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* * * Did you know? The most touchdowns in a single match is 23.
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Past Players of Teef Rippas
Team Page
6TarodThrower00Sure Hands, Pass 
5T'ArdTroll10Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guym, n
16Fungus the LoonFanatic00Ball & Chain, Star 
6TarghedThrower2213Pass, Sure Hands, Blockm, n
15GarekkBlitzer1622Block, Mighty Blow, Guardm, n
12WanugBlitzer1630Block, Tackle, +STn, d
8HugagugLineman10m, -st
13VultogBlitzer3330Block, Guard, Tacklem, n
4IgnorgBlack Orc Blocker45m, -av
3KaganBlack Orc Blocker3531Guard, Block, Mighty Blown
11PrylaGoblin40Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffd
6TarfuThrower1631Pass, Sure Hands, Block, Accurate, Strong Armn
6TandaghThrower20Pass, Sure Handsm, -av
7MughraghLineman10m, n
4IgnatzBlack Orc Blocker138Blockd
8HugolmLineman199Blockm, -ma
1AgughBlack Orc Blocker3734Block, Guard, Mighty Blow-ma, m, n
11FipplaGoblin1910Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catchm, -ma
2BaghigBlack Orc Blocker130m, n
4IgmutBlack Orc Blocker1321Block, +MAn
14UghatBlitzer2422Block, Stand Firm, Frenzyd
7MugorimLineman208Diving Tacklem, n
13VulugBlitzer3132Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firmm, -av
15GaaktBlitzer3678Block, Stand Firm, +AG, Guard, Tackle, +STn
13VurbagBlitzer412Block, Tackled
5Da DentistTroll6133Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Block, Guard, Break Tacklen
14UggugBlitzer1021Block, Mighty Blow, Guardd
9RurigigLineman1516Block, Dirty Playerm, n
4IkkathBlack Orc Blocker157Mighty Blow-av
14UgghraBlitzer38Block, Guardd
6TaghigThrower3851Pass, Sure Hands, Block, Accurate, +MA, Dirty Playern
7MurbagLineman1813Guardn, m
1AghedBlack Orc Blocker3119Guard, Blockn
15GelubBlitzer20Blockm, n
12WakgutBlitzer5576Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Kick, Juggernaut-ma
3KabugbuBlack Orc Blocker4834Block, Guard, Stand Firmd
2BagdudBlack Orc Blocker2715Blockm, n
1AdgulgBlack Orc Blocker60m, n
11StudsaGoblin309Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catchd
7HagobLineman916+ST, Dirty Playerm, -st, n
1AbghatBlack Orc Blocker10d
4IkgnathBlack Orc Blocker189Blockd
4IgurgBlack Orc Blocker75d
11HoppaGoblin923Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catch, Sure Feetm, n
1BagdushBlack Orc Blocker121m, n
3KragorBlack Orc Blocker272m, n
10GankLineman8652Dirty Player, Block, Tackle, Sure Hands-av, d
10GoloLineman25m, n
13VrodishBlitzer5282Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, +ST, Tackle, Sure Hands-st, n
1HuurkBlack Orc Blocker1932Block, Guard, Mighty Blow-ma, n
2BrurbagBlack Orc Blocker3527Block, Guardm, n
15VroshnakBlitzer4054Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, +AG, Tacklem, n
5Gam'AmalTroll4632Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Break Tackle, +MAn
11SkuttaGoblin2912Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catchd
14KranakBlitzer5675Block, Guard, Stand Firm, +AG, Tacklen, m, -st
15BrirbagBlitzer916Block, Guard, Mighty Blown
7KridashLineman5219Block, Dirty Player-av, m, n
9RiragLineman69101Block, +ST, +AG, Frenzy, +MA-ag, -ma, m, n
5BracerTroll37Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guardm, -av
8GrorugLineman9676Dirty Player, Block, +AG, Sure Hands, Tacklen
14KrugashBlitzer1430Block, Guard, Tacklem, -av
12JoggaGoblin1919Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catch, Sure Feetd
5Amal'GamTroll86Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Blockm, n
