Past Players of [SL] Frozen Phantoms
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
13 | High or Low | Spirit Hosts | 1 | 0 | Foul Appearance, No Hands, Regeneration, Titchy | |
10 | Stark Munro | Spirit Hosts | 13 | 4 | Foul Appearance, No Hands, Regeneration, Titchy | m, d |
8 | John Huxford | Spirit Hosts | 5 | 5 | Foul Appearance, No Hands, Regeneration, Titchy | d |
6 | J. Habakuk Jephson | Spirit Hosts | 12 | 0 | Foul Appearance, No Hands, Regeneration, Titchy | m, m, m, d |
4 | Elias B. Hopkins | Spirit Hosts | 7 | 0 | Foul Appearance, No Hands, Regeneration, Titchy | -ma, m |
2 | Reginald Blake | Wraith | 13 | 10 | Leap, Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Very Long Legs, Regeneration, Stab, Block | m, d |
1 | Jill the Reckless | Banshee | 16 | 47 | Leap, Foul Appearance, Very Long Legs, Hypnotic Gaze, Regeneration, Dodge, Block, Pro | d |