikeyThrower77146Pass, +ST, +AG, Block, Mighty Blow, Tacklem, d
14MiaeLineman4933Block, Dodge, Tackle-ma, n, m, -ma, m, -av
5NiomianCatcher87185Catch, Dodge, Sprint, +AG, Wrestle, Leap, Side Step, Sure Feet, Prom, -ma, m, m, m, -ma
9EllLineman2125Block, Dodgem, d
11AleshaLineman2111Block-av, -av
6ElleyThrower1214Pass, Blockd
18Graham FastorcLineman10d
1Char LotteWardancer2865Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Strip Ball, Tacklem, m, -st
12EllyLineman2519Block, Dodgem, -av, -ma, m, -ma
8SophieaCatcher52111Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Sure Feet, Side Step, Pro, Block, Jump Upm, m, m, n, n, -av, d
7NiomieCatcher1624Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Jump Up, +MAm, d
9CarloLineman1313Blockm, -ma, -st
6MiaoLineman126Block-ma, -av, d
13MikeLineman3126Dirty Player, Blockm, m, -ma, -ma, -ma, n, m
13Niomi IILineman10d
4ScottyTreeman118166Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Mate, +ST, Grab, Block, Multiple Block, Guardm, n, m, d
3AdamLineman4939Block, Dodge, Tacklem, n, -ma, -ma, m
10MelanaThrower60124Pass, Accurate, Sure Hands, +MA, Block, Dodgem, m, m, -av, d
8NiomiaCatcher1115Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Wrestlem, d
13ScottTreeman70Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Loner, Take Root, Throw Team-Matem, d
12SophieCatcher1834Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Side Step, +MA, Sure Feetd
11OliviaLineman1720Block, Dodgem, m, d
9MiaLineman135-ma, -av
8NiomiLineman51m, -ag
10MellaniaLineman50-ma, -av
7ElleThrower1831Pass, Sure Hands, Block, Accurate-ma, d
6AleshiaLineman1411+MA-ma, d
5EmilyLineman3648Block, Dodge, Strip Ballm, d
2FrancesscaWardancer115305Block, Dodge, Leap, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Jump Up, Tackle, +ST, Side Stepm, n, m, m, -st, m, n, m, m, -st
1CharlotteWardancer2059Block, Dodge, Leap, +MA, Side Step, Sprint, Tacklem, -ma, d