10HinakLineman4732Diving Tackle, Block, Guardn, m, -ma
15GogarBlitzer3149Block, Stand Firm, Guard, Tackled
12D'RillTroll1530Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Blockd
6GuugdishThrower92100Pass, Sure Hands, Block, Accurate, Dirty Player, +MA, Tackle 
16GruurBlitzer79140Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, +AG, Sure Hands, Kickm, n
3VrurzBlack Orc Blocker6344+MA, Block, Frenzym, n
13KarkBlitzer4455Block, Guard, +ST, Stand Firm, Tacklen, d
5RusaGoblin2625Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catch, Sure Feetd
3KumogBlack Orc Blocker34m, n
1KamagBlack Orc Blocker5832Block, Guard, Mighty Blow-st, m
11RorgoshLineman4322Dirty Player, Blockm, n
6DraschThrower40Pass, Sure Handsd
6BraschThrower11Pass, Sure Handsd
6VraschThrower33Pass, Sure Handsd
16GulokBlitzer2755Block, +AG, Tackle, Dodge, Guardn, n
14GulakBlitzer5588Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Sure Hands, Strip Ballm, -ma
7RaschThrower4052Pass, Sure Hands, +AG, Block, Accurate, +AGd
10KutaGoblin2217Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catch, Sure Feetn
9OrgoshLineman3133Block, Guard, Tackle-ma, d
6QraschThrower910Pass, Sure Hands, +MAd
15GolukBlitzer4342Block, Tackle, Guard, Stand Firmd
14GolakBlitzer1223Block, Mighty Blow, Guardn
15GalukBlitzer73Blockm, n
7PraschThrower67Pass, Sure Hands, Accuratem, -st
11KilaGoblin98Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Blockd
13GalokBlitzer4040Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blowm, -ma
7KraschThrower43Pass, Sure Handsd
14GurukBlitzer1219Block, Tackle, Guardm, n
11LubbaGoblin1022Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, +AG, Catch-av, d
14GorokBlitzer418Block, Guard, Tacklen
12Gal'TorTroll6528Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Multiple Blockd
10FallaGoblin2930Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, +MA, Catchn, m, n
2KomagBlack Orc Blocker109126Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Break Tackle, Tackle, Kick-ag, n
11RamlaGoblin76Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catchd
9GorgoshLineman2916Kick, Block-av, m, n
8DorgoshLineman8735Kick, Block, Tacklem, -st
10TrillaGoblin65Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffd
11SnavaGoblin63Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffm, n
15GarakBlitzer4038Block, Guard, +AG, Tackle-ma, m, n
2KamugBlack Orc Blocker206Blockm, n
14GolokBlitzer3254Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Balld
13GulukBlitzer4876Block, Stand Firm, Guard, Frenzy, Tackle, Mighty Blown
12Tor'GalTroll3329Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Guard, Blockm, n
11BubblaGoblin2557Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catch, Block, Sure Feet, Side Stepd
10SnubblaGoblin2431Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, Catch, Sure Feet, Side Stepn
9SorgoshLineman2631+AG, Block, Pass Block-ma, m, n
8BorgoshLineman2117+ST, Blockd
7NorgoshLineman2826Kick, Guardd
6TraschThrower59106Pass, Sure Hands, Block, +MA, Strong Arm, +MA, Accurated
5GalakBlitzer68127Block, Guard, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Sure Hands, Stand Firmn
4KomogBlack Orc Blocker173250Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, +MA, +MA, Break Tackle, Tacklem, -st
3KumagBlack Orc Blocker90109Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Break Tackle, Frenzyd
2KomugBlack Orc Blocker1013Blockd
1KamogBlack Orc Blocker8692Block, Mighty Blow, +AG, Guard, Tackle-av, d