Past Players of Wolfenburg Cubs
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
6 | Genevieve Barty | Receiver GA | 4 | 6 | Catch, Dodge, Block | |
9 | Wyatt Aloysius | Lineman G | 4 | 0 | | m, d |
11 | Matt Redfield | Lineman G | 12 | 16 | Wrestle, Guard | |
9 | Harry Wensley | Lineman G | 6 | 0 | | d |
8 | Brad Oram | All Rounder GASP* | 11 | 44 | Block, Stand Firm, Guard | m |
7 | Indy Thomas | Receiver GA | 9 | 22 | Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Sprint | |
6 | Jake Selby | Receiver GA | 8 | 17 | Catch, Dodge, Block, Diving Tackle | d |
5 | Calvin Upward | Quarterback GP | 12 | 33 | Sure Hands, Pass, On the Ball, +AG, Block, +AG | |
4 | Billy Derry | Quarterback GP | 12 | 24 | Sure Hands, Pass, On the Ball, Block, Guard, Tackle | |
3 | Kevin Pelton | Tight End GA** | 12 | 23 | Block, Guard, Diving Tackle, Side Step | |
2 | Alan Marson | Enforcer GS** | 12 | 36 | Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Frenzy | |
1 | Bob Jameson | Center S** | 11 | 15 | Thick Skull, Throw Team-Mate, Mighty Blow, Bone Head, Loner, Guard, +AG | m |