Past Players of Ravens of Change
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
9 | Bob | Blue Horror | 1 | 0 | Dodge, Big Hand, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
6 | Rifinn | Lord of Change | 4 | 2 | Leap, Mighty Blow, Foul Appearance, Very Long Legs, Loner, Regeneration, Wild Animal | -av, m |
7 | Khinc | Blue Horror | 11 | 0 | Dodge, Big Hand, Right Stuff, Stunty | -ag |
9 | Tho'und | Blue Horror | 13 | 0 | Dodge, Big Hand, Right Stuff, Stunty | -ma |
8 | Orzhin | Blue Horror | 11 | 3 | Dodge, Big Hand, Right Stuff, Stunty | m, d |
7 | Mivir | Blue Horror | 1 | 0 | Dodge, Big Hand, Right Stuff, Stunty | -st |
6 | Atzhoe | Blue Horror | 5 | 0 | Dodge, Big Hand, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
2 | Rintny'ose | Pink Horror | 7 | 14 | Extra Arms, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate, Block | -av, d |