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* * * Did you know? The fouliest player is Bruce Wayne XVII with 2010 fouls.
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Past Players of Gonzales Critters
Team Page
12Reddie IVLineman32d
12Reddie IIILineman91-st
17Kevin VilestreamLineman15d
12Bloody Red IVLineman10d
2BackyarderGutter Runner1314Dodge, Weeping Dagger, Blockm, -ma
2SalaryGutter Runner30Dodge, Weeping Dagger-av
1Papa GonzalesGutter Runner218Dodge, Block, Catch-ag
7Long Bomb RedThrower2146Sure Hands, Pass, Big Hand, Block, +AG-av, m, -av, n
10Red Brown IIILineman237Hornsm, m, m, -av
9Brown IILineman2710Leaderm, -ag
13Red XILineman287Wrestlem, m, d
7Trainee RatThrower87Pass, Sure Hands, Extra Armsm, -av
2RatatanGutter Runner1015Dodge, Blockd
4Rat KingGutter Runner2046Dodge, Weeping Dagger, Block, Very Long Legs, Sprint-ag
9Normal Red IIILineman70d
12Bloody Red IIILineman213d
1RatahontasGutter Runner1526Dodge, Block, Pass Block 
3Miinu-LiisGutter Runner919Dodge, Block, Diving Tackled
8Christmas Red IIILineman3933Kick, Block, Strip Ball-ma, m, n
13Red XLineman100m, n
10All Red IIILineman190n
4YelenaGutter Runner817Dodge, Block, Dirty Player-ag
13Red IXLineman41m, n
13Red VIIILineman60-av
16Tiny RatRat Ogre3037Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle-av
3SlashGutter Runner1212Dodge, Blockd
4SofiGutter Runner1642Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Dirty Playerd
14Fumbbl RedThrower3968Pass, Sure Hands, +AG, Block, Accurate, +AG-ma
13Red VIILineman63m, -ag
11Brown Red IIILineman74149Claw, Block, Tackle, Pro, Claw, Strip Ballm, n
12Red Brown IILineman3131Block, Claw, Dirty Player-ma, n
4TurboGutter Runner1034Dodge, Block, Pass Block, Dirty Playern
3VinskiGutter Runner1542Dodge, Horns, Block, Tackled
7Passingly Red IIThrower3544Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Block, Dump-Off 
9Reddish IIILineman3020Block, Guardd
16TralalaRat Ogre1643Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Claw, Multiple Blockd
1ModoGutter Runner3594Dodge, Block, Shadowing, Side Step, Tackle, Dauntlessm, -av
10All Red IILineman3331Block, Tackle, Strip Ballm, -av
15Light Brown IILineman5746+AG, Block, Sure Hands 
14Reddie IILineman133d
4Mutated OneGutter Runner920Dodge, Block, Tackled
11Brown Red IILineman85d
9Reddish IILineman73d
13Red VILineman1811Blockd
6Rastaf RatStorm Vermin3620Block, Guard, Tackled
10All RedLineman115d
3Karo-LiisGutter Runner1759Dodge, Block, +MA, +ST, Leapn
7Avenageru RukasirukaStorm Vermin57Block, Guardd
2Iida-LiisGutter Runner61144Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle, Side Step, Tackle, +AG, +MA-ag, m, -ag
11Bloody Red IILineman98Blockd
7RastarovjaStorm Vermin47Blockd
6Red VLineman105d
5Sole RatStorm Vermin72118Block, +AG, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +AGm, n
4Miinu-LiisGutter Runner1581Dodge, Block, +MA, Sure Feet, Very Long Legs, Pass Blockn
14Sniper HurrThrower2047Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Safe Throw, Blockd
12Pinkish Red IILineman2219Block, Tackle-ma, -st, n, m
10Coke Red IIILineman1820Block, Tacklem, n
2StravengeGutter Runner1226Dodge, Block, Pass Blockd
12Normal Red IILineman20m, n
11Bright Red IIILineman1313Blockm, n
10Coke Red IILineman32m, n
11Bright Red IILineman30m, n
6Iron GrayishStorm Vermin115Block-ma, m, n
9Christmas Red IILineman2910Blockm, n
8Duck Red IIILineman7272Foul Appearance, Block, Pass Block, +STd
7Red IVLineman183d
15Handy Rat GorrThrower3163Pass, Sure Hands, Big Hand, Accurate, Dump-Off, Safe Throw-ma, m
15MutasplinterThrower16Pass, Sure Hands, Blockn
4BouncheryGutter Runner2086Dodge, +AG, Block, Leap, Pass Block, +AGd
3RakastamoiGutter Runner2558Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle, Tackle, Side Stepd
11Duck Red IILineman35d
8Red IIILineman75d
2HolydingleGutter Runner1856Dodge, Block, +ST, Tackle, Side Stepm, n
2LamborghininiGutter Runner19Dodge, Leapn
1MegapeachGutter Runner51223Dodge, Horns, Block, Tackle, Claw, Claw, Pro, Strip Balln, n, d
11Duck RedLineman87Blockd
1InstantnoodleGutter Runner26Dodge, +MAd
6Steel GrayStorm Vermin168Block, Guardd
11Normal RedLineman35m, n
10Coke RedLineman245-ma, d
9Christmas RedLineman172d
8Red IILineman72-av
4LightwhiskerGutter Runner1543Dodge, Block, Sure Hands, Diving Tackle-av, d
3WhirlflameGutter Runner1542Dodge, +MA, Block, Side Stepn, m, -av
7Bloody RedLineman202m, n
12Bright RedLineman2047+AG, Dodge, +STd
13Pinkish RedLineman61d
9RedLineman100m, n
12potkThrower00Pass, Sure Hands 
2SnapGutter Runner2186Dodge, +MA, Block, Catch, Sure Feet, Diving Tackle 
16Lalala!Rat Ogre63147Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Block, Break Tackle, Guard, Multiple Block, Claw, Juggernautn, n
11Brown RedLineman175m, n
15Passingly BrownThrower40Pass, Sure Handsd
14Passingly RedThrower1216Pass, Sure Hands, Block, Accurate 
6Earl GrayStorm Vermin2616Block, +MA, Strip Ball 
5Earl GreyStorm Vermin6495Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Shadowing, Foul Appearanced
14Yellow BrownLineman52d
13Gray BrownLineman1113Block-av
4BlazeGutter Runner2977Dodge, +MA, Block, Catch, Sure Feet, Diving Tacklem, n
12BrownLineman1731Block, Tackle, Shadowing-ma
16LalalaRat Ogre1412Mighty Blow, Frenzy, Prehensile Tail, Big Guy, Wild Animal, Tentacles-av, d
10Red BrownLineman2323Block, Strip Ball 
9All RedLineman2116Block, Shadowing 
8ReddishLineman3137Block, Tackle, Shadowing 
7Light BrownLineman3026Kick, Dauntlessd
4FastGutter Runner26Dodge, Blockm, n
3QuickoGutter Runner3087Dodge, Block, Pass Block, Diving Tackle, Sure Hands, Tackle 
2HastyGutter Runner1987Dodge, +MA, Block, Very Long Legs, Sure Feet, Catchn
1SpeedyGutter Runner39126Dodge, Very Long Legs, +ST, Horns, Block, Tackle, Shadowingm, -av, n