33 coaches online • Server time: 12:00
Past Players of Totally elfish
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
2 | Jermaine | Lineman | 1 | 0 | | |
8 | Bill | Lineman | 9 | 0 | | -ag |
14 | Hasty Jack | Catcher | 10 | 20 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, Diving Tackle | d |
13 | Steve | Lineman | 9 | 0 | | |
13 | Trevor the Daring | Lineman | 7 | 16 | Wrestle, +MA | d |
4 | Xavier Truefield | Lineman | 12 | 0 | | -ma |
10 | Yorick Hothawk | Thrower | 10 | 21 | Pass, Accurate, +MA | -ag |
7 | Trey Dirtyspike | Wardancer | 19 | 58 | Block, Dodge, Leap, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Strip Ball | m, d |
10 | Howard Stronghawk | Lineman | 3 | 0 | | -ag, m |
8 | David Clearbrook | Lineman | 27 | 38 | Kick, +ST, Mighty Blow | m |
7 | Billy Blueeagle | Lineman | 3 | 0 | | n |
6 | Leroy Viletree | Lineman | 39 | 20 | Dodge, Wrestle | m, m, d |
5 | Yorick Clumsyfire | Lineman | 5 | 0 | | -ma |
4 | Graham Fastsnake | Lineman | 13 | 7 | Guard | d |
3 | Vincent Palewing | Lineman | 15 | 16 | Block, +MA | m, d |
2 | Tristan Silentfist | Catcher | 30 | 108 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Block, +MA, +AG, Leap, +AG | m, d |
1 | Richard Hideousstream | Wardancer | 26 | 53 | Block, Dodge, Leap, Strip Ball, Wrestle, Tackle, +AG | m, -ag |